- R package - load, visualise and analyse daily updated data on the COVID-19 outbreak in Germany
- links to tools for monitoring / reporting covid-19
- Sample code for processing covid19 data
- An analysis of John Hopkins University COVID-19 time series data
- Analysis and reports based on novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) data
- Initial thoughts on local predictions
- 基于正在接受医学观察人数的一个探索性分析:趋势与拐点
- Adaptation of Tim Churches COV19 analyses to North Rhein-Westphalia, Germany
- covid_2019_competition_results.ipynb is main document with results were all the method is described
- Utility functions for the 2019-NCoV outbreak
- fl-covid19
- 2019-nCov noval coronavirus Data analysis in Python
- Miscellaneous code for analyzing COVID-19 in Seoul, Republic of Korea
- R package for "Epidemics: Models and data using R"
- Code for nCov forecasting tool (Shiny app)
- Code for modelling estimated deaths and cases for COVID19
- Agent-based modelling for resource allocation in viral crises to investigate resource allocation and policy interventions with respect to transmission rate
- Aspires to help the influx of bioRxiv / medRxiv papers on COVID-19
- An agent-based simulation of corona and other viruses in python
- Mathematical modelling of infectious disease in Python
- Microsimulation model of COVID infections over time
- several utilities to help wrangle COVID-19 data into a time-series format
- Multi-stage search with neural document reranking and paragraph highlighting on the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset
- Neural Covidex
- Covid tool development
- Optimization of genomic classifiers for clinical deployment: evaluation of Bayesian optimization for identification of predictive models of acute infection and in-hospital mortality
- 国际资讯|新冠病毒疫情中的计算机视觉技术应用
- Computer Vision in the Time of the Coronavirus Outbreak
- R scripts to process/cleanup data from the repo: into tidy datasets
- {tidycovid19}: An R Package to Download, Tidy and Visualize Covid-19 Related Data
- Collection of analyses, packages, visualisations of COVID19 data in R
- COVID-DI-Prototype: COVIDMinder Development
- Coronavirus Detected By Voice? Carnegie Mellon Researchers Develop App To ‘Listen’ For Signs Of COVID-19
- Compartmental epidemic models for forecasting and analysis of infectious disease pandemics
- An implementation of the University of Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics (CHIME) for use in any license of ArcGIS Pro 2.3 or higher
- Bayesian estimation of Rt (C code)
- An implementation of Metapopulation SIR model for forecasting epidemic transmission
- 【ICMR2020】持续健康状态接口事件检索
- Continuous Health Interface Event Retrieval
- R package to obtain and analyze live data from the nCOVID19 coronavirus
- Scripts to help pull & analyze Coronavirus data
- Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing -- Documents
- An interactive map of COVID-19 data with spatial analysis tools
- Knowledge Discovery for COVID19: Search the full text of CORD19 research papers on COVID 19
- Estimating Rt using a state space approach
- 使用Python,Google Sheets和Google Finance分析新冠病毒对股市的影响
- Analyzing the Impact of Coronavirus on the Stock Market using Python, Google Sheets and Google Finance
- 新冠疫情相似句对判定大赛 线上第一名方案
- Estimating Low Income Job loss due to COVID-19
- CoronaVis: A Real-time COVID-19 Tweets Analyzer-Paper
- CoronaVis: A Real-time COVID-19 Tweets Analyzer-Code
- Geostatistical analysis for epidemiology
- Statistical Process Control for Healthcare with R
- Model of 1997 measles outbreak in Sao Paulo, Brazil
- IVIG treatment response for Kawasaki disease
- Psychosocial determinants of weight study using the Healthy Weight Cohort
- simple script to generate a projection of beds required to support given trajectory of covid19 cases requiring hospitalisation
- COVID-19: Face Mask Detector with OpenCV, Keras/TensorFlow, and Deep Learning
- Preprint uploads during the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic
- medrxiv-coronavirus-preprints
- COVID-19 Preprints: This repository contains code used to extract details of preprints related to COVID-19 and visualize their distribution over time
- This script does topic modelling on the latest academic pre-prints on coronavirus to see if there were any unusual patterns. Its a total experiment and I have written an article summarising the things I thought were interesting
- Preprints from the BDI Pathogen Dynamics team about COVID-19 suppression through digital contact tracing
- Coronavirus in context: tracks positive and negative citations for COVID-19 literature
- Publicly available data, source code, and other resources prepared by the COV-IND-19 Study Group in response to the COVID-19 outbreak in India
- Broutonlab face recognition with medical masks
- 使用OpenCV、Keras/TensorFlow和深度学习实现口罩探测器
- COVID-19: Face Mask Detector with OpenCV, Keras/TensorFlow, and Deep Learning
- “公益AI之星”挑战赛-新冠疫情相似句对判定大赛
- How I built a Face Mask Detector for COVID-19 using PyTorch Lightning
- 独家 | COVID-19:利用Opencv, Keras/Tensorflow和深度学习进行口罩检测
- Truck Detection with Sentinel-2 during COVID-19 crisis
- 数据科学家看过来!高效收集和挖掘疫情数据必备工具包
- COVID-19 Projections Using Machine Learning
- 独家 | 基于NLP的COVID-19虚假新闻检测(附代码)
- California COVID Assessment Tool
- 【居民出行调查Online】疫情环境下,如何实施居民出行调查?|城市数据派
- Dr Haiel for COVID-19 | 霍普金斯俱乐部团队发布新冠新工具
- Software to fit multivariate spatio-temporal areal unit models with data visualisations of the results
- Projections of COVID-19, in standardized format
- Generates an animation of COVID-19 data
- Data extraction tools for the Covid-19 outbreak
- COVID-19 Coronavirus data scraped from government and curated data sources
- 隔离宅在家,我自己做了个社交距离检测器
- Teaching Statistics in the Coronavirus Era
- Covid19 Data Analysis
- Next-generation serverless crawler for COVID-19 data
- COVID-19 App
- 独家 | 可预测COVID-19病例峰值的新算法
- A new predictive algorithm aims to forecast COVID-19 case spikes
- Models of COVID-19 outbreak trajectories and hospital demand
- 新冠疫情相似句对判定,快速匹配准确答案
- epitweetr: Early Detection of Public Health Threats from Twitter Data
- 14岁印度裔女孩因新冠潜在疗法赢得16万奖金,通过信息学筛出病毒先导分子
- OCHA-Bucky Model: Modeling COVID-19 to inform humanitarian operations
- 空间数据分析之疫情分析
- R code to find clusters of COVID cases & contacts
- CovsirPhy: Python package for COVID-19 analysis with phase-dependent SIR-derived ODE models
- An Interface to the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker API
- PandemicLP: Long Term Prediction for Epidemic and Pandemic Data
- Extended Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovery (SEIR) Model for handling high False Negative Rate and Symptom based administration of diagnostic tests
- SpatialCOVID19
- COVID-19 Vaccine Spotter
- 精选| 2021年4月R新包推荐(第53期)
- Code for the COVID-19 wider impacts on the health care system publication
- 精选| 2021年5月R新包推荐(第54期)
- EpiNow2: Estimate real-time case counts and time-varying epidemiological parameters