资源 综合性研究
- A novel coronavirus outbreak of global health concern
- Emerging understandings of 2019-nCoV
- Another Decade, Another Coronavirus
- China coronavirus: what do we know so far?
- A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster
- A Novel Coronavirus Emerging in China — Key Questions for Impact Assessment
- A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019
- Overview of coronaviruses_BMJ
- China coronavirus: partial border closures into Hong Kong are not enough, say doctors
- Chinese premier rallies medics in coronavirus fight
- China coronavirus: mild but infectious cases may make it hard to control outbreak, report warns
- Coronavirus: The psychological effects of quarantining a city
- China coronavirus: cases surge as official admits human to human transmission
- Coronavirus: UK screens direct flights from Wuhan after US case
- Nature重磅|复旦大学张永振团队首次报道新型冠状病毒的临床,流行病学,生物学特征
- A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China
- Springer公共健康 | 新冠病毒专题好文速递
- 心理学家呼吁关注疫情“台风眼效应”
- 冠状病毒研究哪家强?香港大学论文数全球第一
- 《新英格兰医学杂志》划重点:新冠肺炎下一步研究方向和方法
- Defining the Epidemiology of Covid-19 — Studies Needed
- 其他国家已采取的 COVID-19应对措施太少、太晚吗?
- COVID-19: too little, too late?
- WHO评论 | 科学家们正在奋力抗击新型冠状病毒
- Scientists are sprinting to outpace the novel coronavirus
- 新英格兰医学杂志主编:当前,新冠病毒病类似非常严重的流感
- 比尔·盖茨:新冠肺炎可能成为百年不遇的大流行病
- Responding to Covid-19 — A Once-in-a-Century Pandemic?
- 许明星 李纾:疫情中的“心理台风眼效应”要妥善应对丨智库战“疫”
- 《柳叶刀-感染病学》新刊 | COVID-19带来的挑战
- Challenges of coronavirus disease 2019
- 逃出潘多拉魔盒——又一种新型冠状病毒
- Escaping Pandora’s Box — Another Novel Coronavirus
- 降低疫情期间居家限制对儿童健康的影响
- Mitigate the effects of home confinement on children during the COVID-19 outbreak
- 王朝昕 王慧:我国公共卫生卓越人才培养的“痛点”思考与展望丨智库战“疫”
- 上海交通大学等多机构合作,发现大部分新冠肺炎的临床试验质量差,样本量小且完成时间长
- Systematic Review of the Registered Clinical Trials of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- 美国传染病防控领军人物:疫情防控,在茫茫未知中前行
- Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted
- 专栏:智库战“疫”丨专题:湾区比较研究【中国科学院院刊】2020年第3期发布
- 《柳叶刀》:新冠隔离不能松,警惕秋季又一个高峰
- How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
- 智库战“疫”丨《中国科学院院刊》特别策划
- 疫情防控中的“智库”团队
- 佳文赏析 | 《Science》:城市化和湿度决定了美国城市流感流行的强度
- Urbanization and humidity shape the intensity of influenza epidemics in U.S. cities
- 新冠疫情消费行为影响调研|疫情下,你消费了什么
- 最新研究表明,美国新冠肺炎人数远超报道,十天前可能已达数千人,Science呼吁应学习中国
- Can China's COVID-19 strategy work elsewhere?
- The BMJ: 全球疫情大流行:如何更好应对?【分析与评论】
- Global epidemics: how well can we cope?
- NEJM观点:新冠疫情的种种是非,是不是昔日重来?
- History in a Crisis — Lessons for Covid-19
- Lancet最新 | 屠呦呦团队首次撰文,指出在COVID-19大流行期间,疟疾流行地区提前准备预防至关重要
- Preparedness is essential for malaria-endemic regions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- JAMA | 为了急于发表有关冠状病毒大流行的重要发现,部分研究人员反复使用同一患者的数据,这可能面临撤稿的风险
- Editorial Concern—Possible Reporting of the Same Patients With COVID-19 in Different Reports
- Lancet长文 | 181个国家调研,世界卫生组织警告,有部分国家完全没有应对新冠肺炎疫情的应对能力,需各国合作,共渡难关
- Health security capacities in the context of COVID-19 outbreak: an analysis of International Health Regulations annual report data from 182 countries
- 《柳叶刀》评论:做好应对COVID-19的准备对非洲疟疾流行区域至关重要
- Preparedness is essential for malaria-endemic regions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 傅伯杰院士团队发表论文:采取系统方案抗击全球新型冠状病毒肺炎
- A systematic approach is needed to contain COVID-19 globally
- 地抗疫情 | COVID-19:挑战与GlS 大数据技术应对
- COVID-19: Challenges to GIS with Big Data
- Science | 在新冠肺炎流行期间,一些毕业生及博后感到前所未有的压力
- Amid coronavirus shutdowns, some grad students feel pressure to report to their labs
- 比尔·盖茨回答了关于新冠肺炎的31个问题
- 至今1000+新冠病毒论文,中国科研人员贡献最多!
- COVID-19:保护医疗卫生工作者
- COVID-19 : protecting health-care workers
- JAMA | 新发现,在新冠肺炎疫情期间,郑州大学王宇明团队揭示伦理道德审查加快,批准率低
- Ethics Committee Reviews of Applications for Research Studies at 1 Hospital in China During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Epidemic
- 基于社交媒体的新冠肺炎事件公众舆情挖掘分析
- Cell社论丨COVID-19:携手应对未知
- COVID-19: Navigating Uncertainties Together
- 5张图带你看新冠病毒全球大流行:快速的传播与停滞的碳排放
- The coronavirus pandemic in five powerful charts
- 调查 | 新冠肺炎疫情期间大学生就业信心
- 伦敦大瘟疫与公共卫生制度的创建
- RCR新文:COVID-19爆发期间人类活动减少未能避免严重的空气污染事件
- Severe air pollution events not avoided by reduced anthropogenic activities during COVID-19 outbreak
- 可持续发展必须考虑全球性流行病风险
- Sustainable Development Must Account for Pandemic Risk
- 前FDA首席科学家:浅谈生物防御、数据科学与全球性大流行病应急准备丨CellPress论文速递
- A Primer on Biodefense Data Science for Pandemic Preparedness
- 新病毒,老教训|美国医生反思医疗系统究竟出了哪些问题
- Novel Coronavirus and Old Lessons — Preparing the Health System for the Pandemic
- Mental health care for international Chinese students affected by the COVID-19 outbreak
- The first COVID-19 case in Afghanistan acquired from Iran
- 爱思唯尔数据揭示全球传染病研究趋势
- 新冠肺炎大流行,如何决定医疗资源优先救治谁
- Fair allocation of scarce medical resources in the time of Covid-19
- The Toughest Triage — Allocating Ventilators in a Pandemic
- Critical Supply Shortages — The Need for Ventilators and Personal Protective Equipment during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- 隔离30天后,它们的脑细胞缩小了两成
- 美科学家计划让100位健康人感染新冠病毒,来测试疫苗效果,伦理道德和全球大流行,该如何抉择?
- Human Challenge Studies to Accelerate Coronavirus Vaccine Licensure
- Should scientists infect healthy people with the coronavirus to test vaccines?
- Nature:大量实验室关闭,小动物被批量处死……新冠病毒让学术界迎来“衰退潮”
- Coronavirus fears cancel world’s biggest physics meeting
- 《自然》在新冠病毒大流行之际对您的承诺
- Coronavirus pandemic: Nature’s pledge to you
- COVID-19:从经验中学习
- COVID-19 : learning from experience
- Mapping the Landscape of Artificial Intelligence Applications against COVID-19
- Mental health considerations for children quarantined because of COVID-19
- Coronavirus on Social Media: Analyzing Twitter Conversations
- Coronavirus on Social Media: Analyzing Misinformation in Twitter Conversations
- Coronavirus on Social Media: Analyzing Misinformation in Twitter Conversations
- Comprehensive Named Entity Recognition on CORD-19 with Distant or Weak Supervision
- Comprehensive Named Entity Recognition on CORD-19 with Distant or Weak Supervision
- 心里的战“疫”
- 中国国际电视台专访NEJM主编:无症状感染,美国疫情,复工风险,气温影响
- 病毒感染这样的简单传播居然也可能有观点传播的复杂特性? 小议“共演化传播”|《自然-物理》
- Interacting contagions
- 在疫情初期,预印本对全球论述COVID-19传播能力的影响
- Early in the epidemic : impact of preprints on global discourse about COVID-19 transmissibility
- 如何能让新冠病毒疫苗的开发更快一点
- Developing Covid-19 Vaccines at Pandemic Speed
- 来了,终于来了!新冠肺炎疫情会导致肥胖症的全球大流行
- COVID-19 Related School Closings and Risk of Weight Gain Among Children
- 至暗时刻,美国学者提出6月初打败新冠疫情的六项建议
- Ten Weeks to Crush the Curve
- A first look at COVID-19 information and misinformation sharing on Twitter
- 中国发布新冠肺炎疫情信息、推进疫情防控国际合作纪事
- 全球封城进行时:人类行为最小化,地球自转等活动受到影响
- Coronavirus lockdowns have changed the way Earth moves
- Coronavirus lockdowns across the globe are actually causing the Earth to move less
- Coronavirus lockdown slashes air pollution in China by 25% 'and could save up to 36,000 lives a month' if sustained long-term, study finds
- Coronavirus Has Slashed Global Air Pollution. This Interactive Map Shows How
- 《科学》主编开博客:适应疫情危机
- Adapting to the crisis
- 我们需要什么样的感动?
- COVID-19 will not leave behind refugees and migrants
- Redefining vulnerability in the era of COVID-19
- 疫情期间隔离带来的心理问题,如何破解
- The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence
- 封城后的地球振荡减弱了...
- 停止新冠病毒的污名化 |《自然》社论
- Stop the coronavirus stigma now
- “我们面前将有更多装尸袋”,谭德赛反击特朗普|《科学》新闻
- ‘We will have many body bags.’ WHO chief responds to Trump’s criticisms
- School closure and management practices during coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19: a rapid systematic review
- 你看的新冠论文可能大多是错的,但这并不是坏事
- 国际资讯|因新冠病毒而取消的航班如何影响天气预报准确性
- How Weather Forecasting is Affected by Coronavirus-Related Flight Cancellations
- 【观点】MIT:封城推动互联网比以往任何时候都更强大!
- Why the coronavirus lockdown is making the internet stronger than ever
- 微软洪小文:抗击新冠疫情中的思考
- 保护今天的经济才能保障明天的健康|《自然-医学》
- If the world fails to protect the economy, COVID-19 will damage health not just now but also in the future
- 《科学》论文精选|重塑生物安全管理框架,包括处理新冠肺炎
- 《科学》社论提醒美国政府:疫情是真实存在的|附Fauci采访
- This is real
- “绝不要浪费危机” 从社会科学、心理学、经济学角度实时研究疫情影响|《科学》新闻
- Social scientists scramble to study pandemic, in real time
- 《柳叶刀》社论:重新评估COVID-19疫情中的脆弱群体
- Redefining vulnerability in the era of COVID-19
- 新冠启示录丨新冠肺炎病毒治理对气候风险适应的三个启示
- 野生动物们生了什么病?与我何关 | Scientific Reports
- Viral emergence in marine mammals in the North Pacific may be linked to Arctic sea ice reduction
- Bullfrog farms release virulent zoospores of the frog-killing fungus into the natural environment
- Virally-vectored vaccine candidates against white-nose syndrome induce anti-fungal immune response in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus)
- 污水检测或有助于评估疫情真实规模
- How sewage could reveal true scale of coronavirus outbreak
- 冠状病毒的污名必须停止 — 现在!
- Cell | 强势推出,一文看懂所有的新冠肺炎研究进展(值得收藏)
- SnapShot: COVID-19
- 对抗新冠肺炎疫情 数据科学大有可为 | Patterns主编声音
- Lancet Voice 特别版 | COVID-19疫情中的“错误信息”
- 杀了?放了?带回家?疫情中实验动物可怎么办
- 王晓昌:污水处理应基于病毒设定风控目标
- Challenges in lung cancer therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 全球城市观察︱新冠接触者追踪技术能否确保隐私和安全
- 【观点】世界正在压平疫情曲线,但能否压平气候变化曲线?
- Two Steps Forward Can we flatten the curve on climate?
- Matter主编:COVID-19下的“头大”生活
- COVID-19 Is a Huge Headache
- Cell突破 | 柯昌文等团队首次揭示中国广东省SARS-CoV-2基因流行病学
- Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Guangdong Province, China
- 新冠病毒专题: 从地球健康学视角看新冠病毒大流行
- Geohealth: Science’s First Responders
- 联合国网站登载郭华东院士“大数据支撑全球疫情应对”文章
- Blog: Big Data Platforms for a Global Pandemic
- 【大数据】揭示新冠肺炎深度分析的重要发现
- Hi Sigma, do I have the Coronavirus?: Call for a New Artificial Intelligence Approach to Support Health Care Professionals Dealing With The COVID-19 Pandemic
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | 姑息治疗与COVID-19大流行
- Palliative care and the COVID-19 pandemic
- Enhanced secondary pollution offset reduction of primary emissions during COVID-19 lockdown in China
- 盖茨基金会再度提高赠款总额,呼吁全球合作保护民众免受疫情侵害
- 盖茨基金会CEO:新冠疫情正在考验我们二十年来的工作
- 李德仁院士:基于时空位置大数据的公共疫情防控服务让城市更智慧
- 【预测】疫情救地球?碳排放今年下降5.5%,但气候目标要求每年减排7.6%!
- Analysis: Coronavirus set to cause largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions
- 柳叶刀-艾滋病 | 在COVID-19大流行期间维持HIV照护
- Maintaining HIV care during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Are we ready for a new era of high-impact and high-frequency epidemics?
- 你爸妈摘口罩了嘛? 疫情期间的代沟和反哺现象
- 新冠疫情的全球抗击建议:结合中国经验,强化全球防疫 | Infectious Diseases of Poverty
- Fighting against the common enemy of COVID-19: a practice of building a community with a shared future for mankind
- 新加坡面临疫情二次爆发,东亚应如何科学防范“复燃”?
- Ending coronavirus lockdowns will be a dangerous process of trial and error
- 新冠肺炎疫情时期的科学研究 |《自然-方法》社论
- Science in the time of coronavirus
- 日互动超十亿,约翰斯·霍普金斯大学疫情数据的幕后故事
- Behind the Johns Hopkins University coronavirus dashboard
- 美国医生:特朗普“直播带货”,从根本上威胁了药品评审流程
- Drug Evaluation during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- COVID-19现阶段全景综述
- SnapShot: COVID-19
- Lancet Voice 特别版 | COVID-19大流行中的老年人
- 欧洲采取严厉措施应对新冠疫情对空气质量的影响
- Air Pollution Goes Down as Europe Takes Hard Measures to Combat Coronavirus
- Air quality and COVID-19
- 柳叶刀-儿童青少年健康 | 全球性关闭学校:风险与机遇
- Pandemic school closures: risks and opportunities
- School closure and management practices during coronavirus outbreaks including COVID-19: a rapid systematic review
- 励讯访谈 | 柳叶刀总编:后疫情的世界会好吗?
- 新冠疫情对英美高等教育的影响和展望
- 疫情之下,IPCC第六次评估报告还能按时出炉吗?
- 【观点】瑞典院士反思:应对疫情的 “瑞典模式”值得效仿吗?
- The Grim Truth About the “Swedish Model”
- 【数据】疫情之下:欧洲煤、气发电下降,可再生能源发电逆势上扬!
- Impact on the European electricity market of the global pandemic
- JAMA隆重推出 | 致敬李文亮等一线新冠肺炎抗疫的英雄
- Health Care Heroes of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- COVID-19对中国医疗人员心理健康的影响
- Mental Health Effects of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers in China
- COVID-19疫情防控:中国经验VS美国经历
- Sustaining containment of COVID-19 in China
- 微信推文:2200年来我国瘟疫灾害的时空变化及其与生存环境的关系
- 2200年来我国瘟疫灾害的时空变化及其与生存环境的关系
- 世界,从中国的经历中学到什么?侧记新冠课程上线的前前后后!
- 新冠肺炎肆虐,看机器学习如何大展手脚,更有效地协助医药研发
- 环境破坏将加剧野生动物病毒的溢出风险
- The link between virus spillover, wildlife extinction and the environment
- Global shifts in mammalian population trends reveal key predictors of virus spillover risk
- Flooded by the torrent: the COVID-19 drug pipeline
- 医疗系统不堪重负,多个国家优先救治年轻新冠患者,有错吗?
- Is it wrong to prioritise younger patients with covid-19?
- Ethicists agree on who gets treated first when hospitals are overwhelmed by coronavirus
- The grim ethical dilemma of rationing medical care, explained How hospitals decide which Covid-19 patients to prioritize when resources are scarce
- 英国首相说抗体检测会是“转机”,它真的那么有用吗?
- Will antibody tests for the coronavirus really change everything?
- 独家 | 数据科学如何用于理解COVID-19(附链接)
- How Data Science Is Being Used to Understand COVID-19
- Connecting clusters of COVID-19: an epidemiological and serological investigation
- COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention - Data Science (COVID-19 Open Data)
- 未知中的团结:COVID-19大流行促进风湿病学界合作
- Unity amidst uncertainty: COVID-19 pandemic fosters collaboration in rheumatology community
- 比尔 · 盖茨:1号大流行病将重新定义这个时代
- Medical students for health-care staff shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 病毒政治化可休矣
- 国际资讯|看COVID-19疫情期间Aeolus卫星如何助力天气预报
- COVID-19: Aeolus and weather forecasts
- 比尔·盖茨:“1号现代大流行病”将重新定义这个时代
- 荷兰莱顿大学医学中心 - 专家评论 | 全球数据共享应对新冠疫情
- FAIR data for an effective COVID-19 response
- 意大利罗马国家传染病研究所 - 专家评论 | 新冠肺炎大流行的政策应对措施
- Scientific response to coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: Giuseppe Ippolito
- Science:新冠低质量论文泛滥,科研人员不该“趁疫情危机”丢掉道德使命
- Against pandemic research exceptionalism
- Avoid making exceptions for research quality during COVID-19 pandemic
- Crises are no excuse for lowering scientific standards, say ethicists
- 【实录】世卫组织谈新冠病毒与气候变化:这5件事你必须关注!
- 5 Things to Know About Climate Change and Coronavirus With WHO Climate Lead Dr. Campbell-Lendrum
- 面对疫情封锁,兼顾家庭与工作重担的职业女性有多难?
- The pandemic and the female academic
- 《新英格兰医学杂志》主编:两个因素拖慢了此次疫情应对的脚步
- 我的宝贝孩子从不下线:一边带“神兽”一边做科研的六个故事
- Six ways to juggle science and childcare from home
- 戴口罩背后的地域文化
- CRISPR治疗策略,基因流行病学以及在美传播路径 | 新冠中心论文集锦
- Development of CRISPR as an antiviral strategy to combat SARSCoV-2 and influenza
- Coast-to-coast spread of SARS-CoV-2 during the early epidemic in the United States
- 将预防和缓解家庭暴力纳入全球 COVID-19 预防和救援工作 | BMC Public Health
- 疫情期间隔着网络,导师该怎么指导学生?
- Mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 聚焦出版业&全球抗疫|中华医学会杂志社助力全球抗疫的有效尝试
- COVID-19:一个关于在社区中佩戴口罩的讨论
- Wearing face masks in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic: altruism and solidarity
- 面对疫情,请调节好心理
- 【观点】疫情之后各国气候政策何去何从:有这样5种路径
- A government roadmap for addressing the climate and post COVID-19 economic crises
- 新冠疫情冲击下的在线教育 | 经验分享
- Coronavirus pushes education online
- 百万人贡献PC共同分析新冠“折叠蛋白”,算力=500台超级计算机
- Folding@Home
- Volunteers create world's fastest supercomputer to combat coronavirus
- Google's DeepMind predicts 3D shapes of proteins
- 柳叶刀-艾滋病 | COVID-19应对可从HIV大流行吸取的三点教训
- Three lessons for the COVID-19 response from pandemic HIV
- 盖茨:人类应如何应对“后新冠生活”?
- 《科学》发声|反对疫情期间的“例外主义”,拒绝低质量研究
- 宅家一个月动物就进城了,宅个5000万年会发生什么?
- 国际资讯|NASA在对抗COVID-19方面的创新专业知识贡献
- NASA contributes expertise, ingenuity in fight against COVID-19
- 童年时期接种疫苗对于抗生素使用的影响 |《自然》论文
- Childhood vaccines and antibiotic use in low- and middle-income countries
- 在家工作让你脑壳疼?这是十条过来人的建议
- Ten work–life balance tips for researchers based at home during the pandemic
- 结论不一:瑞德西韦三项研究结果同日公布,到底有效还是无效?
- 3项瑞德西韦研究同一天发布!研究结果令人困惑,究竟该信谁?
- 瑞德西韦中美试验同日公布: 结论截然相反,该如何理解?
- 从意大利客户的抗疫历程中,我们能学到什么?
- 瑞德西韦有效吗?专家一句大实话解释清楚了
- 新冠肺炎数据里学到的四个数据分析和机器学习知识
- 病毒DNA在受限空间中的多区域有序性研究获进展
- 地球科学 | 新冠肺炎疫情的启发:如何增强灾害应变能力?
- Building resilience against biological hazards and pandemics: COVID-19 and its implications for the Sendai Framework
- 瑞德西韦三项最新临床结果出炉:“人民的希望”?中美给出不同结论
- 意大利出台新规定:保护新冠肺炎密切接触者追踪过程中的个人数据
- 同样是瑞德西韦,为什么中美结果不同
- 新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)全球研究现状分析
- 【观点】IEA:可再生能源对病毒有“免疫”,像年轻人一样抵抗力强!
- IEA: Renewables Show Some Immunity to Pandemic
- 新冠肺炎与气候政策
- Climate Action and Policy
- 复工必将带来疫情反复,美国何去何从|《新英格兰医学杂志》主编访谈
- 地面震动监测各国居家隔离措施是否到位?
- 获批上市并非新冠疫苗的终点,后续工作需从现在就开始预备
- A COVID-19 vaccine might be ready within 18 months. But what happens then?
- 比尔·盖茨:关于新冠疫苗你需要知道的事
- 柳叶刀-肿瘤学 | COVID-19对癌症照护和相关医护人员的影响
- COVID-19: impact on cancer workforce and delivery of care
- 预防下一场大流行,不能只盯着蝙蝠
- Bats are a key source of human viruses — but they’re not special
- Global economic footprint of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Decreases in global CO2 emissions due to COVID-19 pandemic
- Covid-19: Biggest drop in CO2 emissions since WWII but little impact on climate change
- Coronavirus: world’s response has slashed CO₂ emissions – here’s how to keep them down
- Why CO2 Isn’t Falling More during a Global Lockdown
- The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Bringing Down Emissions, but Not for Long
- Security of supply and Covid-19: which lessons learnt for Renewable and Recycled Carbon Fuels, and their future role in decarbonizing transport?
- 疫情下重识地球一一人类与地理信息系统(GIS)
- 疫情让我的患者安心与体内的“定时炸弹”共存
- TheInvisible Hand — Medical Care during the Pandemic
- 乡间土匪与罐装花生:蒙古野生动物寻踪记
- Dodging bandits, eking out food: tracking wildlife in Mongolia
- Preparing for the Perpetual Challenges of Pandemics of Coronavirus Infections with Special Focus on SARS-CoV-2
- Pandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19
- Lancet最新 | 天啊!年轻的胖子更容易成为新冠肺炎重症患者
- Obesity could shift severe COVID-19 disease to younger ages
- 【研究】疫情封城改善空气,欧洲11,000人避免因污染导致的早亡
- 11,000 air pollution-related deaths avoided in Europe as coal, oil consumption plummet
- Cross-Modal Data Programming Enables Rapid Medical Machine Learning
- Lancet Voice 特别版 | COVID-19大流行中的哮喘治疗
- AI不是呼吸机,也不是疫苗!滑铁卢大学教授呼吁:警惕华而不实的新冠AI研究热潮!
- 人工智能助力新冠肺炎诊疗流程 | Cell Press 对话科学家
- Clinically Applicable Al System for Accurate Diagnosis , Quantitative Measurements and Prognosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia Using Computed
- 在家办公期间防治网络诈骗秘籍
- 【学术】疫情引起的语言学变化
- CODA-19: Reliably Annotating Research Aspects on 10,000+ CORD-19 Abstracts Using Non-Expert Crowd
- SLEDGE: A Simple Yet Effective Baseline for Coronavirus Scientific Knowledge Search
- 【研究】疫情之下居民长时间在家,燃气灶具导致的室内污染成为突出问题
- Study: Gas-powered appliances may be hazardous for your health
- 【存照】开发新冠疫苗到底需要多长时间?盖茨:从5年压缩到9个月!
- Bill Gates: Here's what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine
- COVID-19与空气污染之间的联系
- The Deadly Link between COVID-19 and Air Pollution
- The BMJ: 此“方舱”非彼“方舱”,英国版方舱医院“南丁格尔”扮演何种角色?
- Is there a role for Fangcang hospitals in the UK?
- COVID-19: Impact Analysis and Recommendations for Power and Energy Sector Operation
- 原创 | 疫情之下,未来生活提前到来
- COVID-19 and the Widening Gap in Health Inequity
- 【预测】疫情造成全球碳排放下降8%,那么大气中二氧化碳浓度将下降多少?
- Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2?
- 碳定价与新冠疫情
- Covid-19 impact and EU carbon pricing
- EU carbon market collapses as Covid-19 causes ‘perfect storm’
- The Urgency of Care during the Covid-19 Pandemic — Learning as We Go
- Does the Clinical Spectrum of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Show Regional Differences?
- Impact of COVID-19’s Pandemic on the Economy of Indonesia
- Elite Athletes and COVID-19 Lockdown: Future Health Concerns for an Entire Sector
- Preparedness is key - the challenge of COVID-19 in low resource settings: 4 checklists from Doctors Worldwide to prepare for COVID-19
- A Precision Medicine Approach to SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Management
- Planet Mayday: COVID-19 and Global Warming
- Are we forgetting non-COVID-19-related diseases during lockdown?
- 一些科学家急于将新冠研究发到网上,未经证实的科研成果“带偏节奏”读者难以辨别
- 【观点】这一波新冠疫情如何“终结”?美国科学家给出三种情景分析
- Here's how the COVID-19 pandemic could play out over the next two years
- 建立信任,控制社交媒体中“信息疫情”的影响
- Building trust while influencing online COVID-19 content in the social media world
- 失去的象牙塔:停学潮之下大学生对新冠病毒是何反应?
- The Ivory Tower Lost: How College Students Respond Differently than the General Public to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 研究了各国的疫情数据后,我学到这4个数据科学知识
- 《科学》主编社论|非此即彼的专横与兼而有之的希望
- Both/and problem in an either/or world
- Nature:构建新冠肺炎蛋白质相互作用网络,潜在特效药缩小至69种
- A SARS-CoV-2 protein interaction map reveals targets for drug repurposing
- 作为一个社会科学家,现在应该写一篇与COVID-19相关的论文吗?
- 墙太白,狗在叫,导师掉线:这些都可能影响你的远程答辩
- How to defend a PhD remotely
- 【观点】夏天来了,病毒会真会的走吗?
- Summer Is Coming, but the Virus Won’t Be Going
- GRL | COVID-19疫情爆发对空气污染的影响
- Impact of coronavirus outbreak on NO2 pollution assessed using TROPOMI and OMI observations
- 女性论文数量下降,男性数量稳定。问:疫情期间在家带孩子的是谁?
- Nearly Half of Men Say They Do Most of the Home Schooling. 3 Percent of Women Agree
- 【观点】疫情之下:塑料成为关键防护材料,“禁塑”运动何去何从?
- Protector or polluter? The impact of COVID-19 on the movement to end plastic waste
- 预印本拒收“低质量”新冠病毒论文
- Code used to produce the results presented in "A rapid review of evidence for hospital length of stay of COVID-19 patients"
- 被忽视的危机:伦敦大学研究发现,新冠肺炎疫情期间癌症死亡率至少上升20%
- Covid-19: Cancer mortality could rise at least 20% because of pandemic, study finds
- Estimating excess mortality in people with cancer and multimorbidity in the COVID-19 emergency
- Tracking and Analyzing the Short-Run Impact of COVID-19 on the U.S. Electricity Sector
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | 我们早就应该给予护理工作应有的认可和社会地位
- The status of nursing and midwifery in the world
- 英国医学杂志 (The BMJ) 刊文:中国护士为抗击疫情作出重要贡献
- Containing covid-19: crucial role of nurses
- 动向】疫情下印度可再生能源为何逆势上扬?
- Coronavirus lockdown speeds India’s shift from coal to solar power
- 后疫情时代 | 任重道远的中国电力低碳化,未来可期!
- 【动向】印度碳排放40年来首次下降,疫情不是唯一因素!
- Analysis: India’s CO2 emissions fall for first time in four decades amid coronavirus
- AI+大数据,新冠肺炎知识智能服务应用大揭秘
- Nature:新冠低质量论文涌现,预印本网站发出拒稿通知!
- How swamped preprint servers are blocking bad coronavirus research
- The preprint problem: Unvetted science is fueling COVID-19 misinformation
- 因低劣新冠论文泛滥,最大预印本网站开始拒稿新冠论文
- 《柳叶刀-微生物》创刊正当时:助力新冠病毒致病机制研究
- 从危机传播到风险沟通 ——突发公共卫生事件的传播转型
- Using AI to detect COVID-19 misinformation and exploitative content
- Are we there yet? The transition from response to recovery for the COVID-19 pandemic
- Human coronaviruses with emphasis on the COVID-19 outbreak
- 秦川团队的新冠病毒Nature论文,被质疑涉嫌图片造假、捏造数据
- 【观点】史无前例的“新冠疫情+低油价”:现在是各国引入碳价的最佳时机!
- Put a Price on Carbon Now!
- 中国团队 Nature 新冠论文被指图片造假,科研论文不端“何时休”
- 疫情封锁期间,海陆空都悄悄发生了变化。好的那种
- 观点 | “社交隔离”只是阻止COVID-19大流行的第一步?
- An outbreak of severe Kawasaki-like disease at the Italian epicentre of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic: an observational cohort study
- Estimating the burden of SARS-CoV-2 in France
- 前线视野|曾战胜埃博拉病毒的医生怎么看新冠病毒
- This doctor survived Ebola. This is her message on coronavirus
- 中国医科院Nature最新论文被指一图多用,涉及新冠肺炎动物模型
- “新冠婴儿潮”不会来了:三分之一备孕父母疫情期间放弃生育意愿
- COVID-19 baby boom? This new study suggests perhaps not
- Security of supply and Covid-19: which lessons learnt for Renewable and Recycled Carbon Fuels, and their future role in decarbonizing transport?
- 造假者的噩梦!论文P图泛滥,“照妖镜”来了
- IEA探讨新型冠状病毒COVID-19带来的全球危机
- 模型发现三个与COVID-19死亡率相关的生物标志物 |《自然-机器智能》论文
- An interpretable mortality prediction model for COVID-19 patients
- 他曾让中国拥有当时世界上最先进的疫苗
- 在Nature发新冠论文误用图片,中国医科院致歉!
- Ethical triage during the COVID-19 pandemic: a toolkit for neurosurgical resource allocation
- 为COVID-19建模——多学科视角看新冠疫情传播与防控
- Coronavirus pandemic reduced China’s CO2 emissions in short-term, while stimulus packages may lead to emissions growth in medium- and long-term
- Gaps in international law impede pandemic research
- Blockchain-facilitated sharing to advance outbreak R&D
- 学术成果 | COVID-19对美国电力行业短期影响分析
- 疫情暴露和加剧的不平等,与经济的未来可能 | 《资本与意识形态》其书
- Post-pandemic economic overhaul will take more than tweaks
- BMC聚焦后疫情时代 | 这些关于心理健康的研究值得关注
- 科学家呼吁叫停未经证实的新冠肺炎干细胞疗法
- Bioethicist calls out unproven and unlicensed 'stem cell treatments' for COVID-19
- Preying on Public Fears and Anxieties in a Pandemic: Businesses Selling Unproven and Unlicensed “Stem Cell Treatments” for COVID-19
- 非洲疫线|乌干达主流媒体眼中的疫情与中非关系
- 非洲疫线|非洲艺术小镇如何应对新冠疫情
- 人工智能如何用于抵抗COVID-19?Mila这份《AI against COVID-19 》PPT
- Nature子刊:华科团队找到3个新冠死亡标志物,预测死亡准确率超九成
- “我梦见牙齿一颗颗脱落” ……为什么疫情期间,人更容易做可怕的梦?
- 深入医院抗疫、督导市民隔离,全能波士顿动力机器狗大显身手
- 【文献与探索】新冠肺炎疫情与政策科学:回应和展望
- COVID-19 and the policy sciences: initial reactions and perspectives
- 大浪里淘沙:被2万余篇新冠文献淹没的科研人,新工具能帮助他们吗?
- Scientists are drowning in COVID-19 papers. Can new tools keep them afloat?
- 《柳叶刀-精神病学》社论:危机来临时,社会应更加包容
- Isolation and inclusion
- 【观点】耶鲁专家:疫情之后,我们想要回到什么样的“正常”状态?
- When Social Distancing Ends, Will We Rethink the World We Want?
- 疫情背景催生联合学士学位教育期待
- 返校VS不返校: 美国常青藤盟校这样选择
- Nature:谣言四起,阴谋论猖獗,疫情下人们不相信科学的真相很“无语”
- Anti-vaccine movement could undermine efforts to end coronavirus pandemic, researchers warn
- Vaccine opponents are gaining in Facebook ‘battle for hearts and minds,’ new map shows
- How Facebook is Using AI to Fight COVID-19 Misinformation
- Facebook and YouTube are rushing to delete “Plandemic,” a conspiracy-laden video
- 公众在重大疫情暴发初期的风险感知差异 ———新型冠状病毒肺炎健康信息采用的影响机制研究
- 他们用代码抗击新冠
- 解局阿里大健康数字基建
- 运用AI模型快速诊断COVID-19患者 |《自然-医学》论文
- Artificial intelligence–enabled rapid diagnosis of patients with COVID-19
- COVID-19期间全球碳排放减少 |《自然-气候变化》论文
- Temporary reduction in daily global CO2 emissions during the COVID-19 forced confinement
- 新冠疫情期间全球二氧化碳减排10亿吨
- 疫情之下的生物医学研究:危险与机会
- Biomedical Research Goes Viral: Dangers and Opportunities
- 拾声|红嘴鸥不再寂寞:疫情时期昆明的声音
- 柳叶刀-公共卫生 | COVID-19为社会带来考验
- COVID-19 puts societies to the test
- 美GIS专家因反对篡改数据掩盖疫情被解雇
- 【动向】新冠疫情使得美国太阳能行业失去6.5个岗位
- Coronavirus Wipes Out 5 Years of US Solar Job Growth
- 【研究】《自然·气候变化》:疫情之下,全球减排量到底有多少?
- “疫苗杀人”“疫苗是阴谋”:社交网络上的反疫苗话术
- BMC聚焦后疫情时代 | 砥砺前行,公共卫生与流行病学再谈
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | COVID-19:重塑社会契约
- COVID-19: remaking the social contract
- COVID-19: berreaktion vermeiden
- Psychiatric and neuropsychiatric presentations associated with severe coronavirus infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis with comparison to the COVID-19 pandemic
- 疫情将如何改变世界大学排名?
- What might Covid-19 mean for the World University Rankings?
- 因不满网络授课,美国大学生纷纷起诉学校要求退还学费
- College Students Across the Country Are Demanding Schools Give Back Their Money
- Class Action Lawsuits in Response to the Transition to Online Learning in the Wake of the Coronavirus and COVI-19 Pandemic
- After Coronavirus, Colleges Worry: Will Students Come Back?
- Students 'should get a year's refund due to Covid-19 crisis'
- 国际资讯|NASA资助了四项探索COVID-19影响的研究项目
- NASA funds four research projects on COVID-19 impacts
- 【存照】疫情封锁影响可再生能源项目按期完工:这些国家紧急出台缓解措施!
- Covid-19 impact on renewable energy growth
- 【动向】疫情之下的气候行动:丹麦拟建“能源岛”,开启海上风电新纪元
- Denmark proposes two huge ‘energy islands’ to meet 2030 climate target
- Science头条 | 特朗普提议取消新冠相关研究!77名诺奖获得者联名抗议,这是不合理及不公平的
- ‘Preposterous.’ 77 Nobel laureates blast NIH decision to cancel coronavirus grant, demand investigation
- Nature Climate Change | COVID-19疫情导致全球CO2排放减少
- 高端访谈 | 光明日报专访:后疫情时代的人类可持续发展
- Science头条:77名诺奖得主联名上书,抨击特朗普政府砍掉冠状病毒研究资助
- 对抗过埃博拉和艾滋病毒的科学勇士,新冠病毒劫后余生的些许反思
- 疫情之下,全球各大城市迎来自行车、电动车“大流行”
- Digital Contact Tracing and Surveillance: Geospatial Opportunities, Limitations, and Research Directions
- 年内动工!湖北省重大疫情防控救治基地落户武汉大学中南医院
- 【民调】公众场合戴口罩的意愿:中国意大利近90%、瑞典丹麦低于5%
- Personal measures taken to avoid COVID-19
- 新冠病毒疫情隔离期间城市臭氧浓度增加
- Amplified ozone pollution in cities during the COVID-19 lockdown
- Can Solar Energy take part in fighting against COVID-19 pandemic? A review on inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 in Water and Air using Solar Energy
- The Relationship between Air Pollution and COVID-19-related deaths: An Application to three French Cities
- COVID-19 pandemic: Sudden restoration in global environmental quality and its impact on climate change
- Impact of Covid19 on Electricity Load in Haryana (India)
- COVID 19 Pandemic : Impact on Global Economy, Energy and Environment
- What happened and will happen in the energy sector under the impact of COVID-19? A review
- Impacts of Coronavirus Lockdown on UK Energy Usage
- COVI White Paper
- 数学的力量 |“混合样本池”策略助力加快新冠病毒大范围检测进程
- Sample Pooling as a Strategy to Detect Community Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
- 新冠肺炎疫情下的全球新闻传播:挑战与探索
- 50 States or 50 Countries: What Did We Miss and What Do We Do Now?
- New Insights of Emerging SARS-CoV-2: Epidemiology, Etiology, Clinical Features, Clinical Treatment, and Prevention
- Desinformación en tiempos de pandemia: tipología de los bulos sobre la Covid-19
- 柳叶刀-精神病学 | 应考虑COVID-19对心理健康的长期影响
- Psychiatric and neuropsychiatric presentations associated with severe coronavirus infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis with comparison to the COVID-19 pandemic
- 美国播客节目《指数视角》专访李飞飞:疫情、 AI 伦理、人才培养
- 《科学》专访邵一鸣|中美两国应对疫情的独立观察
- 代表委员热议“后疫情时代”的高等教育
- 中国学者呼吁后疫情时代的中美科研合作
- Science superpowers after COVID-19 lockdowns lift: a letter of hope from China to the United States
- 强者愈强!疫情拉大“数据资产”贫富差距,顶级公司数据建设靠什么
- 柳叶刀-星球健康 | 疫情期间,中国的空气污染下降且有死亡率改善效益
- Air pollution reduction and mortality benefit during the COVID-19 outbreak in China
- 挤满新冠患者的ICU,正在量产幻觉?
- 大规模、结构化新冠知识图谱如何实现?这里是清华大学AMiner和智谱AI团队的技术报告
- The Innovation创刊号社论文章:科学“战疫”,合作共赢
- 王小川委员:个人信息泄露和AI仿真造假将是监管方向
- 以史为鉴:新冠大流行最终会被强制宣布结束吗?
- How Pandemics End
- 为什么有人疫情期间上厕所还不洗手?可能没跳过舞
- 疫情期间只能云开会?研究者们:真香
- Learning to love virtual conferences in the coronavirus era
- 面对疫情下的人类行为,AI迷惑!数据变化引起的工作“异常”需人为调控
- NEJM编辑的“小道”消息从哪里来?当前希望发表哪类新冠论文?
- 抗击新冠肺炎,谁遭受了替代性心理创伤?
- 留下思考的时间:在疫情期间及时完成审稿任务
- “后疫情”时代下的物竞天择:多位AI领域专家,深度探讨“新基建”发展趋势 | 未来·局
- 各国关于新型冠状病毒的研究合集
- 学术界正在倒车:疫情期间论文数量暴涨,然而女科学家产出骤降
- 疫情的发展研究是一个长期需要关注的问题
- 【存照】德国抗疫何以成功?德国卫生部长:因为我们有时间做好充分准备
- How Germany Contained the Coronavirus
- Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Household Consumption and Poverty
- Nature发文痛批:伪科学抗疫大行其道,政府医院竟为它们背书!
- Pseudoscience and COVID-19 — we’ve had enough already
- IEA关注新冠病毒危机对全球能源需求的影响
- Global Energy Review 2020: The impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on global energy demand and CO2 emissions
- 新冠疫情让全球碳排放量“历史性下降”?别高兴太早
- 特刊推荐 | 仙台减轻灾害风险框架的五年实施
- Special Issue: Five Years of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
- 大跌眼镜 | 外科口罩不能预防新冠肺炎传播? 顶级医学期刊的研究成果被撤回
- Effectiveness of Surgical and Cotton Masks in Blocking SARS–CoV-2: A Controlled Comparison in 4 Patients
- 谁在裸泳?当世界处于疫情封锁状态时,剩下的碳排放来自哪里?
- The world is on lockdown. So where are all the carbon emissions coming from?
- Study: World carbon pollution falls 17% during pandemic peak
- Coronavirus crisis leads to 17% drop in global carbon emissions, study says
- 你想听什么曲子?新冠病毒、上帝粒子,还是宇宙?
- 疫情下加拿大教育点滴,“非常”时期下的“如常”
- 新冠未平,埃博拉又起!致死率超60%,2020年太难了
- 数据“皮包”公司改变全球抗疫进程,其提供的数据可信度存疑,后期众多文章面临撤稿的风险
- 【数据】德国:疫情之下能耗下降7%,2020年减排可望超额达标!
- Slowing economy causes sizable German energy use decrease in first quarter 2020
- 多频道的人③|凯蒂·迪肖:我们应对疫情的方式来自同理心
- 日本防灾|防灾活动是社区的最后一根稻草
- 哈佛最新研究:温度高于25℃可降低新冠病毒传染率,每升1度,下降3.1%
- 气候条件与新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)传播:估计与预测
- The Modest Impact of Weather and Air Pollution on COVID-19 Transmission
- 新冠全球大流行,GIS空间分析如何助力流行病防控?
- 【存照】减少空气污染,有助于应对第二波病毒感染高峰
- Cut air pollution to help avoid second coronavirus peak, MPs urge
- 为什么疫情期间科学家Paper发少了?在家带娃才是主要原因
- Quantifying the Immediate Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Scientists
- COVID-19 lockdowns cause global air pollution declines with implications for public health risk
- 评估解除封锁后的社交疏远策略 | 《自然-人类行为》论文
- Social network-based distancing strategies to flatten the COVID-19 curve in a post-lockdown world
- Lancet | 高福等团队系统介绍中国的防疫经验,帮助全球共同抗击新冠肺炎
- Active case finding with case management: the key to tackling the COVID-19 pandemic
- 疫情隔离期间,天变蓝了,为什么臭氧污染反而更严重了?
- Quality of primary health care in China: challenges and recommendations
- Abrupt declines in tropospheric nitrogen dioxide over China after the outbreak of COVID-19
- 【研究】疫情之下的美国:催泪瓦斯可能加速病毒蔓延
- Tear gas and coronavirus are ‘a recipe for disaster,’ experts warn
- 应对新冠,16国在卫生与医疗领域做了这些事【中国科讯】
- 旅行受限、合作紧缩,Nature刊文忧虑跨国学术交流大退潮
- 3S战“疫”—COVID-19专栏
- 基于时空位置大数据的公共疫情防控服务让城市更智慧
- 3S战“疫”|中国数字化公共卫生应急管理体系建设的科技策略建议
- 【观点】为什么非洲疫情相对较轻?三个因素:天热、年轻、卡介苗
- COVID-19's Spread: A Continental Disparity
- 用数据说话:女性在新冠疫情期间发的论文比男性少?
- Are women publishing less during the pandemic? Here’s what the data say
- 【碳排放】疫情使全球每日碳排放下降17%
- 国际智库为COVID-19后的绿色刺激方案建言献策
- A Government Roadmap for Addressing the Climate and Post COVID-19 Economic Crises
- 新冠病毒大流行下能源和人工智能技术发展的危机与机遇
- Crises and opportunities in terms of energy and AI technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 《柳叶刀》最新综述 | 中国基层医疗卫生服务质量:挑战与建议
- 疫情之下,留学之路通向何方
- 《柳叶刀》:中国基层医疗卫生体系面临挑战和机遇
- Digital Science 发布新冠肺炎科研活动报告
- How COVID-19 is Changing Research Culture
- COVID-19防控对全球空气质量的影响
- The Response in Air Quality to the Reduction of Chinese Economic Activities During the COVID‐19 Outbreak
- 在疾病暴发期间识别谣言与要文 | BMC Public Health
- Misinformation and the US Ebola communication crisis: analyzing the veracity and content of social media messages related to a fear-inducing infectious disease outbreak
- 疫情过后,大学再也不一样了
- Universities will never be the same after the coronavirus crisis
- Could the coronavirus crisis finally finish off coal?
- 哈佛大学甩锅中国论文粗制滥造,怕是学了个假GIS
- 探索「老药新用」最短路径:亚马逊AI Lab开源大规模药物重定位知识图谱DRKG
- Nature 视频 | 与新冠病毒一起流行的谣言
- We test a home antibody kit for tracking Covid-19
- 疫情让鲸类暂时远离了人工噪声,但在这之前,它们已被打扰了一百多年
- 柳叶刀 | 基层医疗卫生机构在2019冠状病毒病防控中应发挥重要作用
- 未来三天北京疫情如何走向,我们需要知道这7个问题
- 武大病毒专家:新发地病毒致病性和传播力高于武汉华南海鲜市场
- 如何缓解疫情下的科研焦虑?
- 社交媒体上的全球幸福感空前下降
- 经历过疫情的年轻人,不愿相信科学家|全球7万人调查
- 新冠疫情改变欧美人睡眠
- 被选为封面 | 领域影响第一,被下载32万次,龚四堂/张康/唐金陵/夏慧敏的这个成果到底回答了什么问题?
- Characteristics of pediatric SARS-CoV-2 infection and potential evidence for persistent fecal viral shedding
- 用流产胎儿细胞研发新冠疫苗,是否会将人类置于道德困境?
- Vaccines that use human fetal cells draw fire
- Abortion opponents protest COVID-19 vaccines’ use of fetal cells
- 最新调查|疫情后期居民绿色空间使用和感知调查统计
- 德国病毒学家:不认为中国现在会暴发第二轮疫情
- 教育部:疫情对出国留学的影响是暂时的
- Satellite-based estimates of decline and rebound in China's CO2 emissions during COVID-19 pandemic
- 丘成桐:疫情带来机遇,引进海外人才3条建议
- Impacts of social and economic factors on the transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China
- Satellite-based estimates of decline and rebound in China's CO2 emissions during COVID-19 pandemic
- COVID-19疫情封锁对于人类作息活动节律的影响 | CellPress论文速递
- Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on human sleep and rest-activity rhythms
- 新冠疫情后的经济复苏计划需兼顾经济与气候
- Will COVID-19 Fiscal Recovery Packages Accelerate or Retard Progress on Climate Change?
- 后疫情时代的复苏 | 解决空气污染和气候问题的时刻到了!
- Raising climate ambition in the time of COVID-19
- 美学者:Covid-19抗体检测问题多多,但仍可用其指导复工
- Waiting for Certainty on Covid-19 Antibody Tests — At What Cost?
- 研究表明:疫情期间科研人员论文写得少了,是因为在忙着带娃...
- Quantifying the Immediate Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Scientists
- 新冠疫情后精神心理康复工作刻不容缓
- 《自然-食品》| COVID-19起源于湿货市场?
- 疫情之下,学术人员找工作有多难?
- Junior researchers hit by coronavirus-triggered hiring freezes
- 盖茨基金会CEO:为下一次疫情未雨绸缪
- 柳叶刀-儿童青少年健康 | 保持社交距离对青少年同伴关系及其社会发展的潜在影响
- The effects of social deprivation on adolescent development and mental health
- 工程学抗击新冠病毒方法文章精选
- 哈佛大学研究:疫情期间科研人员论文写得少了,原来是...
- 陆林院士:疫情后精神心理康复工作刻不容缓
- 专家视点 | 通过新冠疫情寻找可持续新型现代社会
- Discrimination and Social Exclusion in the Outbreak of COVID-19
- 早诊或预测新冠重症,分析血清中蛋白质和代谢产物或可助力
- Proteomic and Metabolomic Characterization of COVID-19 Patient Sera
- 【COVID-19】城市公交系统GPS数据:后疫情时代时空排放分析及潜在变化
- GPS data in urban transit buses: spatio-temporal emission analysis and potential changes in post-COVID-19 future
- Assessing the recent impact of COVID-19 on carbon emissions from China using domestic economic data
- IGES讨论COVID-19对日本与印度的气候目标的影响
- 山雨欲来风满楼 | One Earth 6月刊论文精选
- Impact of COVID-19 on Japan and India: Climate, Energy and Economic Stimulus
- 疫情让其他非相关研究被“冷落”:论文发表变得更难了
- 学生视角丨防疫形势下的大数据智慧
- Post-Normal Pandemics: Why CoViD-19 Requires a New Approach to Science
- Enhanced secondary pollution offset reduction of primary emissions during COVID-19 lockdown in China
- 武汉大学中南医院、麻省总院领衔全球COVID-19科技贡献排名
- How COVID-19 is Changing Research Culture
- 震撼 | 新冠肺炎研究领域科技贡献排名出炉,武汉大学名列前茅
- 谢晓亮:病毒无国界,抗疫亦如是 | 视频
- 西班牙在去年3月废水样本中检出新冠病毒,这个研究靠谱吗?
- Sentinel surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater anticipates the occurrence of COVID-19 cases
- 【Applied Energy最新原创论文】供应安全、战略储存和Covid19: 可再生碳基燃料在低碳化交通运输中的作用
- Security of supply, strategic storage and Covid19: Which lessons learnt for renewable and recycled carbon fuels, and their future role in decarbonizing transport?
- The Global Phosphorylation Landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
- The impact of school reopening on the spread of COVID-19 in England
- 贫穷国家如何公平获得新冠疫苗
- 【存照】英国气候指标中只有4项达标,需抓住疫情后“千载难逢”的绿色复苏机会!
- Reducing UK emissions: 2020 Progress Report to Parliament
- 冰川可能保存着COVID-19大流行的记录
- 都灵理工大学发明具有抗新冠肺炎特性的涂层
- 支持科研新人——如何能在新冠疫情后重建科学世界?
- How Support of Early Career Researchers Can Reset Science in the Post-COVID19 World
- 疫情期间,新生妈妈们更容易抑郁了……
- Moms Are Not OK: COVID-19 and Maternal Mental Health
- 比尔·盖茨:只有疫苗还不能解决问题
- 中国城市中COVID-19传播与温度或紫外线辐射没有关联
- No association of COVID-19 transmission with temperature or UV radiation in Chinese cities
- Air Pollution Scenario over China during COVID-19
- 【动向】疫情后中国二氧化碳排放强劲反弹,全年走向不明朗
- Analysis: China’s CO2 emissions surged past pre-coronavirus levels in May
- 瘟疫为何总让人措手不及
- 加速推进AI+医疗,微软如何助力全球公共健康?
- 柳叶刀-星球健康 | 特殊时期的粮食安全
- Food security in uncertain times
- 疫情过后人工智能是否能迎来春天?
- 【观点】疫情之下,推动能源效率千载难逢的机遇!
- Liebreich: Energy Efficiency Key To Covid Recovery
- 美国疫情全面失控?美首席传染病学家福奇:每日新增病例或将达10万,疫苗要等到2021年初
- CDC says U.S. has ‘way too much virus’ to control pandemic as cases surge across country
- There’s not one reason California’s covid-19 cases are soaring—there are many
- U.S. coronavirus cases rise by 47,000, biggest one-day spike of pandemic
- Lancet | 最新!高福等团队系统介绍中国的防疫经验,帮助全球共同抗击新冠肺炎
- Active case finding with case management: the key to tackling the COVID-19 pandemic
- 三大航天局联合打造COVID-19下的全球视野
- 中国2020-2050经济和能源情景以及疫情对全球碳排放和经济的影响
- COVID-19 特刊:2020春节期间中国雾霾现象探究
- Puzzling Haze Events in China During the Coronavirus (COVID‐19) Shutdown
- SPJ|新型冠状病毒大爆发的防控:早期诊断、药物治疗及全球协同合作抗疫|新加坡国立大学刘小钢教授团队国际合作重磅综述
- Combating the coronavirus pandemic: early detection, medical treatment, and a concerted effort by the global community
- 各期刊优先发表新冠相关论文,非新冠研究人员成为“间接受害者”
- 【数据】2020年将是有史以来最热的一年,但疫情仍然传播!
- 2020 is predicted to be the hottest year on record, according to NASA
- 【动向】2020年疫情下“超低排放”,航空业降低标准以2019年为减排基准年
- Airlines blame covid-19 for rowing back climate commitments
- 不发论文的期刊诞生了:专门“吐槽”预印本,想让学术更公平
- 突然被隔离,或者正焦急等待隔离结束?这段期间也要关注自己和家人的精神健康
- 美国突发新规,留学生只上网课或被遣返,新生也不能入境!川普:反正秋季必须开学
- SEVP modifies temporary exemptions for nonimmigrant students taking online courses during fall 2020 semester
- 【研究】疫情下城市天空变得晴朗,但要防范臭氧突增!
- Pandemic’s Cleaner Air Could Reshape What We Know About the Atmosphere
- 疫情之下的高考有多难:高温、口罩和空调不均
- 经历冠状病毒的世代? | COVID-19对儿童青少年的影响
- Generation coronavirus?
- 疫情封锁措施改善中国空气质量 |《自然-可持续性》论文
- The short-term impacts of COVID-19 lockdown on urban air pollution in China
- 新冠疫情会永久性地改变科学出版吗?
- Will the pandemic permanently alter scientific publishing?
- 柳叶刀-呼吸病学 | COVID-19预示着慢性病在初级卫生保健领域的新纪元
- COVID-19 heralds a new era for chronic diseases in primary care
- Integrating Biomedical, Ecological, and Sustainability Sciences to Manage Emerging Infectious Diseases
- Does Density Aggravate the COVID-19 Pandemic?
- 我们要像病毒攻击我们一样还击病毒
- The silver lining of COVID‐19: estimation of short‐term health impacts due to lockdown in the Yangtze River Delta region, China
- COVID-19后经济复苏应以健康和卫生领域为核心
- 一种监测野生动植物病原体以阻止动物传染病外溢的全球系统|文章精选
- Rigorous wildlife disease surveillance
- 新冠论文爆发,眼花缭乱背后,隐藏着一些有趣结论
- Global socio-economic losses and environmental gains from the Coronavirus pandemic
- A project exploring the effects of EPA's policy to not enforce certain reporting and emissions rules for facilities burdened by the COVID pandemic
- 期刊目录 | 健康/医学地理视角下的新冠肺炎疫情解读
- Nature 视频 | 用家用抗体试剂盒来追踪Covid-19的传播
- We test a home antibody kit for tracking Covid-19
- 疫情过后人工智能是否能迎来春天?
- 北京通报一聚集性疫情:13人确诊,相互串门不戴口罩
- COVID-19 Regional Safety Assessment (200 Regions)
- The Lancet COVID-19 Commission
- 《地理研究》“新冠肺炎疫情地理研究” 专栏
- Lancet Voice | SARS-CoV-2血清学研究
- Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain (ENE-COVID): a nationwide, population-based seroepidemiological study
- SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in COVID-19 hotspots
- “适者生存”的病毒最终为王?
- 新冠后遗症:来自武汉新冠患者家庭的一手记录
- 【存照】疫情控制后污染物排放反弹?中国多地空气污染已超去年同期
- China’s air pollution has overshot pre-pandemic levels as life begins to return to normal
- 美国非法退出WHO威胁全球及美国民众的健康安全
- US withdrawal from WHO is unlawful and threatens global and US health and security
- 学术打脸!5华人青年学者回怼哈佛医学院“新冠论文”
- 欧盟四种主要空气污染物的排放已达上限
- EU Met Air Pollution Limits for Four Key Pollutants, Including Ammonia, in 2018
- 学术组织面临疫情引发的财政危机
- 在疫情来临之前预警|专家建议设立全球野生动物监控系统
- 疫情下的反智主义,让新冠流行更严重?
- 2020年电动汽车的销量抵御了COVID-19对全球汽车市场的冲击
- Global EV Outlook 2020:Entering the Decade of Electric Drive?
- 前线视野|新冠疫情给世界的启示:我们如何应对未来的危机
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | 人畜共患病:打破人类-动物-环境的界限
- Zoonoses: beyond the human–animal–environment interface
- 国际资讯|卫星图像显示了欧洲面临的严重干旱情况
- Satellite Images Reveal Europe Is Facing Droughts
- 江苏省是如何降低COVID-19死亡率的 | Annals of Intensive Care
- Lower mortality of COVID-19 by early recognition and intervention: experience from Jiangsu Province
- COVID-19疫情过后,世界儿童未来在何处?
- After COVID-19, a future for the world's children?
- 多元视角|欧洲因新冠疫情封城,被恶意传播的私密照数量猛增
- 梅琳达·盖茨:大流行病给女性带来了什么?
- 城市“助力”新冠传播?是时候重新思考我们的城市规划了
- Cities — try to predict superspreading hotspots for COVID-19
- 防护传染病,人工智能在路上
- COVID-19敲响强化全球粮食系统的警钟
- Extreme Events in a Globalized Food System
- 实力见证 | 全球第一!华中科技大学新冠肺炎研究论文399篇
- 全球第一:华中科技大学新冠肺炎研究论文399篇
- Susceptible supply limits the role of climate in the early SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
- 二氧化碳排放量快速计算方法及COVID-19对碳排放量的影响
- NSR社论:COVID-19疫苗研发应摒弃民族主义
- International collaboration for global accessibility of COVID-19 vaccines
- 国际智库为COVID-19对环境和可持续发展影响建言献策
- Implications of COVID-19 for the Environment and Sustainability
- 是时候修订联合国可持续发展目标了 |《自然》社论
- Time to revise the Sustainable Development Goals
- Impact of weather on COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey
- 剑桥大学流行病专家:我们是如何忘记瘟疫的
- COVID-19 特刊:商业航班减少影响天气预报准确率
- COVID‐19 Pandemic Imperils Weather Forecast
- 谣言比疫情跑得更快?社交媒体恐慌的传播速度快于COVID-19大爆发
- 如何“抓”住新冠肺炎的“牛鼻子”?
- 人类史上没有一种成功疫苗的研制时间少于10年,新冠疫苗在两年内问世希望几何?
- Science:在未来会有更多的病毒从动物跳跃到人类身上
- More viruses will jump from animals to people, researchers say. Can we catch them?
- 比尔·盖茨公开信:新冠病毒是一次“伟大的纠错”
- Bill Gates on COVID-19
- 英国卫生领袖敦促政府为第二波Covid-19疫情作好准备
- Public inquiry into UK’s response to covid-19
- 六种基因组揭示蝙蝠的超常适应力 |《自然》论文
- Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptations
- An overview of COVID-19
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | COVID-19与中国:经验与前路
- COVID-19 and China: lessons and the way forward
- Nature:蝙蝠如何在6500万年里战胜病毒
- COVID-19封锁措施带来史上时间最长的地震噪声“静音”|本周文章精选
- Global quieting of high-frequency seismic noise due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures
- IEEE Spectrum编程语言排行:Cobol上榜,疫情留下痕迹
- 本周Nature封面故事 | 2020年7月23日刊
- “防疫健康码”背后的数据团队:中国移动给大数据建设“划重点”
- 如何避免“辟谣跑断腿”?世卫组织“信息疫情学”大会专家的建议是...
- 蚊子越来越爱咬人,这可能是人类活动的一个不良后果
- Climate and Urbanization Drive Mosquito Preference for Humans
- How mosquitoes got their taste for human blood and what it means for the future
- COVID-19背景下2020年全球能源展望
- Global Energy Outlook 2020: Energy Transition or Energy Addition? With Commentary on Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Nature:蝙蝠如何在6500万年里战胜病毒
- Links between ecological integrity, emerging infectious diseases originating from wildlife, and other aspects of human health -an overview of the literature
- 新冠论文撤稿盘点,发了顶刊的论文,也不一定“靠谱”
- Actions now can curb food systems fallout from COVID-19
- Vulnerability of the United Kingdom’s food supply chains exposed by COVID-19
- 石正丽答《科学》杂志18问:“特朗普欠我们一个道歉”!
- “特朗普欠我们一个道歉”:武汉病毒所石正丽正式发声 | 《科学》专访全文
- 'Trump owes us an apology.’ Chinese scientist at the center of COVID-19 origin theories speaks out
- Science“20问”专访石正丽:“特朗普欠我们一个道歉”
- 《柳叶刀》盛赞中国抗击新冠疫情的巨大贡献
- 石正丽《Science》访谈:“特朗普欠我们一个道歉”!
- 在远古时期的病毒大流行中,尼安德特人救了我们一命
- 【研究】空气污染与新冠感染正相关:PM2.5每增加1微克/立方米,病例增加16%!
- Air pollution exposure linked to higher COVID-19 cases and deaths – new study
- 学习全球健康领域的好榜样
- 浙江大学杨赓团队:遥操作机器人技术在新冠隔离病房诊疗中的应用
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- 因为新冠疫情,我们能更好地预测地震了|科学 60 秒
- Seismologists Find the World Quieted Down during Pandemic Lockdowns
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | 疫情之后,再无“常态”
- No more normal
- 【研究】新冠疫情对美国汽油需求的影响:暂缓经济重启,有利于需求反弹
- Machine learning model to project the impact of COVID-19 on US motor gasoline demand
- COVID-19 lockdowns cause global air pollution declines
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- COVID-19如何威胁全球粮食安全|文章精选
- COVID-19 risks to global food security
- Nature 视频 | 新冠病毒6个月以来的未解难题
- 炒了这么久的人工智能帮助诊断新型冠状病毒肺炎,真的管用吗?
- 多所百年高校永久关闭!欧美大学的“至暗时刻”来了?
- 太突然了!欧美多所百年高校永久关闭!
- 【历史】1918年流感疫情期间美国老照片:戴口罩是爱国义务!
- 和病毒赛跑:学术期刊如何做到“快速发表”
- Advanced Fiber Materials最新文章:抗病毒防护材料的研究进展与展望
- Progress and Perspective of Antiviral Protective Material
- 韧性全球化与“一带一路”地缘指向的调整
- 【存照】疫情下一次性塑料卷土重来,百名科学家发声:可重复使用的餐具和用品是安全的!
- It’s official: Reusables are safe during COVID-19
- 太突然!多所百年高校永久关闭!
- The impact of COVID-19 and strategies for mitigation and suppression in low- and middle-income countries
- Taking the pulse of COVID-19: A spatiotemporal perspective
- 新冠后遗症:隐秘之痛丨来自武汉新冠患者家庭的一手记录
- 原创 | 一文了解大数据在国内外疾病监测与预防中的应用现状
- “新冠疫情预计将持续很长时间”,疫苗之外,科学家还在开发什么应对手段?
- 【实证】疫情下城市空气清新,太阳能光伏发电产出增加!
- Solar-power output in Delhi has surged during the lockdown
- 虚拟特刊:病毒的扩散、消毒与人类防护
- COVID-19 and climate: global evidence from 117 countries
- How and when to end the COVID-19 lockdown: an optimisation approach
- COVID-19时代的母婴管理
- Management of mother–newborn dyads in the COVID-19 era
- 新冠治疗得失几何?陈凯先院士解惑
- 人畜共患病风险与人类土地利用管理相关 |《自然》论文
- Zoonotic host diversity increases in human-dominated ecosystems
- 【观点】牛津学者:疫情下4个因素推动能源低碳加速转型
- 专家视点 | Applied Network Science主编介绍人口流动模型和COVID-19流行病
- 疫情重塑300万职场人:会议缩短20%,工作日战线拉长
- Collaborating During Coronavirus: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Nature of Work
- 受疫情冲击,多少科研人员被迫退圈?
- Seeking an ‘exit plan’ for leaving academia amid coronavirus worries
- 韩国研究: 无症状新冠患者病毒载量高得惊人 无症状传播在生物学上合理
- Clinical Course and Molecular Viral Shedding Among Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Patients With SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Community Treatment Center in the Republic of Korea
- COVID-19:绿色复苏可使全球温升减少0.3度
- Current and future global climate impacts resulting from COVID-19
- COVID-19限制措施对气候的长期影响“微不足道” |《自然-气候变化》论文
- 生物多样性下降增加暴发传染病风险
- Zoonotic host diversity increases in human-dominated ecosystems
- 新冠疫情,让天气预报更不准了|科学60秒
- 克服你的完美主义!
- Overcoming perfectionism during the pandemic
- 疫情背景下,大学生就业困局破解之策
- 【DNV-GL预测】疫情影响:交通能耗再也回不到从前水平,2019年全球碳排放已达峰
- 透过疫情看城市发展转型丨新型智慧城市建设
- 基于机器学习的新冠疫情住院优先级评估模型 | CellPress 论文速递
- A Learning-based Model to Evaluate Hospitalization Priority in COVID-19 Pandemics
- Predicting wildlife hosts of betacoronavirus for SARS-CoV-2 sampling prioritisation
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- Determining the optimal strategy for reopening schools, the impact of test and trace interventions, and the risk of occurrence of a second COVID-19 epidemic wave in the UK: a modelling study
- Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Australian educational settings: a prospective cohort study
- Finding a path to reopen schools during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 太突然!超107所大学永久关闭,波及学生超1.6万名
- 【预测】美国能源信息署:2020年国际油价将比去年下降36%,2021年预期将反弹
- 【存照】实现气候目标全球煤电需年均下降13%,疫情下今年降8%
- Wind And Solar Now Generate One-Tenth Of Global Electricity Global half-year electricity analysis
- 10000000000剂新冠疫苗谁来生产?
- 比尔 · 盖茨:以创新应对全球健康挑战
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- Knowledge transfer for large-scale vaccine manufacturing
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- 两个月在Science连发2文!湖南女教授呼吁:抗击新冠不要陷入"疫苗依赖陷阱",政府不应该“全能化”
- Time to Form a Balanced Risk Prevention and Control Community between the Government and Individuals
- COVID-19 Research Rush: Think Twice
- 新冠疫情在2021年及以后将走向何方?
- How the pandemic might play out in 2021 and beyond
- Cell | 传染病专家福奇首次撰文:对于新冠肺炎,我们该何去何从?
- Emerging Pandemic Diseases: How We Got To COVID-19
- 能源和人工智能技术在COVID-19大流行期间面临的危机和机遇
- Crises and opportunities in terms of energy and AI technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 动物王国里如何上演社交隔离?|Science新闻
- From lobsters to honey bees, social distancing is common in the animal kingdom
- 这种疫情下常用的消毒剂,可能影响生育和胎儿发育?
- Do we know enough about the safety of quat disinfectants?
- Science报道:非洲似乎经受住了新冠大流行的冲击,why?
- The pandemic appears to have spared Africa so far. Scientists are struggling to explain why
- Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in Kenyan blood donors
- Mental distress and its associations with behavioral outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: A national survey of Chinese adults
- 【数据】美国LNG出口能力到底有多大,疫情下出口量下降多少?
- U.S. liquefied natural gas exports remain at low levels this summer
- RCR新文:COVID-19废弃物管理-武汉市行之有效的措施
- COVID-19 waste management: Effective and successful measures in Wuhan, China
- 该不该给儿童戴口罩来预防COVID-19 | Springer Nature儿科图书馆
- 新冠疫情暗藏复杂性危机——圣塔菲研究所两任所长发出警告!
- 李德仁对话李兰娟:基于北斗、物联网、人工智能的“网络空间精准管理”替代封城
- 李德仁院士:建数字孪生智慧城市 北斗精准定位可助力抗疫
- 在经济危机中保护母婴的健康:大萧条带给我们的启示 | BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
- The effect of women, infant, and children (WIC) services on birth weight before and during the 2007–2009 great recession in Washington state and Florida: a pooled cross-sectional time series analysis
- 北大教授:疫苗“走出去”水很深
- 韩国一周新增千例确诊,想用 AI 定位出咳嗽的人
- 王辰院士大声疾呼:今年一定要打流感疫苗!9月底以前,不要晚于10月份,大人群接种!
- 《自然》杂志:特朗普成了美国应对大流行的绊脚石
- Two Decades of Pandemic War Games Failed to Account for Donald Trump
- 【存照】疫情减少人类生态足迹:今年的“地球过载日”推迟了24天!
- How the Date of Earth Overshoot Day 2020 Was Calculated
- 健康扶贫从疫苗公平入手
- 【争鸣】疫情中废旧的口罩和防护用品应该填埋、焚烧还是转化为燃料?
- The world is drowning in used face masks. Should we turn them into fuel?
- 福奇:肆虐的大流行病——COVID-19是怎么降临的?
- Emerging Pandemic Diseases: How We Got To COVID-19
- Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of COVID-19 Patients with Cancers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Global Data
- 【研究】疫情封锁措施不仅降低了空气污染,还大大降低了高频地震噪声!
- 疫情造成博士项目进展不顺,要如何缓解焦虑?
- Five ways to tackle PhD research anxieties triggered by COVID-19 lockdowns
- 论文推荐|Taking the pulse of COVID-19: a spatiotemporal perspective
- Taking the pulse of COVID-19: a spatiotemporal perspective
- 暑假过后,学校如何安全复课?
- How schools can reopen safely during the pandemic
- 新冠肺炎将如何改变粮食系统和粮食保障模式?
- Perspectives from CO+RE: How COVID-19 changed our food systems and food security paradigms
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | 全球大流行中的人道主义危机
- Humanitarian crises in a global pandemic
- 《柳叶刀》评论 | COVID-19 疫苗试验应寻求有价值的效力
- COVID-19 vaccine trials should seek worthwhile efficacy
- 美国面临新冠疫情数据危机
- 被疫情笼罩的美国本科生和研究生更焦虑了
- Signs of depression and anxiety soar among US graduate students during pandemic
- 牛津大学警告:动物传染疾病给人类的风险正在增加
- COVID-19 特刊: 疫情期间长三角地区空气质量改善及其健康收益
- 科技在应对重大突发公共卫生事件中如何发挥统筹协同作用
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | COVID-19时代的科学研究和高等教育
- Research and higher education in the time of COVID-19
- 新冠疫苗抢购潮开始了?
- The unequal scramble for coronavirus vaccines — by the numbers
- 疫苗还没出来,怎么分已经吵起来了?19位全球卫生专家Science发文,倡导三阶段疫苗分发计划
- An ethical framework for global vaccine allocation
- 发展研究|疫情防控中测绘地理信息影响力分析
- 新冠疫苗全球分配,怎样才公平?|Science精选
- 【分析】疫情下口罩、手套、一次性塑料激增,“塑料海啸”加剧海洋污染!
- COVID-19 Has Worsened the Ocean Plastic Pollution Problem
- 论文推荐|Building an Open Resources Repository for COVID-19 Research
- Building an Open Resources Repository for COVID-19 Research
- 因为那一次疫情,重症监护出现了
- The outbreak that invented intensive car
- 【气候变化】新冠疫情对全球气候变化的影响
- “智库战‘疫’”:《中国科学院院刊》智库期刊媒体融合传播实践
- 网络化增强城市防疫韧性
- 新冠疫情之下,社区医疗机构困境不应被忽视
- 【空气污染】疫情封锁对中国空气污染的短期影响
- 【空气污染】疫情爆发后PM2.5的来源构成发生了显著变化
- Dispersion Normalized PMF Provides Insights into the Significant Changes in Source Contributions to PM2.5 after the COVID-19 Outbreak
- 在疫情阴霾下谈谈自杀预防 | BMC Blog
- Suicide in the Era of COVID-19
- 口罩有了新含义:从符号学“窥视”疫情
- 【存照】疫情未去,“疫情蓝”已去:全球大城市污染恢复到疫前水平
- Air pollution is returning to pre-covid levels
- 疫情下的博士后有多惨?Nature调查给出7大结果
- Pandemic darkens postdocs’ work and career hopes
- Postdocs in crisis: science cannot risk losing the next generation
- 专访 | 《疫苗竞赛》作者瓦德曼:人类研发疫苗的幕后故事
- 后疫情时代的HIV感染者疾病管理探讨
- Mapping global trends in vaccine confidence and investigating barriers to vaccine uptake: a large-scale retrospective temporal modelling study
- 【COVID-19】将COVID-19视作对当前和未来电力系统的负荷试验
- The COVID-19 pandemic as a stress test for current and future electricity systems
- 新冠病毒来自外太空坠落的陨石?作者之一的天津疾控中心学者回应
- Origin of new emergent Coronavirus and Candida fungal diseases—Terrestrial or cosmic?
- Nature:不到10%博士后offer获得续签,多少科研人将因疫情被迫退圈?
- Seeking an ‘exit plan’ for leaving academia amid coronavirus worries
- 奇文共赏:中外学者联合发表论文,称新冠病毒来自外太空,随陨石坠落到中国
- 美疾控专家福奇:人类若不做出根本改变,新冠这类致命疫情不会是最后一次
- Experts Say Humans Are Living in an ‘Age of Pandemics’—and COVID Won’t Be the Last
- 新冠疫情死亡人数该怎么统计才准确?
- How many people has the coronavirus killed?
- 过半博士后考虑退出原领域,Nature呼吁不能因疫情失去科学的下一代
- 罕见!Science主编头版头条发文怒斥美国总统:特朗普,你扯谎!
- Trump lied about science
- 科技热点 | 疫情下的博士后有多惨?Nature调查给出7大结果 【中国科讯】
- 观点|后疫情绿色韧性复苏的五大支柱
- 【存照】最新科研:口罩可以起到新冠病毒免疫作用!
- Facial Masking for Covid-19 — Potential for “Variolation” as We Await a Vaccine
- 数据惊人,疫情期间究竟产生了多少口罩等医疗垃圾?|Science新冠专题
- Accumulation of plastic waste during COVID-19
- 【Applied Energy最新原创论文】空气污染与COVID-19相关死亡之间的关系:基于法国的研究
- The relationship between air pollution and COVID-19-related deaths: An application to three French cities
- 不确定的时间:从复杂系统视角看新冠大流行带来的“美好未来”
- Uncertain times
- 快速诊断技术、智能预警系统……丨科研创新开拓传染病防控新范式
- 疫情常态化防控背景下需进一步提升大数据应用实效
- 新冠肺炎疫情对结核病负担的潜在影响
- The potential impact of COVID-19-related disruption on tuberculosis burden
- 持续气道正压可避免新冠肺炎患者插管:一项分两期的回顾性病例对照研究
- Continuous positive airway pressure to avoid intubation in SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia: a two-period retrospective case-control study
- 新冠疫情下医疗检测的去中心化
- Decentralisation of healthcare system due to COVID-19 and its impact on hospital based laboratories - Pandemic panic patients’ reflection?
- 柳叶刀-感染病学 | COVID-19期间,航空旅行者的未来会怎样?
- Air travel in the time of COVID-19
- 疫情常态化防控背景下需进一步提升大数据应用实效
- 陈国强院士访谈:推动“四医”联动,有效提升医学教育的战略地位
- 新冠病毒正在发生突变——影响有多大?
- The coronavirus is mutating-does it matter?
- Spatial analysis and GIS in the study of COVID-19. A review
- 战“疫”,中医不是“慢郎中”丨我国新发突发传染病中医药应急防控体系建设的战略思考
- 新型冠状病毒引发全球卫生危机,需要科学 解决方案和地方行动
- 【动向】疫情下石油业斥巨资押宝塑料需求增长,专家警告有过剩风险!
- Why The Oil Industry’s $400 Billion Bet On Plastics Could Backfire
- 新冠疫情的“次生灾害”:孕检受阻,死胎率上升
- Stillbirth rate rises dramatically during pandemic
- 伦理还是剥削——囚犯是否应该加入新冠疫苗试验?|Science新冠专题
- Ethical or exploitative—should prisoners participate in COVID-19 vaccine trials?
- 柳叶刀-公共卫生 | COVID-19大流行会威胁到可持续发展目标(SDGs)吗?
- Will the COVID-19 pandemic threaten the SDGs?
- Characteristics and outcomes of 627 044 COVID-19 patients with and without obesity in the United States, Spain, and the United Kingdom
- 评论 | 用科技筑牢守卫人民健康的防火墙
- 专题:公共卫生应急体系建设的战略思考丨【中国科学院院刊】2020年第9期发布
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- A fully automatic deep learning system for COVID-19 diagnostic and prognostic analysis
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- 情报研发 | 新冠早期文献计量分析:科学“战疫”,研究先行【中国科讯】
- 《自然》博士后调查:疫情之下,博士后们该何去何从?
- Pandemic darkens postdocs’ work and career hopes
- 城市污水检测为SARS-CoV-2实时监控提供帮助 | Cell Press青促会述评
- Temporal Detection and Phylogenetic Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in Municipal Wastewater
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- Food Security and COVID-19
- The impact of COVID-19 control measures on air quality in China
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- RCR新文:新冠疫情大流行期间对医疗废物激增的应急响应
- Emergency response to the explosive growth of health care wastes during COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan, China
- 中国生物安全治理体系建设的制度逻辑与反思:打通科技治理与生物安全治理的边界
- 探究COVID-19抗体研究的合作关系 | BioPharma Dealmakers 2020年9月刊
- Hunting for antibodies to combat COVID‑19
- 国际研究探讨COVID-19大流行对全球碳排放预测的影响
- Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Emission Projections: Assessment of Green Versus Non-green Recovery
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- 部分感染者出现精神症状,新冠病毒如何损伤大脑?
- How COVID-19 can damage the brain
- 疫情下的科学交流丨Cell Mentor
- 疫情之后,我们应该如何科学地吃?
- Lancet Voice | Dr Richard Horton:疫情时期的同行评议
- 建立我国传染病智慧化预警多点触发机制和多渠道监测预警机制
- 谁该优先接种新冠疫苗?
- Who gets a COVID vaccine first? Access plans are taking shape
- 清华大学地学系徐冰教授研究组提出新冠疫情全球分批次联合防控策略
- Global COVID-19 pandemic demands joint interventions to the suppression of future waves
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- Springer两本新型冠状病毒专著推荐 | 中国经验
- 学术界新的不平等:兼顾家庭,让女性学者与男性同行的差距进一步扩大
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- 给野生动物打疫苗,可以预防人类流行病么?
- Go slow to go fast: a plea for sustained scientific rigour in air pollution research during the COVID-19 pandemic
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- 做好准备!科学家预测,新冠肺炎将像季节性流感一样反复出现
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- Scientists predict that COVID-19 will become a seasonal virus - but not yet
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- How did ancient cities weather crises?
- 高福:今冬最大挑战,可能不只是新冠
- Understanding the Epidemic Course in Order to Improve Epidemic Forecasting
- The challenges of modeling and forecasting the spread of COVID-19
- Time to address the spatiotemporal uncertainties in COVID-19 research: Concerns and challenges
- 那些能让我们生病的动物,在人类生活区活得更好
- Species that can make us ill thrive in human habitats
- CEADs合作:应付未来新冠疫情,需全球强力联协作
- Obesity and activity patterns before and during COVID‐19 lockdown among youths in China
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- COVID-69 | Science Ficti
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- Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement on the occasion of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly
- Springer两本新型冠状病毒专著推荐 | 中国经验
- COVID-19期间的中国的空气质量 |《自然综述:地球与环境》
- Air quality during COVID-19
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- COVID-19 affects HIV and tuberculosis care
- 新冠疫情对中国2020年碳排放的影响
- 新冠肺炎疫情与人类生育率|Science深度视点
- The COVID-19 pandemic and human fertility
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- 疫情后中国清洁能源发展展望
- Powering China with Clean Energy After COVID-19
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- World Energy Outlook 2020
- 【Applied Energy最新原创论文】疫情后公共交通还会持续“绿色”么?
- Mining urban sustainable performance: Spatio-temporal emission potential changes of urban transit buses in post-COVID-19 future
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- Near-real-time monitoring of global CO2 emissions reveals the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
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- COVID-19 recovery funds dwarf clean energy investment needs
- GBD 2019 | 不断增加的慢性病与公共卫生的失败刺激了COVID-19发展
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of COVID-19 Impact on Human Activities and Environment in China Using Nighttime Light and Air Quality Data
- Impacts of COVID-19 response actions on air quality in China
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- Vaccines stop diseases safely — why all the suspicion?
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- The ‘bat man’ tackles COVID-19
- Climate affects global patterns of COVID-19 early outbreak dynamics
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- 清华大学地学系刘竹研究组揭示新冠疫情下全球二氧化碳排放创纪录下降
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- 大数据技术,成认识新冠肺炎规律和防治的重要手段!
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- Early approval of a COVID-19 vaccine could stymie the hunt for better ones
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- A global survey of potential acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine
- 【观点】新冠是破坏能源利用效率的病毒!
- The pandemic is destroying energy efficiency
- 减少新冠肺炎大规模检测的费用 | 《自然》论文
- A pooled testing strategy for identifying SARS-CoV-2 at low prevalence
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- The engines of SARS-CoV-2 spread
- 新冠疫情下的结核阴影
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- Why COVID outbreaks look set to worsen this winter
- Nature发文,哪个国家新冠疫苗接受度最高?
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- The false promise of herd immunity for COVID-19
- Global to local impacts on atmospheric CO2 caused by COVID-19 lockdown
- An Extensive Meta-Metagenomic Search Identifies SARS-CoV-2-Homologous Sequences in Pangolin Lung Viromes
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- More pollution expected from stay-home workers
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- Rapid decline of seasonal influenza during the outbreak of COVID-19
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- 不破不立:新冠成为世界卫生系统变革的契机
- Springer与您一同庆祝2020世界城市日 !
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- Science科普视频|新冠与疾病污名化
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- 咳两声就能锁定新冠!MIT收集20万咳嗽样本,用AI辨别无症状感染者,准确率100%
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- Could certain COVID-19 vaccines leave people more vulnerable to the AIDS virus?
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- Choosing Donald Trump for president is choosing fiction over fact—a fatal mistake
- Science新冠肺炎论文合集-第一期
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- RCR新文:2019新冠疫情对家庭垃圾分流和再利用的影响
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- A linear prognostic score based on the ratio of interleukin-6 to interleukin-10 predicts outcomes in COVID-19
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- COVID-19 transmission—up in the air
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- Nature人类行为:评估新冠病毒带来的“信息流行病”
- Assessing the risks of ‘infodemics’ in response to COVID-19 epidemics
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- Europe is locking down a second time. But what is its long-term plan?
- 2020年度人类社会发展十大科学问题发布
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- Optimal management of acute coronary syndromes in the era of COVID-19
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- Science重磅 | 极大关注,首次发现动物可将新冠病毒传播给人类
- Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 on mink farms between humans and mink and back to humans
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- Face masks: what the data say
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- As the northern hemisphere gets colder, covid-19 deaths are rising rapidly
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- Air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in the United States: Strengths and limitations of an ecological regression analysis
- 【观点】疫苗即将问世,全球冷链保障将成为关键!
- Why staying cold is so important to a Covid-19 vaccine
- 盖茨基金会追加赠款用于研发新冠疫苗并提升在低收入国家可及性
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- Have traffic restrictions improved air quality? A shock from COVID-19
- Limited Regional Aerosol and Cloud Microphysical Changes Despite Unprecedented Decline in Nitrogen Oxide Pollution During the February 2020 COVID‐19 Shutdown in China
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- A global effort to understand the riddles of COVID-19 and cancer
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- RCR新文:COVID-19流行病期间的矿产供应挑战表明需要国际供应安全机制
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- The world's now scrambling for dry ice. It's just one headache in getting coronavirus vaccines where they need to go
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- What the data say about asymptomatic COVID infections
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- Clinical application of an intelligent oropharyngeal swab robot: implication for the COVID-19 pandemic
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- Artificial intelligence in COVID-19 drug repurposing
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- 利用培养系统模拟新冠病毒肺部感染 |《自然》论文
- Progenitor identification and SARS-CoV-2 infection in human distal lung organoids
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- Early Warning for a Potential Pandemic
- Air Quality Response in China Linked to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID‐19) Lockdown
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- Changes in China's anthropogenic emissions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Nat. Comm.:武汉市全民核酸检测结果正式发表
- Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China
- 疫情期间的性别暴力与妇女权利
- 疫情阴霾中翱翔的果蝠 | BMC Journal
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- Nature子刊 | 正式发布!卢祖洵/殷晓旭/宋福建/吕传柱揭示武汉市全民核酸检测结果
- Nat. Commun.:武汉市全民核酸检测结果正式发表,投入9亿元、检测近1000万人
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- 【研究】疫情导致全球碳排放量下降7%,但是温室气体浓度继续上升
- The Pandemic’s Effect On Climate-Changing Pollution Was ‘Just A Tiny Blip’
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- Comparison of severity scores for COVID-19 patients with pneumonia: a retrospective study
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- 抵抗新冠需要使用抗生素么?我们与抗生素耐药性专家谈了谈 | BMC Journal
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- COVID-19 特刊:新冠疫情期间超大城市大气黑碳浓度的响应和来源研究
- Variation in Concentration and Sources of Black Carbon in a Megacity of China During the COVID‐19 Pandemic
- 高福李中杰柳叶刀发文:中国社区防控成功消灭天花、遏制新冠
- Strengthening public health at the community-level in China
- Physical Activity, Screen Time, and Mood Disturbance Among Chinese Adolescents During COVID-19
- Satellite-based estimates of decline and rebound in China’s CO2 emissions during COVID-19 pandemic
- 地学系张强研究组构建碳排放动态反演技术,揭示新冠疫情下中国碳排放变化的驱动力
- 清华大学刘欢团队ES&T | COVID-19疫情期间停滞的交通活动与加剧的雾霾污染之间的关系
- Source–Receptor Relationship Revealed by the Halted Traffic and Aggravated Haze in Beijing during the COVID-19 Lockdown
- COVID-19 | 到目前为止,我们学到了什么?
- Offline: COVID-19—what have we learned so far?
- Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on activity patterns and weight status among youths in China: the COVID-19 Impact on Lifestyle Change Survey (COINLICS)
- 别再歪曲科学,阻碍了传染病防治策略的采用 | BMC Journal
- COVID-19: through the eyes through the front line, an international perspective
- 不到4000万人的加拿大买了3亿多支疫苗,抢疫苗凸显贫富差距
- Observed decreases in on-road CO2 concentrations in Beijing during COVID-19
- Daily CO2 Emission Reduction Indicates the Control of Activities to Contain COVID-19 in China
- 疫情封锁对手部和上肢急救的影响 | International Orthopaedics
- Impact of the COronaVIrus Disease 2019 lockdown on hand and upper limb emergencies: experience of a referred university trauma hand centre in Paris, France
- 我们为什么追加2.5亿美元抗击新冠?
- 盖茨夫妇呼吁各界加强合作、持续创新,为抗击疫情带来新突破
- 【数据】疫情之下,2020年美国能源相关碳排放下降11%
- EIA expects U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to fall 11% in 2020
- 2020年Science最佳雇主评选:快速响应新冠肺炎疫情、多元化和创新|ScienceCareers
- 2020’s Top Employers: Rapid response to COVID-19, diversity, and innovation
- Mental distress and its associations with behavioral outcomes during the COVID-19: A national survey of Chinese adults
- COVID-19, Type-2 Diabetes, and Associated Health Outcomes in China: Results from a Nationwide Survey of 10,545 Adults
- Decreases in global CO2 emissions due to COVID-19 pandemic
- 确定COVID-19危重症的遗传关联 |《自然》论文
- Genetic mechanisms of critical illness in Covid-19
- 审批新型冠状病毒案,证据确凿还是捕风捉影
- G20国家COVID-19经济复苏政策大力支持化石燃料行业
- Climate Transparency Report: Comparing G20 Climate Action and Responses to The Covid-19 Crisis
- 我用SARS-CoV-2基因组来谱曲 | BMC Bioinformatics
- Real-time audio and visual display of the Coronavirus genome
- 新冠之年的科研产出
- 新冠可写入人类基因组,成为永不灭亡的病毒?
- SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome
- Regional Impacts of COVID-19 on Carbon Dioxide Detected Worldwide from Space
- 动物疫病形式复杂、人畜共患病增多…我国动物疫病预防控制体系该如何建设?
- Home garden use during COVID-19: associations with physical and mental wellbeing in older adults
- Face masks and COVID-19: don’t let perfect be the enemy of good separator
- Physical activity and screen time of children and adolescents before and during the COVID-19 lockdown in Germany: a natural experiment
- 2020《自然》年度十大人物:直面科学和社会挑战
- Nature’s 10: ten people who helped shape science in 2020
- Nature年度十大人物揭晓!两位中国学者入选
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | 直面新冠长期症状困境
- Facing up to long COVID
- 病毒、显微镜、快速射电暴:惊艳2020年的十大研究发现
- Viruses, microscopy and fast radio bursts: 10 remarkable discoveries from 2020
- 病毒检测新技术:智能手机拍个照,即可诊断各种病毒感染|Science Advances
- Virus detection using nanoparticles and deep neural network–enabled smartphone system
- Awareness and Psychosocial Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Care Professionals and Medical Students Across the State of Maharashtra
- CEADs合作:卫星遥感反演新冠疫情期间中国二氧化碳排放的下降与反弹
- The BMJ︱美国新冠肺炎患者的高精神疾病患病率
- Covid-19: Nearly 20% of patients receive psychiatric diagnosis within three months of covid, study finds
- The BMJ∣全球新冠疫苗接种策略研究
- Global, regional, and national estimates oftarget population sizes for covid-19 vaccination: descriptive study
- Equitable global access to coronavirus disease 2019vaccines: Vaccines will be as challenging to deliver as they were to develop
- Science公布2020十大科学突破:新冠疫苗研发、CRISPR治愈疾病、AI预测蛋白结构等上榜
- 不止新冠 | 塑造2020年的科学大事件
- 2020 beyond COVID: the other science events that shaped the year
- 气候变化与COVID-19:交织的危机
- Climate and COVID-19: converging crises
- 疫情中绽放出的希望之花!《科学》杂志评出2020年十大科学突破
- 2020 Science年度十大科学突破【抢鲜看版】
- Can a regional-scale reduction of atmospheric CO2 during the COVID-19 pandemic be detected from space? A case study for East China using satellite XCO2 retrievals
- Decennary spatial pattern changes and scaling effects of CO2 emissions of urban agglomerations in China
- Renin–angiotensin system blockers and susceptibility to COVID-19: an international, open science, cohort analysis
- Altered nutrition behavior during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in young adults
- Covid-19:- The Unseen positive effects
- 疫情下的北斗领域发展情况及建议
- 【研究】应对新冠疫情有个“瑞士奶酪模式”,管用!
- The Swiss Cheese Model of Pandemic Defense
- 视频+图文|2020 Science年度十大科学突破
- 新冠疫情下对动物立法的思考
- 【南人一周微评】 地理信息到底能为疫情防控带来什么帮助?
- 疫苗限供,斯坦福用算法分配:4千多支给高级教职员,一线医护人员只有7支
- 序言|2020,人类新冠记疫
- Science新冠|肯尼亚血清阳性率分析揭示,病毒暴露范围比报道的更为广泛
- Seroprevalence of anti–SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in Kenyan blood donors
- 2020年度科技图片来啦,你最喜欢哪一张?
- The best science images of 2020
- 2020年《环球科学》十大科学新闻公布:病毒阴影下,科学仍在照亮世界
- 宠物需要接种疫苗吗?《Science》杂志这么说
- Do we need a COVID-19 vaccine for pets?
- COVID-19时代,成人先天性心脏病未来的护理模式
- Adult congenital heart care in the COVID-19 era, and beyond: A call for action
- 2020年的新冠瞬间:我们都经历了什么?
- COVID and 2020: An extraordinary year for science
- 【空气污染】COVID-19期间锁定措施对全球空气质量的影响
- Does the COVID-19 lockdown improve global air quality? New cross-national evidence on its unintended consequences?
- 【空气污染】COVID-19封锁措施对中国北方空气质量的异质性影响
- Heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 lockdown measures on air quality in Northern China
- 车少了仍有“疫情霾”!“元凶”竟是它
- Source–Receptor Relationship Revealed by the Halted Traffic and Aggravated Haze in Beijing during the COVID-19 Lockdown
- 斯坦福被炮轰:用算法分配5000支新冠疫苗,医护人员只有7支
- 节日季到来,怎么过节更安全?
- Coronavirus and public holidays: what the data say
- PNAS & JBC解读!科学家有望开发出治疗SARS-CoV-2和HIV感染的新型有效疫苗!
- A facile method of mapping HIV-1 neutralizing epitopes using chemically masked cysteines and deep sequencing
- Design of a highly thermotolerant, immunogenic SARS-CoV-2 spike fragment
- CEADs研究:新冠疫情及经济刺激对全球碳排放及巴黎协定的影响
- Impacts of COVID-19 and fiscal stimuli on global emissions and the Paris Agreement
- 柳叶刀-全球健康 | 四分之三的COVID-19治疗试验将孕妇排除在外
- Inclusion of pregnant women in COVID-19 treatment trials: a review and global call to action
- 新冠病毒乘陨石来到地球?地心黑洞和皮肤病有关?2020年撤稿事件盘点
- Global air quality change during COVID-19: a synthetic result of human activities 2and meteorology
- The Relationship between Nature Deprivation and Individual Wellbeing across Urban Gradients under COVID-19
- 新冠疫苗也种族歧视?MIT研究:疫苗对亚裔无效率是白人的250倍
- Predicted Cellular Immunity Population Coverage Gaps for SARS-CoV-2 Subunit Vaccines and Their Augmentation by Compact Peptide Sets
- 从知识图谱到药物发现,AIWIN获奖星斗云智能文献平台助力新冠研究
- Racial Segregation, Testing Site Access, and COVID-19 Incidence Rate in Massachusetts, USA
- 科普好文 | 自然界也有源代码:一位程序员「逆向工程」了辉瑞新冠疫苗
- 气候危机:疫情封锁下,二氧化碳浓度仍达新纪录
- Climate crisis: CO2 hits new record despite Covid-19 lockdowns
- 应急科普,能否从容以对?|追问2020·年终特稿
- Air Quality Changes in Shanghai, China, and the Surrounding Urban Agglomeration During the COVID-19 Lockdown
- 2020:与众不同的一年
- 2020,疫情中的大学,就看这5个词
- 西安理工大学赵亚乾团队CEJ:冠状病毒在水和废水中传播特征、可能遏制策略与研究挑战
- Where dowe stand to oversee the coronaviruses in aqueous and aerosol environment? Characteristics of transmission and possible curb strategies
- Characterizing COVID-19 and Influenza Illnesses in the Real World via Person-Generated Health Data
- 【数据】新冠疫情导致美国清洁能源领域损失44.6万就业岗位,大部分在能效领域
- Clean Energy & COVID-19 Crisis | November 2020 Unemployment Analysis
- “新冠”遭遇战,他们已布阵10多年
- 【观点】2020年全球碳排放下降7%,是否可以认为全球碳排放已经达峰?
- After a century of growth, have carbon emissions reached their peak?
- 如何让新冠疫苗抵达世界的每一个角落?
- 2020年,行动改变未来
- 比尔·盖茨:2021,世界势必取得进步
- 约翰·霍普金斯团队赢得全球COVID-19口罩设计挑战赛
- 【存照】疫情之下,2020年全球应对气候变化发生6个积极变化!
- Clean Energy & COVID-19 Crisis | November 2020 Unemployment Analysis
- 【存照】当气候危机叠加严峻疫情,催生出哪些英语新词?
- Only 2020 could bring us words like these What happens to the lexicon when the climate crisis meets a global pandemic?
- 【Applied Energy最新原创论文】COVID-19期间封城措施对中国北方空气质量的不同影响
- 《Annal of GIS》论文推荐: 佛罗里达州COVID-19检测点的空间可达性分
- Examining spatial accessibility to COVID-19 testing sites in Florid
- Home garden use during COVID-19: Associations with physical and mental wellbeing in older adults
- Quantitative assessment of the effects of resource optimization and ICU admission policy on COVID-19 mortalities
- 1.6 Million transactions replicate distributed PV market slowdown by COVID-19 lockdown
- 疫情下不知该不该回国就职?这组数字告诉你其他学者如何选择!
- 【存照】新冠疫情在新闻报道中的热度堪比世界大战
- Only the world wars have rivalled covid-19 for news coverage
- 2021年,这十大科学事件不容错过!
- The science events to watch for in 2021
- COVID-19期间的科学发展:我们将何去何从?
- Science during COVID-19: where do we go from here?
- COVID-19大流行对患有强迫症的儿童和青少年的直接影响 | BMC Psychiatry
- The immediate effect of COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder
- 七张图告诉你,2020年出版了多少篇新冠论文
- How a torrent of COVID science changed research publishing — in seven charts
- 美国考虑给部分人注射半剂疫苗,英国或批准两种疫苗“混合双打”,是变通还是赌博?
- 武汉人群新冠抗体阳性率4.43%,中国疾控中心公布全国血清学调查结果
- 远程医疗在疫情时代步入舞台中央|科技专题
- Telemedicine takes center stage in the era of COVID-19
- Science头条:新变异毒株或将引发新一波“非常糟糕”的疫情
- Viral mutations may cause another ‘very, very bad’ COVID-19 wave, scientists warn
- 污水流行病学用于监测新冠肺炎爆发情况
- Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering
- MIT学者模型预测,美国主流新冠疫苗对亚裔群体无效的概率更高|Cell Systems
- Predicted Cellular Immunity Population Coverage Gaps for SARS-CoV-2 Subunit Vaccines and Their Augmentation by Compact Peptide Sets
- 中疾控:石家庄邢台2例病毒可能起源于俄罗斯
- Notes from the Field: Two Reemergent Cases of COVID-19 — Hebei Province, China, January 2, 2021
- Science最新:流行病大爆发期间政策与科学的共演化
- Coevolution of policy and science during the pandemic
- 评论 | 将接力棒传给下一代医疗卫生工作者
- Wakley–Wu Lien Teh Prize Essay 2020: passing the baton to the next generation of health workers
- 你也有隐秘的角落吗?
- Do you also have a hidden corner?
- 2020年威克利·伍连德奖 | 你也有隐秘的角落吗?
- Meteorological factors and COVID-19 incidence in 190 countries: An observational study
- COVID-19 related health inequality exists even in a city where disease incidence is relatively low: a telephone survey in Hong Kong
- Psychological impacts from COVID-19 among university students: Risk factors across seven states in the United States
- 【创意】通过游戏为网民“接种”低剂量错误信息,对假新闻免疫!
- This new game tries to vaccinate you against fake news
- 李兰娟院士,就被《Nature》杂志评为“2020年度十大科学人物”发表声明
- 李兰娟院士就被《Nature》评为“2020年度十大科学人物”发表声明
- 李兰娟就被《自然》杂志评为“2020年度十大科学人物”发表声明
- “与事实不符!”李兰娟致函Nature
- 连发两篇Cell子刊:武汉大学李红良团队构建新预测模型,利用血常规实现对新冠患者全病程风险评估
- Development and Validation of a Risk Score Using Complete Blood Count toPredict In-hospital Mortality in COVID-19 Patients
- 西方国家的 “群体免疫” 到底还需要多少人感染才能实现?如果国外群体免疫成功,中国怎么办?
- How Much Herd Immunity Is Enough?
- 专家:谨防国外“群体免疫”给中国造成“免疫落差”新挑战
- 再次确认!新冠疫苗全民免费接种,全国已设置25392个接种点
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | 健康是社会的根基
- Health as a foundation for society
- 后疫情时代低碳转型 | 分时电价开辟智能低碳技术蓝海
- COVID-19大流行期间的艾滋病“虚拟村庄”
- 综述:更多研究发现改写新冠疫情时间线
- Association between mental health and community support in lockdown communities during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from rural China
- Information management in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Monitoring the COVID-19 epidemic with nationwide telecommunication data
- Science预言:2021最值得关注的13条重大科学新闻
- The science stories likely to make headlines in 2021
- 【Applied Energy最新原创论文】COVID-19对中国主要污染企业NOx排放的影响
- Impacts of the COVID-19 event on the NOx emissions of key polluting enterprises in China
- 新冠疫情让全球如此之痛,AI何时才能让人类医学更强大?
- The BMJ:如何回击反疫苗者: 不要和讲故事的人讲事实
- 2020年度中国生命科学十大进展出炉!非院士主导项目比例增加
- Science | 新冠感染终将一场普通感冒
- Immunological characteristics govern the transition of COVID-19 to endemicity
- An Examination of People’s Privacy Concerns, Perceptions of Social Benefits, and Acceptance of COVID-19 Mitigation Measures That Harness Location Information: A Comparative Study of the U.S. and South Korea
- 技术战“疫”的决胜之战
- 全方位推动疾病发现 │ 推广
- Covering all bases for disease discovery
- 旅行禁令和线上会议:后疫情时代如何出行
- Rethinking travel in a post-pandemic world
- 2020年度中国生命科学十大进展出炉!非院士主导项目比例增加
- 2021年,关于全球发展的7个预测
- 神奇!以人类对句子的解读类比免疫系统对新冠等病毒的识别|Science一周精选
- Learning the language of viral evolution and escape
- Association analysis framework of genetic and exposure risks for COVID-19 in middle-aged and elderly adults
- 基于新冠疫情经验,施普林格·自然CEO呼吁强化科研界的合作以促进开放科学
- 深度!为何新冠终究会变成一场症状轻微的普通感冒
- News Attention and Social-Distancing Behavior Amid COVID-19: How Media Trust and Social Norms Moderate a Mediated Relationship
- Social restriction versus herd immunity policies in the early phase of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: A mathematical modelling study
- 国际资讯|智能采矿时代已经到来:可将新冠肺炎疫情影响最小化的先进技术
- 【观点】注射疫苗后还需要经过三个阶段,最早2022年可正常国际旅行
- Once you and your friends are vaccinated, can you quit social distancing?
- 新冠疫情期间日本的自杀率变化 |《自然-人类行为》论文
- Increase in suicide following an initial decline during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan
- 【Applied Energy最新原创论文】160万笔银行交易复现由COVID-19封城引发的分布式光伏市场的放缓
- 1.6 Million transactions replicate distributed PV market slowdown by COVID-19 lockdown
- 挪威23人接种辉瑞疫苗后去世!黑客攻击药管局曝光疫苗数据,指存在安全隐忧
- 利用基因组分析追踪新冠肺炎疫情传入英国的轨迹|Science新冠
- Establishment and lineage dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in the UK
- 未来十年,SARS-CoV-2(新冠病毒)的严重程度将如何变化?|Science新冠专题
- Immunological characteristics govern the transition of COVID-19 to endemicity
- AI转行搞医学:用自然语言处理算法预测病毒的免疫逃逸 | Science
- The language of a virus
- 顶级病毒学家:我能掀起一场新的病毒疫情??? ???
- Could too much time between doses drive the coronavirus to outwit vaccines?
- 观点 | COVID-19期间的育儿
- Parenting in the time of COVID-19
- 《科学》公布2020年年度突破,疫情下科学没有止步
- 牛!用语言模型研究病毒
- 《科学》杂志:通过感染获得群体免疫不可行!
- Herd immunity by infection is not an option
- The BMJ:在COVID⁃19大流行期间居家照料者如何使用终末期药物【缓和医疗】【2020年第10期】
- Administration of end-of-life drugs by family caregivers during covid-19 pandemic
- Nature:新冠疫情限制了2020年的碳排放,但作用不大
- COVID curbed carbon emissions in 2020 — but not by much
- AI算法或使我们跟上新冠病毒的变异速度
- As SARS-CoV-2 Mutates, AI Algorithms Try to Keep Pace
- Ecosystem-centric business continuity planning (eco-centric BCP): A post COVID19 new normal
- The BMJ研究:现有新冠病毒诊断AI模型,几乎毫无用处
- 谎称疫苗与自闭症相关的造假研究撤稿了,他的作者如何了?
- The discredited doctor hailed by the anti-vaccine movement
- Local Anomalies in the Column‐Averaged Dry Air Mole Fractions of Carbon Dioxide Across the Globe During the First Months of the Coronavirus Recession
- Detection of fossil-fuel CO2 plummet in China due to COVID-19 by observation at Hateruma
- Quantitative assessment of the effects of resource optimization and ICU admission policy on COVID-19 mortalities
- Nature:第一个依靠疫苗实现全民免疫的国家,可能出现了
- Are COVID vaccination programmes working? Scientists seek first clues
- 117个国家/地区的温度与COVID-19传播能力之间的关联
- Revisiting the association between temperature and COVID-19 transmissibility across 117 countries
- 时间线 | 新冠文章发表一周年记
- 2020:our year in review
- 科学界的下一步 | Cell社论
- What happens next
- SVN | 疫情如何影响中国的卒中治疗:医疗服务提供者的视角
- Impact of COVID-2019 on stroke services in China: survey from the Chinese Stroke Association
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | COVID-19:教育和健康的交互作用
- COVID-19: the intersection of education and health
- GRL: 新冠疫情期间长三角超大城市大气细颗粒物对污染减排的化学响应机制
- Chemistry of atmospheric fine particles during the COVID-19 pandemic in a megacity of Eastern China
- Nature’s Role in Supporting Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Geospatial and Socioecological Study
- Digital health literacy and online information seeking in times of COVID-19. A cross-sectional survey among university students in Germany
- Global Imperative of Suicidal Ideation in 10 Countries Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Season, not lockdown, improved air quality during COVID-19 State of Emergency in Nigeria
- Influencing factors for potential bike-sharing users: an empirical analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Unpacking the health and social consequences of COVID-19 through a race, migration and gender lens
- Impact of Public Health Education Program on the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak in the United States
- Spatiobehavioral Characteristics – Defining the Epidemiology of New Contagious Diseases at the Earliest Moment Possible
- 爱国情怀和科学精神真能指导抗疫行为吗?
- The BMJ | COVAX计划必须超越按比例分配疫苗以确保公平公正的可及性
- Covax must go beyond proportional allocation of covid vaccines to ensure fair and equitable access
- 疫情之下全球减排,但没有预期那么多
- 以色列提供了疫苗接种有效率的初步线索
- 历史性时刻:全球新冠病例正式破一亿!印度首都超一半人曾感染,美国疫情缓解,却不是因为疫苗?
- Daily CO2 Emission Reduction Indicates the Control of Activities to Contain COVID-19 in China
- 一起读Science | 从美国疫情期间某大学地质系解散看高校的内卷化问题
- A department terminated
- COVID-19 lockdown air quality change implications for solar energy generation over China
- The BMJ | 英国推迟新冠病毒疫苗第二针注射时间引争议
- Covid-19 vaccination: What’s the evidence for extending the dosing interval?
- 守护人类健康的疫苗 | 推广
- Seeking protection for all
- 群体免疫梦碎?全球首个“实现群体免疫”的城市,如今再度面临崩溃
- 昆士兰大学郭建华团队Science评论文章 | 新冠期间过度消毒会加速超级细菌的传播
- Disinfection spreads antimicrobial resistance
- 【观点】《经济学人》:颁发“疫苗接种护照”并不公平,但不可避免
- The promise and perils of vaccine passports
- 教授去世后,仍在“教”网课:疫情下的高等教育奇景
- Nigeria's financing of health care during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and recommendations
- COVID-19 pandemic and prospects for recovery of the global aviation industry
- Changes in Healthy Behaviors and Meeting 24-h Movement Guidelines in Spanish and Brazilian Preschoolers, Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Lockdown
- Childhood Obesity and COVID-19 Lockdown: Remarks on Eating Habits of Patients Enrolled in a Food-Education Program
- 【研究】英国学者调查:疫情封锁给人们的生活带来哪些积极变化?
- Lockdown has led to positive change for some people. Here's why
- 通过谷歌趋势评估COVID-19期间慢阻肺的自我用药
- Assessing self-medication for obstructive airway disease during COVID-19 using Google Trends
- 预防下一场全球瘟疫,科学家已经在行动
- 被 Nature 痛批「防疫失败」,这届 WHO 到底怎么了?
- Why did the world’s pandemic warning system fail when COVID hit?
- COVID-19-Related Changes in Perceived Household Food Waste in the United States: A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study
- Febrile syndrome upon return from the tropics during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Spatial Patterns of COVID-19 Incidence in Relation to Crime Rate Across London
- Social integration through social connection in everyday life. Residents' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in SällBo collaborative housing, Sweden
- 【Applied Energy最新原创文章】COVID-19如何影响能源需求和消费?
- Impacts of COVID-19 on energy demand and consumption: Challenges, lessons and emerging opportunities
- 2020年3月至8月十六种新冠病毒新变种在南非传播 |《自然-医学》论文
- Sixteen novel lineages of SARS-CoV-2 in South Africa
- MDPI 行业报告 | 新冠肺炎疫情对学术期刊出版行业的影响
- Cell:阵容空前,19位通讯作者,包括3名院士,146万个单细胞转录组图谱揭示新冠免疫特征
- COVID-19 immune features revealed by a large-scale single cell transcriptome atlas
- 一亿剂疫苗打出去了,何时能见效?
- 【观点】疫苗接种开始后,全球疫情何时可以好转?
- Answers to All Your Questions About Getting Vaccinated for Covid-19
- 艰难的返乡路
- Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Physical Activity Among the Chinese Youths: The COVID-19 Impact on Lifestyle Change Survey (COINLICS)
- Changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviours from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown: a systematic review
- 这份 “新冠” 年度书单请收好
- The pandemic bookshelf grows
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | 大流行时期的基因组测序
- COVID-19: the intersection of education and health
- Suicidality among healthcare professionals during the first COVID19 wave
- 疫情之下,人文学科有多“惨”!
- Covid-19:社会谋杀,他们写下——被选上的、不负责任的、没有悔过的
- Covid-19: Social murder, they wrote—elected,unaccountable, and unrepentant
- 2020年神经病学重大进展:与新冠相关的睡眠障碍以及创伤性脑损伤
- Sleep research in 2020: COVID-19-related sleep disorders
- Public Available Code and Data to Reproduce Analyses in "Air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in the United States: Strengths and limitations of an ecological regression analysis."
- 王立铭|未来人类有没有可能消灭病毒传染病?
- 柳叶刀2020年度照片:讲述15个健康故事
- Highlights 2020: framing health stories
- Association between coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and long-term exposure to air pollution: evidence from the first epidemic wave in China
- Characterizing the Propagation of Situational Information in Social Media During COVID-19 Epidemic: A Case Study on Weibo
- De-carbonization of global energy use during the COVID-19 pandemic
- The Impact of COVID-19 on the Interrelation of Physical Activity, Screen Time and Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents in Germany: Results of the Motorik-Modul Study
- 人工智能如何对抗新冠肺炎?看AAAI2021康奈尔医学部Fei Wang博士报告《计算智能阻击流行病》,附156页ppt
- 【研究】疫情防控让天空变蓝,但也导致天气变热
- Pandemic temporarily warmed the climate
- How did micro-mobility change in response to COVID-19 pandemic? A case study based on spatial-temporal-semantic analytics
- Global Air Quality and COVID-19 Pandemic: Do We Breathe Cleaner Air?
- Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on weight status and associated factors for obesity among children in Massachusetts
- 【存照】这里没有雾霾、没有新冠,而且是世界上唯一的负碳排放国家!
- How one tiny country is beating the pandemic and climate change
- A Thematic Analysis of Weibo Topics (Chinese Twitter Hashtags) Regarding Older Adults During the COVID-19 Outbreak
- Assessing the influence of climate on wintertime SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks
- Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 214 families with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China
- Correction: Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on activity patterns and weight status among youths in China: the COVID-19 Impact on Lifestyle Change Survey (COINLICS)
- Examining Population Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: All-Cause, Pneumonia and Influenza, and Road Traffic Deaths in Taiwan
- Spatial-temporal relationship between population mobility and COVID-19 outbreaks in South Carolina: A time series forecasting analysis
- 【观点】气候变化是远超新冠疫情的健康危机,紧急行动至关重要
- Climate change is a health crisis — how can health care and life sciences respond?
- 数据解读“特殊”春运:“返乡过年”人数同比降五成,这些人成今年春运主力
- 世卫专家发文透漏更多信息,武汉应当只是第一站
- The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and atmospheric composition: back to the future
- A call to action: Improving urban green spaces to reduce health inequalities exacerbated by COVID-19
- Tracking the UK SARS-CoV-2 outbreak
- Do Air Pollutants as Well as Meteorological Factors Impact Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Evidence From China Based on the Geographical Perspective
- Post-covid的想象:疫情结束后你最想做什么?
- 绘制理解大流行病动态的流行病学蓝图,有助应对SARS-CoV-2等病原体
- Blueprint for Understanding the Pandemic
- An Epidemiological Blueprint for Understanding the Dynamics of a Pandemic
- The Relationship between Nature Deprivation and Individual Wellbeing across Urban Gradients under COVID-19
- SARS-CoV-2 European resurgence foretold: interplay of introductions and persistence by leveraging genomic and mobility data
- Effect of the COVID-19 lockdown on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors in French Children and Adolescents: new results from the ONAPS national survey
- The Immediate Impact of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic on Adolescents with Severe Obesity - Another Pandemic
- Physical Activity Behavior Before, During, and After COVID-19 Restrictions: Longitudinal Smartphone-Tracking Study of Adults in the United Kingdom
- 防控新冠病毒新变异,公共卫生在行动!| Cell Press新冠中心论文速递
- Public health actions to control new SARS-CoV-2 variants
- 【Applied Energy最新原创论文】对疫情期间美国大型电力系统和市场运营进行定量评估
- Quantitative assessment of U.S. bulk power systems and market operations during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 《自然》调研:近九成科学家认为新冠病毒不会消失,这对生活意味着什么?
- The coronavirus is here to stay — here’s what that means
- The BMJ∣最新研究报告显示,英国在快速检测Covid-19政策上存在分歧
- Covid-19: Controversial rapid test policy divides doctors and scientists
- 百度地图:2021春运返乡期高速拥堵大幅缓解,受防疫影响明显
- 高福:我国已接种3100万剂新冠疫苗,国内疫情进入压制阶段
- Editorial: COVID-19: A Year Long and Beyond?
- Obesity and COVID-19 in Adult Patients With Diabetes
- An improved decomposition method to differentiate meteorological and anthropogenic effects on air pollution: a national study in China during the COVID-19 lockdown period
- Impact of temperature and relative humidity on the transmission of COVID-19: a modelling study in China and the United States
- 【Applied Energy最新原创论文】有关COVID-19限制能源消费的分散式回顾性分析
- A retrospective analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 restrictions on energy consumption at a disaggregated level
- Assessing the recent impact of COVID-19 on carbon emissions from China using domestic economic data
- SARS-CoV-2 European resurgence foretold: interplay of introductions and persistence by leveraging genomic and mobility data
- Perceived threat, negative emotions and self-efficacy in relation to mental health and personal protective behavior among 4,087 Chinese pregnant women during the COVID-19 period: Results from an online survey
- The new normal of social psychology in the face of the COVID‐19 pandemic: Insights and advice from leaders in the field
- 当怀孕遇上了新冠:她们会面临怎样的困境
- 新冠疫情对科技金属供应的影响
- COVID-19 disruptions to tech-metals supply are a wake-up call
- The BMJ:新型冠状病毒肺炎感染的长期影响:医生呼吁加强研究和监测以全面了解疾病【新闻】【2020年第12期】
- Long covid: doctors call for research and surveillance to capture disease
- 智能手表也能检测新冠病毒?恐怕只是美好的设想
- Pre-symptomatic detection of COVID-19 from smartwatch data
- 【数据】疫情下,2020年全球电动汽车销量逆势增长43%,欧洲领先中国
- Worldwide electric vehicle sales soared in 2020
- Science新冠专题|绘制逃避COVID-19抗体治疗的突变图谱,表明先前的图谱并不完整
- Prospective mapping of viral mutations that escape antibodies used to treat COVID-19
- [译] 麦肯锡:在后疫情时代应对气候变化
- Addressing climate change in a post-pandemic world
- 发病率下降95.8%!首个靠疫苗遏制新冠的国家出现了?170万人次大数据出炉
- 《自然》:疫情导致2020年全球碳排放显著下降,但低于预期
- 发病率下降95.8%!170万人次大数据出炉:首个靠疫苗遏制新冠的国家出现了?
- An updated systematic review on the association between atmospheric particulate matter pollution and prevalence of SARS-CoV-2
- The impact of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) pandemic movement control order (MCO) on dengue cases in Peninsular Malaysia
- 新冠病毒或将长期存在,我们该如何应对?
- The coronavirus is here to stay — here’s what that means
- Lancet重磅丨辉瑞疫苗确能控制疫情,4周人群感染率下降75%
- Early rate reductions of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 in BNT162b2 vaccine recipients
- Nature: 给各大新冠疫苗排名?
- Why COVID vaccines are so difficult to compare
- A cooled city? Comparing human activity changes on the impact of urban thermal environment before and after city-wide lockdown
- The effects of school closures on SARS-CoV-2 among parents and teachers
- The past, present and future of digital contact tracing
- Drivers for the poor air quality conditions in North China Plain during the COVID-19 outbreak
- Response of major air pollutants to COVID-19 lockdowns in China
- Multiplex network reconstruction for the coupled spatial diffusion of infodemic and pandemic of COVID-19
- 10个月超过87000篇!新冠相关论文井喷,整个科学史上前所未有
- Limited role for meteorological factors on the variability in COVID-19 incidence: A retrospective study of 102 Chinese cities
- CTM|姜世勃建议在中/高风险区开展新冠疫苗环形免疫接种
- Ring vaccination of COVID-19 vaccines in medium- and high-risk areas ofcountries with low incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection
- Reply to: Observed impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on global trade
- 新冠疫苗能阻断病毒传播吗?
- Can COVID vaccines stop transmission? Scientists race to find answers
- Green space mitigates racial disparity of health: A higher ratio of green spaces indicates a lower racial disparity in SARS-CoV-2 infection rates in the USA
- 英国惠康基金会主任:放弃地缘政治和民族主义,建立全球伙伴关系,因为病毒无国界
- Audio Interview: Viral Variants and Covid-19
- 在北京做核酸检测,有可能像买菜一样方便吗?
- 2021年初COVID-19大流行的优先事项
- Priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic at the start of 2021: statement of the Lancet COVID-19 Commission
- 疫情期间,全美第一的肿瘤医院如何接治癌症病人?
- 重磅:全球近10%人口具有新冠病毒抗体,接种疫苗是集体免疫的唯一方法
- Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on body weight, eating habits and physical activity of Jordanian children and adolescents
- Physical activity behaviour and screen time in Dutch children during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Pre‐, during‐ and post‐school closures
- A plasmid DNA-launched SARS-CoV-2 reverse genetics system and coronavirus toolkit for COVID-19 research
- 为什么新冠疫苗很难比较?
- 清华大学、中国医学科学院合作解析新冠病毒RNA基因组结构, 并通过人工智能方法发现治疗新冠肺炎有效药物
- In vivo structural characterization of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome identifies host proteins vulnerable to repurposed drugs
- Predicting dynamic cellular protein–RNA interactions by deep learning using in vivo RNA structures
- 新冠防疫措施让全球减排7% |《自然-气候变化》论文
- Fossil CO2 emissions in the post-COVID-19 era
- Emerging from COVID-19: Lessons for Action on Climate Change and Health in Cities
- Physical activity, screen time and the COVID-19 school closures in Europe – an observational study in 10 countries
- Escaping to nature during a pandemic: a natural experiment in Asian cities during the COVID-19 pandemic with big social media data
- Impact of concurrent epidemics of dengue, chikungunya, zika, and COVID-19
- 《柳叶刀》评论 | 中低收入国家迫切需要新冠疫苗和治疗
- Urgent needs of low-income and middle-income countries for COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics
- 2020年中国的传播学研究:新冠、算法、隐私、游戏与媒介
- “保持群体中的交往距离”是大自然对传染病做出的自然反应|Science一周精选
- Infectious diseases and social distancing in nature
- Impact of COVID-19 on Colorectal Cancer Screening: evidence and recommendations
- Functional and genetic analysis of viral receptor ACE2 orthologs reveals a broad potential host range of SARS-CoV-2
- Concerns about SARS-CoV-2 evolution should not hold back efforts to expand vaccination
- 基于突发疫情的医疗废物技术管理体系建设
- 论文推荐 | 郭迟等:面向重大公共卫生事件的位置服务技术——以COVID-19疫情为例
- 【研究】全球每两年来一次2020年那样规模的“封城”式减排,方可实现巴黎协定目标
- Lockdown-Size Emission Cuts Are Needed Every Two Years to Combat Climate Crisis
- The Potential Future of the COVID-19 Pandemic Will SARS-CoV-2 Become a Recurrent Seasonal Infection?
- Mental Health, Greenness and Nature Related Behaviours in the Adult Population of Stockholm County during Covid-19-related Restrictions
- Influence of Temperature, and of Relative and Absolute Humidity on COVID-19 Incidence in England - A Multi-City Time-Series Study
- Do Air Pollutants as Well as Meteorological Factors Impact Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Evidence From China Based on the Geographical Perspective
- How Does Railway Respond to the Spread of COVID-19? Countermeasure Analysis and Evaluation Around the World
- 佳文赏析 | 《Nature Climate Change》:COVID-19对全球当前和未来造成的气候影响
- 疫情期间社交隔离对人体神经回路的影响 | Cell Press论文速递
- The neural circuitry of social homeostasis: Consequences of acute versus chronic social isolation
- 【发展研究】疫情防控中测绘地理信息影响力分析
- 【空气污染】京津冀和珠三角地区疫情期间的空气污染和健康影响
- Comparison of air pollutants and their health effects in two developed regions in China during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 重磅揭秘!湖北恩施超低新冠感染率谜团破解,与当地富含这一神秘物质有关
- Selenium (Se) plays a key role in the biological effects of some viruses: implications for COVID-19
- 新冠大流行一年,“在所有人都安全之前,没有人是安全的”
- Nature Climate Change | 后疫情时代的全球温室气体排放
- Older people and nature: the benefits of outdoors, parks and nature in light of COVID-19 and beyond– where to from here?
- 【Applied Energy最新原创论文】COVID-19封城对加拿大社会福利住宅建筑能耗的影响
- Impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown on energy consumption in a Canadian social housing building
- 清华大学环境学院吴静团队WR:从水环境质量揭示新冠肺炎疫情对苏南地区印染行业生产的影响
- Novel insights into impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on aquatic environment of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in southern Jiangsu region
- Nature Podcast:疫情下的“论文潮”与不平等
- COVID is amplifying the inadequacy of research-evaluation processes
- 《柳叶刀》社论 | 新冠疫苗的获取:超越COVAX
- Access to COVID-19 vaccines: looking beyond COVAX
- COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 Concentration and Population Density—An Exploratory Study
- 一个都不能用?62个AI算法被指存在重大问题,剑桥团队:都不具有新冠临床诊断价值
- Staying at home is a privilege: evidence from fine-grained mobile phone location data in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic
- COVID-19-related school closing aggravate obesity and glucose intolerance in pediatric patients with obesity
- Students’ attitude and sleep pattern during school closure following COVID-19 pandemic quarantine: a web-based survey in south of Iran
- Seasonality of Non-SARS, Non-MERS Coronaviruses and the Impact of Meteorological Factors
- Association of Age With Likelihood of Developing Symptoms and Critical Disease Among Close Contacts Exposed to Patients With Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Italy
- The BMJ:新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行中,风险补偿是否威胁公共健康?【分析】【2020年第12期】
- Is risk compensation threatening public health in the covid-19 pandemic?
- Spatial technologies to strengthen traditional testing for SARS-CoV-2
- Lancet重磅 | 王辰院士等揭示武汉人群新冠抗体阳性者占6.9%,其中82%无症状、40%存在中和抗体并至少可持续9个月
- Seroprevalence and humoral immune durability of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Wuhan, China: a longitudinal, population-level, cross-sectional study
- 论熄灭“无烟的火焰”——无症状新冠感染者的必要性|Science一周精选
- SARS-CoV-2 transmission without symptoms
- 《柳叶刀》重磅:武汉新冠抗体阳性者占6.9%,82%无症状,40%存在中和抗体并至少可持续9个月
- COVID-19时期的COPD:对COPD急性加重患者行为改变的分析及报告
- COPD in the time of COVID-19: an analysis of acute exacerbations and reported behavioural changes in patients with COPD
- 最新研究 | 武汉人群新冠抗体阳性者占6.9%:82%无症状,40%存在中和抗体并至少可持续9个月
- Science:间隔接种COVID-19疫苗有好处,但长期结果取决于强大的免疫力
- Epidemiological and evolutionary considerations of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dosing regimes
- 王辰院士等专家发出「中国强声」:武汉人群研究显示新冠中和抗体至少可以维持9个月
- COVID-19 in patients with autoimmune diseases: characteristics and outcomes in a multinational network of cohorts across three countries
- sportation Density Reduction Caused by City Lockdowns Across the World during the COVID-19 Epidemic: From the View of High-resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
- Lessons learned one year after SARS-CoV-2 emergence leading to COVID-19 pandemic
- 受COVID-19疫情影响的2021年全球趋势及挑战
- Global Trendsin 2021: How COVID-19 is Transforming International Development
- COVID-19封锁使全球气温暂时略微升温
- Climate Impacts of COVID-19 Induced Emission Changes
- Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with COVID-19 who have cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of global data
- Association between air quality, meteorological factors and COVID-19 infection
- 新冠疫情中,科学“错”在哪儿?| Cell编辑访谈
- Scientific misinformation: A perfect storm, missteps, and moving forward
- 全球疫情已触顶?或许尚未可知
- Has COVID peaked? Maybe, but it’s too soon to be sure
- 前线视野|全球疫情下的新威胁:近在咫尺的食物危机
- Science:仅靠疫苗可能不足以终结新冠病毒大流行
- SARS-CoV-2 transmission without symptoms
- Vaccines alone may not be enough to end pandemic: study
- 警惕:香港COVID-19大流行背后的弱势群体 | Aging and Disease
- Promoting Resilience in the Age of COVID-19 Pandemic: A New Era of Strategic Foresight
- 任智勇和徐亘博呼吁:不能让一次性口罩像塑料一样成为下一个全球环境问题
- Preventing masks from becoming the next plastic problem
- Impact of Public Health Education Program on the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak in the United States
- Transportation Density Reduction Caused by City Lockdowns Across the World during the COVID-19 Epidemic: From the View of High-resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
- Association between meteorological factors and daily new cases of COVID-19 in 188 countries: A time series analysis
- 碳中和与十四五规划: 绿色COVID-19复苏、城市可持续发展和清洁能源转型
- Towards carbon neutrality and China’s 14th Five-Year Plan: Green COVID-19 recovery, sustainable urban development and clean energy transition
- Wolfram 技术帮您通过咳嗽音来预测诊断新冠病毒
- Spatial Accessibility Assessment of COVID-19 Patients to Healthcare Facilities: A Case Study of Florida
- COVID-19 and Its Impact on Carbon Dioxide Emissions
- What Indians Think of the COVID-19 vaccine: A qualitative study comprising focus group discussions and thematic analysis
- Development and application of a new framework for infectious disease management at early stage of new epidemics: taking COVID‐19 outbreak in China as an example
- On the Relevancy of Observed Ozone Increase during COVID-19 Lockdown to Summertime Ozone and PM2.5 Control Policies in China
- RCR新文:新冠肺炎相关医疗废物热化学转化技术综述
- Technological review on thermochemical conversion of COVID-19-related medical wastes
- 疫情期间儿童体重增加,父母该如何应对?
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- Carbon markets are proving resilient to the coronavirus pandemic
- 普通人的自然|城市农夫:在高密度城市如何实现种地自由
- Measuring the direct population impact of COVID-19 in Scotland, 2020: estimating disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) during the first full calendar year
- Association between NO2 concentrations and spatial configuration: A study of the impacts of COVID-19 lockdowns in 54 US cities
- 我们离全球接种新冠疫苗还有多远?
- What it will take to vaccinate the world against COVID-19
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people's mobility: A longitudinal study of the U.S. from march to september of 2020
- Exploring the influence of human mobility factors and spread prediction on early COVID-19 in the USA
- Influence of air pollution and meteorological factors on the spread of COVID-19 in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region and Air Quality during the Outbreak
- An improved decomposition method to differentiate meteorological and anthropogenic effects on air pollution: A national study in China during the COVID-19 lockdown period
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- 【存照】疫情之下,2020 年全球新增可再生能源装机容量创历史新高!
- Despite COVID-19 pandemic, more than 260GW of renewable energy capacity added globally in 2020, beating previous record by almost 50% IRENA Director-General Francesco Camera hails start of ‘decade of renewables’
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- Fossil CO2 emissions in the post-COVID-19 era
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- The mutual effects of COVID-19 and obesity
- Risk perception of COVID-19 and its socioeconomic correlates in the United States: A social media analysis
- SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study
- COVID-19 vaccines in high-risk ethnic groups
- Public health education post-COVID-19: a proposal for critical revisions
- The role of perceived public and private green space in subjective health and wellbeing during and after the first peak of the COVID-19 outbreak
- Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomic epidemiology reveals disease transmission coupled to variant emergence and allelic variation
- Meteorological factors and incidence of COVID-19 during the first wave of the pandemic in Catalonia (Spain): A multi-county study
- Within-city Variation in Reactive Oxygen Species from Fine Particle Air Pollution and COVID-19
- The mutual effects of COVID-19 and obesity
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- Racism in the USA: ensuring Asian American health equity
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- The changing world under the corona virus threat—from human needs to SDGs and what next?
- Time Evolution of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Wastewater during the First Pandemic Wave of COVID-19 in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Spain
- COVID-19 research and publishing: Advance ambitiously, but cautiously, in 2021
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- COVID-19-induced low power demand and market forces starkly reduce CO2 emissions
- Low circulation of Influenza A and coinfection with SARS‐CoV‐2 among other respiratory viruses during the COVID‐19 pandemic in a region of southern Brazil
- The way forward after COVID-19 vaccination: vaccine passports with blockchain to protect personal privacy
- A Web Survey to Evaluate the Thermal Stress Associated with Personal Protective Equipment among Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy
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- 6-month neurological and psychiatric outcomes in 236 379 survivors of COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study using electronic health records
- Global mitigation efforts should prioritize support to the emerging emitters
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- COVID-19 and Health Information Seeking Behavior: Digital Health Literacy Survey amongst University Students in Pakistan
- Community A Community Attitudes T ttitudes Towards Covid-19 V vid-19 Vaccination
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- Real sizes of COVID-19 pandemic waves in Ukraine
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- COVID-19 does not only disturb our social rhythm
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- Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak Quarantine, Isolation, and Lockdown Policies on Mental Health and Suicide
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- Unprecedented decarbonization of China's power system in the post-COVID era
- Low circulation of Influenza A and coinfection with SARS‐CoV‐2 among other respiratory viruses during the COVID‐19 pandemic in a region of southern Brazil
- Estimating and mitigating the risk of COVID-19 epidemic rebound associated with reopening of international borders in Vietnam: a modelling study
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- How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet
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- Comprehensive large-scale nucleic acid–testing strategies support China’s sustained containment of COVID-19
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- The effects of COVID-19 litter on animal life
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- Modelling the spatiotemporal association between COVID‐19 transmission and population mobility using geographically and temporally weighted regression
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- 2021: the beginning of a new era of immunisations?
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- Changes in mobility and socioeconomic conditions during the COVID-19 outbreak
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- Persistent high PM2. 5 pollution driven by unfavorable meteorological conditions during the COVID-19 lockdown period in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, China
- Effect of COVID-19 shutdown on aerosol direct radiative forcing over the Indo-Gangetic Plain outflow region of the Bay of Bengal
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- Implications of SARS‐CoV‐2 on current and future operation and management of wastewater systems
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- Ranking the risk of animal-to-human spillover for newly discovered viruses
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- Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections: a living systematic review and meta-analysis
- The impact of COVID-19 on CO2 emissions in the Los Angeles and Washington DC/Baltimore metropolitan areas
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- The air quality changes and related mortality benefits during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in China: results from a nationwide forecasting study
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- SARS-CoV-2 Infection Is Asymptomatic in Nearly Half of Adults with Robust Anti-Spike Protein Receptor-Binding Domain Antibody Response
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- plos pathogens:群体免疫简直是白日做梦
- Individuals cannot rely on COVID-19 herd immunity: Durable immunity to viral disease is limited to viruses with obligate viremic spread
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- Concurrent variation in oil and gas methane emissions and oil price during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Changes in COVID-19 in-hospital mortality in hospitalised adults in England over the first seven months of the pandemic: An observational study using administrative data
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- COVID-19 pandemic's effects on the quality of pregnant women's emergency treatment: Review of two cases from a medical center in northern Taiwan
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- Associations between body-mass index and COVID-19 severity in 6·9 million people in England: a prospective, community-based, cohort study
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- Green spaces mitigate racial disparity of health: A higher ratio of green spaces indicates a lower racial disparity in SARS-CoV-2 infection rates in the USA
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- Investigate the origins of COVID-19
- Modeled changes in source contributions of particulate matter during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Yangtze River Delta, China
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- Only 1% of Japan is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Is it ready for the Olympics?
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- The differential effects of social media on depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation among the younger and older population during COVID-19: Population-based cross-sectional survey study
- Moderation effect of urban density on changes in physical activity during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
- Exposure to nature and mental health outcomes during COVID-19 lockdown. A comparison between Portugal and Spain
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- Associations between changes in population mobility in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and socioeconomic factors at the city level in China and country level worldwide: a retrospective, observational study
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- Association Between Urban Greenspace and Mental Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a U.S. Cohort
- Impact of disruptions in breast cancer control due to the COVID-19 pandemic on breast cancer mortality in the United States: Estimates from collaborative simulation modeling
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- 2021年全球及中国新冠疫苗市场研究报告
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- Bilateral associations between sleep duration and depressive symptoms among Chinese adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
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- Genomic Epidemiology of the First Wave of SARS-CoV-2 in Italy
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- 如果没这样做,将有730多万人感染?钟南山这句话刷屏!德尔塔或令疫情指数级增长,世卫敦促欧美接受中国疫苗
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- 【研究】中大团队发现2020年初疫情期间温室气体排放减缓对冬季北极海冰覆盖范围的影响
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- 利用社交媒体评估社会急剧变化时期城市绿地的游憩活动
- Using social media to assess recreation across urban green spaces in times of abrupt change
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- Association of Influenza Vaccination and Prognosis in Patients Testing Positive to SARS-CoV-2 Swab Test: A Large-Scale Italian Multi-Database Cohort Study
- Citywide serosurveillance of the initial SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in San Francisco using electronic health records
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- U.S. fossil fuel consumption fell by 9% in 2020, the lowest level in nearly 30 years
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- Economic shock in a climate scenario and its impact on surface temperatures
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- Identifying areas of potential critical healthcare shortages: A case study of spatial accessibility to ICU beds during the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida
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- Meaningful messaging: Sentiment in elite social media communication with the public on the COVID-19 pandemic
- Exploring spatiotemporal effects of the driving factors on COVID-19 incidences in the contiguous United States
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- The COVID-19 crisis will exacerbate maternal and child undernutrition and child mortality inlow- and middle- income countries
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- SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in healthcare workers of a Swiss tertiary care centre at the end of the first wave: a cross-sectional study
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- The road to addressing Long Covid
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- Living in a pandemic: adaptation of individual mobility and social activity in the US
- Measuring daily-life fear perception change: a computational study in the context of COVID-19
- How did human dwelling and working intensity change over different stages of COVID-19 in Beijing?
- Changes in mobility pre and post first SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: findings from a prospective community cohort study including GPS movement tracking in England and Wales (Virus Watch)
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- These archaeologists helped quell a COVID surge in Madagascar
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- 关注 | 测绘地理信息服务疫情防控
- Analyzing COVID-19 Using Multisource Data: An Integrated Approach of Visualization, Spatial Regression, and Machine Learning
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- Green spaces, especially forest, linked to lower SARS-CoV-2 infection rates: A one-year nationwide study
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- Geo Health Hub论坛系列好文第三期
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- Reducing risk of childhood obesity in the wake of covid-19
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- Diagnostic accuracy of rapid antigen tests in asymptomatic and presymptomatic close contacts of individuals with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection: cross sectional study
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- A framework for monitoring population immunity to SARS-CoV-2
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- Airborne transmission of respiratory viruses
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- 佳文推荐|2020年新冠防控下的中国春天
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- Healthy cities after COVID-19 pandemic: the just ecofeminist healthy cities approach
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- Genomic epidemiology reveals the reduction of the introduction and spread of SARS-CoV-2 after implementing control strategies in South Korea, 2020
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- Non-negligible contributions to human health from increased household air pollution exposure during the COVID-19 lockdown in China
- 疫情下的网暴大流行 |《自然》新闻特写
- ‘I hope you die’: how the COVID pandemic unleashed attacks on scientists
- COVID-19的错误对立 | BMC Infectious Diseases
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- Socioeconomic differences and persistent segregation of Italian territories during COVID-19 pandemic
- Genomic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 in Oxford during United Kingdom’s first national lockdown
- GSIS|武汉流出人口对中国其他城市COVID-19疫情影响的空间异质性研究
- Geographically Varying Relationships between Population Flows from Wuhan and COVID-19 Cases in Chinese Cities
- 科学家发现第八种可感染人的冠状病毒
- Carbon dioxide emissions rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic
- Regional impacts of COVID-19 on carbon dioxide detected worldwide from space
- 【研究】新冠疫情造成港口拥堵,传播污染物激增
- Covid congestion sees dramatic spike in shipping emissions at major gateways
- Covid-19封锁期间人与野生鸟类共同受益
- Birds of a feather lockdown together: Mutual bird-human benefits during a global pandemic
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- Inequitable and Heterogeneous Impacts on Electricity Consumption from COVID-19 Mitigation Measures
- COVID-19封禁带来印度人为碳排放短期下降
- A short-term decline in anthropogenic emission of CO2 in India due to COVID-19 confinement
- Greenspace and park use associated with less emotional distress among college students in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Effect of short-term exposure to air pollution on COVID-19 mortality and morbidity in Iranian cities
- A Burgeoning Social Media Infodemic Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cognitive Behavioural Perspective
- Misinformation and the Mindsponge mechanism of trust
- Societal shifts due to COVID-19 reveal large-scale complexities and feedbacks between atmospheric chemistry and climate change
- Human Mobility to Parks under the COVID-19 Pandemic and Wildfire Seasons in the Western and Central United States
- Population Mobility, Lockdowns, and COVID-19 Control: An Analysis Based on Google Location Data and Doubling Time from India
- Data-driven analysis of amino acid change dynamics timely reveals SARS-CoV-2 variant emergence
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- 基于用户情感变化的新冠疫情舆情演变分析
- 武汉早期COVID-19的时间线|Science一周精选
- Dissecting the early COVID-19 cases in Wuhan
- 总统科技顾问委员会的前成员提出创建 COVID-19 委员会|Science一周精选
- Create a COVID-19 commission
- 新冠肺炎疫情大流行对国际科技发展的影响及其启示
- 《自然·能源》:新冠疫情如何影响长期能源转型
- Climate mitigation scenarios with persistent COVID-19-related energy demand changes
- Associations of COVID-19 lockdown with gestational length and preterm birth in China
- Differential health and economic impacts from the COVID-19 lockdown between the developed and developing countries: Perspective on air pollution
- Feeding Behaviour and Lifestyle of Children and Adolescents One Year after Lockdown by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chile
- Comprehensive occupational health services for healthcare workers in Zimbabwe during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
- Analysis of influenza and dengue cases in Mexico before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Strategic COVID-19 vaccine distribution can simultaneously elevate social utility and equity
- Impact of the COVID-19 on ambient air particulate matter in Surabaya, Indonesia
- COVID-19 Psychological Impact Survey
- Emerging geo-data sources to reveal human mobility dynamics during COVID-19 pandemic: opportunities and challenges
- BMJ:新冠两年——中国可以向世界展现什么?
- The BMJ发表“中国抗击新冠疫情的策略与经验”专辑,向世界介绍中国经验
- 山川异域,风月同天:Trends 编辑团队对新冠疫情的反思
- Nature最新 | 新冠Omicron所有进展汇总!
- The effects of different travel modes and travel destinations on COVID-19 transmission in global cities
- Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for healthcare workers: Need of the hour
- A ‘COVID Compass’ for navigating the pandemic
- Geo Health Hub论坛系列好文第六期
- 新冠疫情和塑料废弃物相关研究
- The BMJ I 最新专辑“新冠疫情的防范和应对:对未来大流行的启示”
- 疫情期间,我写了本科普书
- How I wrote a pop-science book
- 期刊专刊 | 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》:后疫情时代中国旅游业恢复研究专题
- 高福主任:中国是如何成为全球唯一“动态清零”的国家?
- The BMJ I 最新专辑“全球大流行条约的可选方案”
- Global to local impacts on atmospheric CO2 from the COVID-19 lockdown, biosphere and weather variabilities
- Mental Disorders and Emotional Competence Among Chinese Adolescents Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Mediation Model
- A machine learning framework to quantify and assess the impact of COVID-19 on the power sector: An Indian context
- Superspreading of SARS-CoV-2 infections: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- The emergence, genomic diversity and global spread of SARS-CoV-2
- Influence of socioeconomic variables on physical activity and screen time of children and adolescents during the COVID 19 lockdown in Germany: the MoMo study
- Association of air pollution and meteorological variables with the two waves of COVID-19 pandemic in Delhi: A critical analysis
- Lower Intent to Comply with COVID-19 Public Health Recommendations Correlates to Higher Disease Burden in Following 30 Days
- Estimating the impact of influenza on the epidemiological dynamics of SARS-CoV-2
- Where have the enteric viruses gone? - Differential effects on frequent causes of infectious diarrhoea by SARS-CoV-2 pandemic lockdown measures
- A comparison of coronavirus disease 2019 and seasonal influenza surveillance in five European countries: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom
- 疫情前后中国城市夜间灯光变化分析
- Nat. Rev. Phys. 年度评论:从人类移动数据透视流行病传播
- What human mobility data tell us about COVID-19 spread
- Omicron之后,新冠疫情将如何收尾?|《自然》长文
- Beyond Omicron: what’s next for COVID’s viral evolution
- 开展园艺活动有助于疫情期间的心理恢复
- The impact of gardening on mental resilience in times of stress: A case study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore
- 病毒感染与免疫研究霸榜,Science公布2021年十大科学突破进展
- Changes in mobility and socioeconomic conditions during the COVID-19 outbreak
- Insights into population behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic from cell phone mobility data and manifold learning
- Can parkland mitigate mental health burden imposed by the COVID-19? A national study in China
- COVID-19 and childhood obesity (CO-BESITY) in the era of new normal life: A need for a policy research
- Percolation of temporal hierarchical mobility networks during COVID-19
- Comprehensive occupational health services for healthcare workers in Zimbabwe during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
- ACP|COVID-19管控对全球地表NO2和O3浓度的影响
- Global impact of COVID-19 restrictions on the surface concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and ozone
- 整合全球新冠数据,华中大等开源联邦学习医学AI计算框架|Nature子刊
- 新冠封锁帮助减排,但地球温室气体不减反增!
- Rigorous Policy-Making Amid COVID-19 and Beyond: Literature Review and Critical Insights
- Impact of lockdowns and winter temperatures on natural gas consumption in Europe
- Cell:信息疫情——公共卫生的新挑战
- Infodemics: A new challenge for public health
- Vaccinations, Mobility and COVID-19 Transmission
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- Willingness to reduce travel consumption to support a low-carbon transition beyond COVID-19
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- 新冠两年,世界居然变了这么多?!
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- A machine learning framework to quantify and assess the impact of COVID-19 on the power sector: An Indian context
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- COVID-19 impact on excess deaths of various causes in the United States
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- 除了新冠,2021年我们还关心什么?
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- 全球还要多久才能恢复到疫情前的状态?预计7.4年!
- Foods:疫情下食品领域相关文章推荐 | MDPI 编辑荐读
- COVID-19 and Its Impact on Carbon Dioxide Emissions
- Carbon dioxide emissions rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic
- Did Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 Observation at Yonagunijima Detect Fossil-Fuel CO2 Reduction due to COVID-19 Lockdown?
- Quantification of methane emissions from hotspots and during COVID-19 using a global atmospheric inversion
- Lessons Learned for Emergency Feeding During Modifications to 11 School Feeding Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The private rental housing market before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A submarket analysis in Cracow, Poland
- Improving PM2.5 predictions during COVID-19 lockdown by assimilating multi-source observations and adjusting emissions
- Meteorological factors' effects on COVID-19 show seasonality and spatiality in Brazil
- COVID-19 and Air Pollution: A Spatial Analysis of Particulate Matter Concentration and Pandemic-Associated Mortality in the US
- Do children’s previous physical activity habits influence their behaviors during the Covid-19 social distancing period?
- The BMJ“中国抗击新冠疫情的策略与经验”专辑名列2021年度中国十大医学科技新闻榜首
- China's response to Covid-19
- 《柳叶刀》重磅预测:今年3月底,新冠大流行或即将结束!
- COVID-19 will continue but the end of the pandemic is near
- The BMJ | 紧急呼吁全球采取“疫苗+”策略
- Covid-19: An urgent call for global“vaccines-plus” action
- 新冠封城期间地面二氧化氮污染的变化 |《自然》论文
- Global fine-scale changes in ambient NO2 during COVID-19 lockdowns
- 柳叶刀重磅:新冠大流行即将结束!
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- Can parkland mitigate mental health burden imposed by the COVID-19? A national study in China
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- How do social media and individual behaviors affect epidemic transmission and control?
- 我该拿你怎么办:Omicron让防疫政策更难了
- How does Omicron spread so fast? A high viral load isn’t the answer
- Domestic and international mobility trends in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of facebook data
- Children’s perceptions of their neighbourhoods during COVID-19 lockdown in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Real-time CO2 emissions estimation in Spain and application to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Decomposing PM 2.5 air pollution rebounds in Northern China before COVID-19
- The impact of meteorological factors and PM2.5 on COVID-19 transmission
- Association of Major Depressive Symptoms With Endorsement of COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation Among US Adults
- SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: on its way to becoming an endemic disease?
- Healthcare Innovations to Address the Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Role of big geospatial data in the COVID-19 crisis
- Holistic Resilience Index: measuring the expected country resilience to pandemic
- Deciphering early-warning signals of SARS-CoV-2 elimination and resurgence from limited data at multiple scales
- Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to assess the impact of nonpharmaceutical interventions on the second wave of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic across the world
- 春运+奥运:中国会改变清零政策吗?
- China’s zero-COVID strategy: what happens next?
- Nat. Hum. Behav.前沿:确保全球疫苗公平分配加速疫情终结
- 新研究预测:如果全球新冠疫苗分配不均,疫情无法在5年内终结 | Nat Hum Behav
- Equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines makes a life-saving difference to all countries
- Influenza’s plummeting during the COVID-19 pandemic: The roles of mask-wearing, mobility change, and SARS-CoV-2 interference
- Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdown on Food Ordering Patterns among Youths in China: The COVID-19 Impact on Lifestyle Change Survey
- Association between social capital and mental health among older people living with HIV: The Sichuan Older HIV-Infected Cohort Study (SOHICS)
- The post-pandemic city: speculation through simulation
- Pandemic episodes, CO2 emissions and global temperatures
- Assessing the Effectiveness of an Urban CO2 Monitoring Network over the Paris Region through the COVID-19 Lockdown Natural Experiment
- Carbon Monoxide Emissions from the Washington, DC, and Baltimore Metropolitan Area: Recent Trend and COVID-19 Anomaly
- Development of Brief Video Intervention to Promote Physical Activity among Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
- Acceleration in BMI gain following COVID‐19 restrictions. A longitudinal study with 7‐to 10‐year‐old primary school children
- New urban habits in Stockholm following COVID-19
- Comparison of Dental Anxiety While Visiting Dental Clinics before and after Getting Vaccinated in Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic
- City-level greenness exposure is associated with COVID-19 incidence in China
- Changes in the Use of Green Spaces by Citizens Before and During the First COVID-19 Pandemic: A Big Data Analysis Using Mobile-Tracking GPS Data in Kanazawa, Japan
- Health-seeking behavior of COVID-19 cases during the first eight weeks of the outbreak in Singapore: differences between local community and imported cases and having visits to single or multiple healthcare providers
- Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 under an elimination strategy in Hong Kong
- 预出版| COVID-19封锁期间中国大城市PM2.5和CO2浓度比较
- Comparison of PM2.5 and CO2 in large cities of China during the COVID-19 lockdown
- COVID-19流行期间需警惕低湿环境的影响 | Infectious Diseases of Poverty
- Challenges in the control of COVID-19 outbreaks caused by the delta variant during periods of low humidity: an observational study in Sydney, Australia
- Urban Youth Perspectives on Food Insecurity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the COACHES Study
- The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the dietary patterns and eating behaviour in Saudi adults
- The effect of COVID certificates on vaccine uptake, public health, and the economy
- Urban Sprawl, Blight, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
- First Chinese ultraviolet–visible hyperspectral satellite instrument implicating global air quality during the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020
- Rural prioritization may increase the impact of COVID-19 vaccines in a representative COVAX AMC country setting due to ongoing internal migration: A modeling study