资源 疫情传播建模与流行病学分析
- 周涛:介绍并分析帝国理工和东北大学关于武汉实际感染人数的估计结果
- Preliminary assessment of the International Spreading Risk Associated with the 2019 novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak in Wuhan City
- Estimating the potential total number of novel Coronavirus in Wuhan City, China
- Github:利用网络上的SIR传播模型分析2019-nCov数据
- 新型冠状病毒通过交通流的传播数据推演(含公开数据集与直播预告)
- 翘首以盼的流行病学数据来了|新冠肺炎
- Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus–Infected Pneumonia
- 抗疫科研进展|城市大数据驱动的新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎短期病例数预测研究
- Incorporating Human Movement Data to Improve Epidemiological Estimates for 2019-nCoV
- Modelling of the nCoV-2019 outbreak in Wuhan, China, by Jon Read, Jess Bridgen, and Chris Jewell at Lancaster University
- R0基本传染数与数学模型预测新冠疫情下一步走向|《科学》杂志
- 帝国理工MRC最新报告:聚焦新病毒致死率,湖北省高达18%,不确定性仍然较高
- Report 4: Severity of 2019-novel coronavirus (nCoV)
- 迄今最大规模新冠肺炎临床数据:男性病死率是女性3倍多,一人可传染3.77人
- Epidemiological and clinical features of the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in China
- Location for summaries and analysis of data related to n-CoV 2019, first reported in Wuhan, China
- 新型冠状病毒肺炎流行病学特征的最新认识
- 新型冠状病毒肺炎流行病学特征的最新认识
- 新型冠状病毒肺炎流行病学特征分析
- The epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) in China
- CDC首次公开7万病例分析结果 论文发于《中华流行病学杂志》
- Covid-19 estimation and forecast using statistical model; 新型冠状病毒武汉肺炎统计模型预测
- 新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情确诊人数预测
- 该系列资源是Python疫情大数据分析,涉及网络爬虫、可视化分析、GIS地图、情感分析、舆情分析、主题挖掘、威胁情报溯源、知识图谱、预测预警及AI和NLP应用等
- JAMA重磅 | 中国疾病预防控制中心吴尊友等系统总结COVID-19的流行病学:危重病人死亡率达49%;全球需一起携手抗疫
- Characteristics of and Important Lessons From the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in China
- 如果新冠病毒爆发在亚美尼亚,程序员用Python进行模拟(附代码)
- 顶级医学期刊NEJM | 全球首次报道无症状的人可以携带新型冠状病毒
- Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Returning Travelers from Wuhan, China
- 规模最大 | 首次公开7万病例分析结果,论文发于《中华流行病学杂志》
- 新型冠状病毒肺炎流行病学特征分析
- Code for "Feasibilit Track the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the command line. Worldwide for all countries, for one country, and the US States. Fast response time (< 100ms).y of controlling 2019-nCoV outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts"
- Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts
- 新冠肺炎为何会在武汉爆发?中山大学最新论文认为,气候因素不容忽视
- Temperature significant change COVID-19 Transmission in 429 cities
- 再添实锤 | 无症状新冠肺炎患者可能是活动的感染源;对出院的新冠肺炎患者进行隔离和新冠病毒核酸检测
- Clinical Characteristics of 24 Asymptomatic Infections with COVID-19 Screened among Close Contacts in Nanjing, China
- COVID-19 infectious forecasting using SEIR model and R0 estimation
- SIR and SEIR model fitting for 2019-nCoV
- 钟南山团队最新模型预测:疫情二月底已达峰值,四月底将趋于平缓
- Modified SEIR and AI prediction of the epidemics trend of COVID-19 in China under public health interventions
- 重大进展 | 王福生院士等首次提出乳酸及白血病介素6可以作为新冠肺炎的预后指标
- Epidemiological and clinical features of COVID-19 patients with and without pneumonia in Beijing, China
- JAMA重大发现 | 新冠患者通过空调排气扇污染13个房间及3个厕所,严格遵守环境和手卫生成为必需
- Air, Surface Environmental, and Personal Protective Equipment Contamination by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) From a Symptomatic Patient
- Estimating the scale of COVID-19 Epidemic in the United States: Simulations Based on Air Traffic directly from Wuhan, China
- COVID-19 阶段性传播能力评估模型 | Infectious Diseases of Poverty
- A mathematical model for simulating the phase-based transmissibility of a novel coronavirus
- AI战疫|受两百年前的霍乱启发,京东城市利用时空大数据在20余天内找出500名疫情密切接触者
- Lancet最新 | 为时不晚,首次报道美国新冠肺炎人传人,但未发现进一步的传播
- First known person-to-person transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the USA
- 佛系抗疫的新加坡,严格随访了武汉撤侨,发现2.1%感染新冠病毒
- SARS-CoV-2 Infection among Travelers Returning from Wuhan, China
- Lancet长文报道 | 新加坡卫生部发现增强监视,追踪和隔离新冠肺炎患者接触者对于最大程度地降低社区中广泛传播的风险至关重要
- Investigation of three clusters of COVID-19 in Singapore: implications for surveillance and response measures
- Science重磅 | 中英美科学家联手合作,揭示新冠肺炎大流行的秘密:未被记录的新冠患者是已记录的5倍以上
- Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2)
- 突破 | 中国多机构强力合作,首次发现A型血的人更易感新冠肺炎,而O型更不易感
- Relationship between the ABO Blood Group and the COVID-19 Susceptibility
- 新冠病毒蔓延的混乱中,如何评估疫情规模?
- 重大新发现 | 兰州大学罗斌团队发现昼夜温差越大,新冠肺炎患者死亡率越高
- Effects of temperature variation and humidity on the mortality of COVID-19 in Wuhan
- 超越SIR模型:信息与疾病传播的复杂建模
- 新发现 | 全球数据分析,温度越高,新冠肺炎发病率越低
- Preliminary evidence that higher temperatures are associated with lower incidence of COVID-19, for cases reported globally up to 29th February 2020
- Nature重磅:超过6成新冠患者无症状,可能引起新一轮疫情爆发
- Covert coronavirus infections could be seeding new outbreaks
- Evolving Epidemiology and Impact of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Wuhan, China
- Estimation of the asymptomatic ratio of novel coronavirus infections (COVID-19)
- Estimating the asymptomatic proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship, Yokohama, Japan, 2020
- Clinical presentation and virological assessment of hospitalized cases of coronavirus disease 2019 in a travel-associated transmission cluster
- 60%的新冠感染者可能无症状,《自然》新闻称这可能导致疫情二次暴发
- 引爆全球疫情的「祸根」:无症状感染比例或达60%,传播风险一度被忽视
- 新冠肺炎隐性感染者或占6成,潜在传播风险值得警惕
- 利用网络上的SIR传播模型分析2019-nCov数据
- High Temperature and High Humidity Reduce the Transmission of COVID-19
- 英国已经获得群体免疫?牛津大学最新研究显示英国过半人口可能被感染
- Fundamental principles of epidemic spread highlight the immediate need for large-scale serological surveys to assess the stage of the SARS-COV-2 epidemic
- Coronavirus may have infected half of UK population — Oxford study
- Clinical and epidemiological features of 36 children with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Zhejiang, China: an observational cohort study
- 最新研究!“新冠病毒1月1日就开始在意大利传播”
- The early phase of the COVID-19 outbreak in Lombardy, Italy
- Models of SEIRS epidemic dynamics with extensions, including network-structured populations, testing, contact tracing, and social distancing
- 哈佛传染病专家:新冠病人中40%是无症状感染者
- 新冠病毒会在夏天消失吗?研究了6篇论文后,我得到了真相......
- Explore strategies of social distancing on epidemic w/ SIR model and R - from Gandon, Lion, Day
- 【观点】夏季降至:湿热的气候能否终结新冠病毒的传播?
- Could the summer bring an end to COVID-19?
- O型血更不易感?新冠病毒会使你症状多严重?答案或许在基因里|《科学》新闻
- 分析全球1085例新冠肺炎患者数据,我们得出这些结论!
- 关于新冠“复阳”的最新研究:不感染密接者
- Clinical characteristics of the recovered COVID-19 patients with re-detectable positive RNA test
- Planning as Inference in Epidemiological Models
- 南医大沈洪彬院士:江苏出现在洗浴中心的聚集感染,表明新冠病毒或可在高温高湿下传播
- Possible Transmission of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in a Public Bath Center in Huai’an, Jiangsu Province, China
- SEIR model for COVID-19 infection, including different clinical trajectories of infection
- Modeling COVID-19 Spread vs Healthcare Capacity
- A Proposed Model for Partial Identification of SARS-CoV2 Infection Rates Given Observed Tests and Cases
- Estimate Realtime Case Counts and Time-varying Epidemiological Parameters
- 美国智库发声,未来美国将有近10万人因新冠病毒死亡!医疗系统面临崩溃.....
- Forecasting COVID-19 impact on hospital bed-days, ICU-days, ventilator-days and deaths by US state in the next 4 months
- all of the code generated during our efforts to understand and model the COVID-19 outbreak
- Evolving epidemiology and transmission dynamics of coronavirus disease 2019 outside Hubei province, China: a descriptive and modelling study
- Mobility Changes in Response to COVID-19
- 基于多源时空大数据的区际迁徙人群多层次空间分布估算模型——以COVID-19疫情期间自武汉迁出人群为例
- 天气转暖,真的有助于杀死Covid-19吗?
- Will warm weather really kill off Covid-19?
- Simple SEIR model Python script for the COVID-19 pandemic with real world data comparison.
- 机器学习实战 | 意大利Covid-19病毒感染数学模型及预测(附代码)
- 武汉流感患者标本验出9例新冠阳性,最新证据表明病毒1月初已出现社区传播
- SARS-CoV-2 detection in patients with influenza-like illness
- 德国学者:仅6%感染者被检测,美国实际感染者或超1000万,各国应加强防范
- Average detection rate of SARS-CoV-2 infections is estimated around nine percent
- Estimates of the severity of coronavirus disease 2019: a model-based analysis
- Repository for all scripts required to replicate the CFR analysis for paper submission
- 再添实证 | 最新证据表明病毒1月初已出现社区传播,武汉流感患者标本验出9例新冠阳性
- 在一月初武汉呈流感状的患者体内检测到SARS-CoV-2|《自然-微生物学》
- SARS-CoV-2 detection in patients with influenza-like illness
- covid19uk
- The geographic spread of COVID-19 correlates with structure of social networks as measured by Facebook
- 柳叶刀-感染病学 | COVID-19流行病学及传播动力学领域取得重要进展
- From China: hope and lessons for COVID-19 control
- Jupyter notebooks using models like SEIR to predict COVID-19 spread
- Epidemiology, causes, clinical manifestation and diagnosis, prevention and control of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) during the early outbreak period: a scoping review
- 死亡人数预测从20万到200万都有?弄个新冠病毒模型就这么难?
- Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports: Anonymization Process Description (version 1.0)
- A machine learning methodology for real-time forecasting of the 2019-2020 COVID-19 outbreak using Internet searches, news alerts, and estimates from mechanistic models
- This is the data/code repository for the paper "A Retrospective Bayesian Model for Measuring Covariate Effects on Observed COVID-19 Test and Case Counts" and CoronaNet project data on government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
- 科学家开始通过每日死亡人数了解疫情
- Why daily death tolls have become unusually important in understanding the coronavirus pandemic
- machine learning and data science to analyze the spread of COVID-19
- This package curate (downloads, clean, consolidate, smooth) data from Johns Hokpins for analysing international outbreak of COVID-19
- 天气转暖,真的有助于杀死Covid-19吗?
- 最新模型研究:要实时监控疫情发展,防止可能出现的新感染
- 用Python模拟新冠肺炎的传播
- 【存照】美国科学院回复白宫:夏天病毒可能减弱,但未必是因为天热
- Summer Heat May Not Diminish Coronavirus Strength
- NEJM | 重大发现,无症状患者比率达到88%,筛选无症状患者至关重要
- Universal Screening for SARS-CoV-2 in Women Admitted for Delivery
- 柳叶刀-公共卫生 | 健康不平等为何会导致疫情扩散?
- Why inequality could spread COVID-19
- 国际资讯|使用位置数据绘制人们的活动方式、社交距离与COVID-19的传播情况
- Using Location Data to Map People’s Movements, Social Distancing Efforts, and the Spread of COVID-19
- A collection of work related to COVID-19
- 尽量避免外出就餐:广东疾控中心发布一起餐厅空调相关的新冠肺炎聚集性感染事件
- COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with Air Conditioning in Restaurant, Guangzhou, China, 2020
- Science突破 | 新冠肺炎可能会在今年冬季暴发,到2024年仍有暴发的风险,长期监控很有必要
- Projecting the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 through the postpandemic period
- 哈佛研究团队:新冠肺炎有可能数年后卷土重来
- 台湾清华大学、美国哈佛大学、Facebook三方合作利用大数据研究新冠疫情传播动向
- 科学家用‘流调’大数据”提醒:疫情漩涡中,家庭成员,谁更需要格外“警惕”!
- 通过模型估算SARS-CoV-2的传播时间点 |《自然-医学》论文
- Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19
- 《柳叶刀》新论文:高楼层住户更易感染新冠病毒?下水道和排气扇都是诱因
- COVID-19: mitigating transmission via wastewater plumbing systems
- 哈佛学者Science刊文:社交疏离措施可能要保持到2022年
- Compartmental epidemic models for forecasting and analysis of infectious disease pandemics
- 最新研究:新冠肺炎患者或在有症状两三天前就排毒
- Estimating case ascertainment rates for COVID-19 in Australia
- Estimating SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and epidemiological parameters with uncertainty from serological surveys
- Global COVID-19 Epidemic Evaluation and Prediction
- AI模型预测美国疫情本周进入停滞期?MIT证明居家隔离可使病例从指数暴增变为线性增长
- Quantifying the effect of quarantine control in Covid-19 infectious spread using machine learning
- Model quantifies the impact of quarantine measures on Covid-19’s spread
- How deep learning algorithms can be used to measure social distancing
- Network Model of COVID-19 on Cruise Ships
- ARIMA-based forecasting of confirmed COVID/ Corona cases for various country-province combinations
- R package eSIR: extended state-space SIR epidemiological models
- 特别报道:建模如何帮助应对新冠肺炎疫情?
- Special report: The simulations driving the world’s response to COVID-19
- 哈佛最新报告称隔离或持续到2022年,网友:我见过最悲观的预测
- Modeling Epidemic Spreading through Public Transit using Time-Varying Encounter Network
- Spatio-temporal analysis of the incidence of COVID-19 in Spain with a focus on environmental correlates
- MobilityEpidemio
- 【研究】空气污染严重地区新冠死亡率高:相关关系还是因果关系?
- Air pollution may be ‘key contributor’ to Covid-19 deaths – study
- Assessing nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels as a contributing factor to coronavirus (COVID-19) fatality
- 新模型预测意大利的COVID-19传播动态 |《自然-医学》论文
- Modelling the COVID-19 epidemic and implementation of population-wide interventions in Italy
- 关于国际航班乘客入境中国检测出新冠肺炎的报道
- Importing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) into China after international air travel
- GIS-based spatial modeling of COVID-19 incidence rate in the continental United States
- 德国科学家发现近80%新冠死亡病例,都在空气严重污染地区
- Air pollution linked to raised Covid-19 death risk
- Bayesian SEIR model to estimate physical-distancing effects
- 一养老院新冠阳性者56%检测时无症状,NEJM称无症状传播是抗疫致命弱点
- Asymptomatic Transmission, the Achilles’ Heel of Current Strategies to Control Covid-19
- 【研究】纽约时报:3月1日纽约首例确诊,但当时实际感染人数已经过万
- Hidden Outbreaks Spread Through U.S. Cities Far Earlier Than Americans Knew, Estimates Say
- NEJM全文翻译|一个专业养老院内的症状前SARS-CoV-2感染以及传播
- Presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Transmission in a Skilled Nursing Facility
- Prediction of the COVID-19 spread in African countries and implications for prevention and controls: A case study in South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal and Kenya
- 社会物理学 | 数学模型预测新冠肺炎趋势
- Forecasting COVID-19 代码
- Forecasting COVID-19
- 气温升高了,病毒会被遏制吗?全球专家最新观点来了
- covid19monitoring_mobility_ZaehlstellenMIVLVVelo
- Mobile phone location data reveal the effect and geographic variation of social distancing on the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic
- 中国学者连发2篇Nature/Science | 余宏杰等团队发现儿童感染率最低,社会隔离措施控制了新冠肺炎大规模爆发
- Changes in contact patterns shape the dynamics of the COVID-19 outbreak in China
- Population flow drives spatio-temporal distribution of COVID-19 in China
- 公共卫生 | 男性新冠患者死亡率可达女性的2.5倍
- Gender Differences in Patients With COVID-19: Focus on Severity and Mortality
- 利用手机数据预测中国的COVID-19传播 |《自然》论文
- Variational-LSTM Autoencoder to forecast the spread of coronavirus across the globe
- A COVID-19 epidemic model with latency period
- Models of SEIRS epidemic dynamics with extensions, including network-structured populations, testing, contact tracing, and social distancing
- 【研究】疫情未结束情况下解封:MIT数学家精确计算感染概率
- COVID-19 lockdowns are lifting. How safe is it to go out?
- 透视新冠肺炎死亡率排名前20国家,3点结论值得关注
- 主编推荐 | 基于众包数据的COVID-19暴发早期流行病学分析
- Early epidemiological analysis of the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak based on crowdsourced data: a population-level observational study
- Epidemiological characteristics of confirmed COVID-19 in Guizhou province, China
- 识别已治愈的新冠肺炎(COVID-19)患者或有助于构建群体“护盾免疫” |《自然-医学》论文
- Modeling shield immunity to reduce COVID-19 epidemic spread
- An early analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic
- SEIR model with scenario analysis and model-based predictive control to simulate the effect policies
- Rapid implementation of mobile technology for real-time epidemiology of COVID-19
- Quantifying the impact of physical distance measures on the transmission of COVID-19 in the UK
- Evaluation of the Secondary Transmission Pattern and Epidemic Prediction of COVID-19 in the Four Metropolitan Areas of China
- A simulation study of disaggregation regression for spatial disease mapping
- Using the contact network model and Metropolis-Hastings sampling to reconstruct the COVID-19 spread on the “Diamond Princess”
- First month of the epidemic caused by COVID-19 in Italy: current status and real-time outbreak development forecast
- 广泛的接触者追踪与隔离是深圳控制SARS-CoV-2传播的关键
- Epidemiology and transmission of COVID-19 in 391 cases and 1286 of their close contacts in Shenzhen, China: a retrospective cohort study
- Estimating excess 1-year mortality associated with the COVID-19 pandemic according to underlying conditions and age: a population-based cohort study
- Bayesian inference and forecast of COVID-19
- Forecasting the effective reproduction number over short timescales
- 流动中的人口,是传染病的最佳媒介么?| BMC Blog
- Humans: are we the most effective vector of disease?
- JAMA | 美国最大的县新冠病毒成年人感染率达到4.65%,一个县达到36万人被感染,为限制传播带来了极大挑战
- Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2–Specific Antibodies Among Adults in Los Angeles County, California, on April 10-11, 2020
- Science | 颠覆认知,炎热的夏天不能抑制新冠病毒的传播,反而是潮湿的澡堂等地方容易爆发大规模疫情
- Susceptible supply limits the role of climate in the early SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
- Science流行病建模综述:捕捉冠状病毒传播全过程
- Modeling infectious disease dynamics
- 国际资讯|利用手机数据限制COVID-19的传播
- Using Mobile Phone Data to Limit the Spread of COVID-19
- First, second and potential third generation spreads of the COVID-19 epidemic in mainland China: an early exploratory study incorporating location-based service data of mobile devices
- Repo for fitting a stochastic model to COVID data
- 【存照】与其他致命疾病比较,新冠病毒造成的病亡率到底有多大?
- Global deaths: This is how COVID-19 compares to other diseases
- Various implementations of the classical SIR model in Julia
- Combining fine-scale social contact data with epidemic modelling reveals interactions between contact tracing, quarantine, testing and physical distancing for controlling COVID-19
- NEJM重大发现 | 在确诊的新冠肺炎患者中,黑人超过70%
- Hospitalization and Mortality among Black Patients and White Patients with Covid-19
- This is the COVID-19 CovidSim microsimulation model developed by the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis hosted at Imperial College, London.
- 精品案例 | 全国新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)疫情预测分析
- 重大进展 | 中国多单位合作,最大规模的新冠肺炎感染率出炉:武汉地区新冠血清阳性率大于3%
- Seroprevalence of immunoglobulin M and G antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in China
- 3S战“疫”|利用手机数据进行新冠疫情时空扩散推估
- 3S战“疫”|多阶段动态时滞动力学模型的COVID⁃19 传播分析
- This is my personal repository of Iowa specific COVID-19 models based on publically available data
- The relationship between human mobility and viral transmissibility during the COVID-19 epidemics in Italy
- 年龄与COVID-19感染率及症状轻重的关系 |《自然-医学》论文
- Age-dependent effects in the transmission and control of COVID-19 epidemics
- NEJM重大新发现 | 不同人对于新冠病毒的易感性被揭示: A型血的人更易感新冠肺炎,而O型更不易感
- Genomewide Association Study of Severe Covid-19 with Respiratory Failure
- Data in Brief | 基于患者信息的算法预测COVID-19死亡率
- The Data set for Patient Information Based Algorithm to Predict Mortality Cause by COVID-19
- State-by-State estimates of R0 at the start of COVID-19 outbreaks in the USA
- Forecasting COVID-19 onset risk and evaluating spatiotemporal variations of the lockdown effect in China
- Urban Air Pollution May Enhance COVID-19 Case-Fatality and Mortality Rates in the United States
- 模型估计:全球约1/5的人口患有可增加COVID-19重症感染风险的基础疾病
- Global, regional, and national estimates of the population at increased risk of severe COVID-19 due to underlying health conditions in 2020: a modelling study
- COVID-19 transmission risk factors
- 柳叶刀-感染病学 | 研究估计,同住者中新冠病毒的二代传播率为17.1%
- Household secondary attack rate of COVID-19 and associated determinants in Guangzhou, China: a retrospective cohort study
- Serial Interval Distribution of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Brazil
- Second waves, social distancing, and the spread of COVID-19 across America
- Racial segregation, testing sites access, and COVID-19 incidence rate in Massachusetts, USA
- 接触追溯和分析:从针对埃博拉和疟疾的数据驱动型抗疫工作中获得见解
- 量化COVID-19相关死亡的临床因素和人口学风险因素 |《自然》论文
- OpenSAFELY: factors associated with COVID-19 death in 17 million patients
- Potential Factors of Transmission and Spread of COVID 19 in Indian States and Districts An Analytical Paper for Policy Makers International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai (www.iipsindia.ac.in) IIPS Analytical Series on Covid 19: Paper 15: Potential Factors of Transmission and Spread of COVID 19 in Indian States and Districts Potential Factors of Transmission and Spread of COVID 19 in Indian States and Districts
- Using the contact network model and Metropolis-Hastings sampling to reconstruct the COVID-19 spread on the “Diamond Princess”
- The projected impact of mitigation and suppression strategies on the COVID-19 epidemic in Senegal: A modelling study
- The geography of COVID-19 spread in Italy and implications for the relaxation of confinement measures
- 隐性感染或推动COVID-19快速传播 |《自然》论文
- Reconstruction of the full transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in Wuhan
- Current State of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Algeria
- Nature | 再传捷报!华中科技大学邬堂春/王超龙等首次系统重构了武汉全市的新冠传播动力学
- Introductions and early spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the New York City area
- Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the early phase of the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil
- Estimating the burden of SARS-CoV-2 in France
- 钟南山团队携手腾讯研发新冠重症AI预测,成果登上Nature子刊
- Early triage of critically ill COVID-19 patients using deep learning
- Calculation Toolfor Early Triage of Critically-ill COVID-19 Patients using Deep Learning
- Nature子刊:钟南山团队携手腾讯研发出新冠重症AI预测模型!
- Accounting for Underreporting in Mathematical Modeling of Transmission and Control of COVID-19 in Iran
- Epidemiological, socio-demographic and clinical features of the early phase of the COVID-19 epidemic in Ecuador
- Nature 子刊重磅:腾讯与钟南山团队发布新冠危重症 AI 预测模型 Cox
- Factors Influencing Global Variations in COVID-19 Cases and Fatalities; A Review
- Science:追踪在巴西流行的新冠病毒毒株的传播率和起源
- Evolution and epidemic spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil
- 牛津大学建立群体感染模型,预测新冠病毒灭绝时间
- Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 with Waning Immunity in the UK Population
- 钟南山团队携手腾讯研发新冠重症AI预测模型,成果登上Nature子刊
- Predictable county-level estimates of R0 for COVID-19 needed for public health planning in the USA
- Modeling the Prevalence of Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infections in the Chinese Mainland
- 基于跨国人口流动数据的新冠病毒传播途径分析
- 《自然》刊发!华中大研究成果揭示新冠病毒传播特征
- Reply to: Is presymptomatic spread a major contributor to COVID-19 transmission?
- 柳叶刀新文 | 利用统计模型与大数据探寻人口流动与新冠传播的潜在联系
- Association between mobility patterns and COVID-19 transmission in the USA: a mathematical modelling study
- Association of Mobile Phone Location Data Indications of Travel and Stay-at-Home Mandates With COVID-19 Infection Rates in the US
- 美国的COVID-19病例数可能被大大低估了 | 《自然-通讯》论文
- Substantial underestimation of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the United States
- 前车可鉴-通过交互体验式的现实模拟来防止疫情暴发 | CellPress新冠中心述评
- Preventing Outbreaks through Interactive, Experiential Real-Life Simulations
- Cell:利用交互式的、体验式的现实生活模拟程序来预防疫情爆发
- 短文 | COVID-19确诊病例数中的幂律分布现象
- Power-law distribution in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases
- medRxiv:流感或会增加COVID-19的传播和扩散
- Influenza may facilitate the spread of SARS-CoV-2
- JUST技术:如何通过轨迹相似性度量方法,发现新冠易感人群 | 技术前沿
- 模拟欧洲第二波COVID-19疫情的时间点 |《科学报告》论文
- Second wave COVID-19 pandemics in Europe: a temporal playbook
- JAMA子刊:南昌大学发表爆款论文,近视者感染新冠风险大大降低
- Association of Daily Wear of Eyeglasses With Susceptibility to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection
- Urban Air Pollution May Enhance COVID-19 Case-Fatality and Mortality Rates in the United States
- Disease burden and clinical severity of the first pandemic wave of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China
- Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) infection in a 3-month-old infant: Clinical features, treatment and probable route of transmission
- False negative rate of COVID-19 is eliminated by using nasal swab test
- 微软Premonition:像预报天气一样预测流行病
- The interplay of spatial spread of COVID-19 and human mobility in the urban system of China during the Chinese New Year
- 非重症COVID-19患者疾病进展的预测模型
- A predictive model for disease progression in non-severely ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019
- Jupyter notebooks that analyze COVID-19 time series data
- 专著 | 复杂网络传播理论——流行的隐秩序
- Science:史上最大规模接触者追踪研究发现儿童和年轻人是传播新冠病毒的关键
- Epidemiology and transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in two Indian states
- Largest COVID-19 contact-tracing finds children key to spread, evidence of superspreaders
- A Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Prediction Model to Inform County-Level COVID-19 Risk in the United States
- Open geospatial work to support health systems' capacity (providers, supplies, ventilators, beds, meds) to effectively care for rapidly growing COVID19 patient needs
- A spatial time series forecasting for mapping the risk of COVID-19 pandemic over Bandung Metropolitan Area, West Java, Indonesia
- Covid Model SEIIR Pipeline
- Deep phenotyping of 34,128 adult patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in an international network study
- 计算因为新冠肺炎大流行而导致的过量死亡人数 | 《自然-医学》论文
- Magnitude, demographics and dynamics of the effect of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on all-cause mortality in 21 industrialized countries
- The association between ambient temperature and mortality of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China: A time-series analysis
- Association of COVID-19 global distribution and environmental and demographic factors: An updated three-month study
- Science重磅 | 影响新冠病毒后疫情时代传播的四大因素!需深入研究
- Will SARS-CoV-2 become endemic
- 北京新发地市场聚集性疫情病毒来自何方?最新结论来了
- Cold-chain food contamination as the possible origin of Covid-19 resurgence in Beijing
- Residential context and COVID-19 mortality among adults aged 70 years and older in Stockholm: a population-based, observational study using individual-level data
- 专家:武汉华南海鲜市场疫情源自进口海产品是存在可能性的
- 余宏杰课题组在新冠肺炎疾病负担和临床严重性 研究领域取得重要进展
- COVID-19封城对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者使用持续气道正压治疗依从性的影响
- Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on adherence to continuous positive airway pressure by obstructive sleep apnoea patients
- The relationship between fatigue and depression and anxiety symptoms among front-line clinical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 确定各年龄段新冠肺炎死亡率的差异 |《自然》论文
- Age-specific mortality and immunity patterns of SARS-CoV-2
- JUST技术:利用基于轨迹数据的人口流向分析技术,精准病毒传播追踪
- COVID-19在中国的传播:基于CEMM模型的分析
- Spread of COVID-19 in China: analysis from a city-based epidemic and mobility model
- Investigating the Relationship between the Built Environment and Relative Risk of COVID-19 in Hong Kong
- Il coronavirus circolava in Italia già dall’estate del 2019»: la ricerca dell'Istituto dei Tumori di Milano
- 为什么新冠死亡率看似在下降?
- Why do COVID death rates seem to be falling?
- Lancet子刊:黑人和亚裔感染新冠病毒的可能性是白人的两倍
- Ethnicity and clinical outcomes in COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- People of Black and Asian ethnicity up to twice as likely to be infected with COVID-19 as those of White ethnicity
- Intra-county modeling of COVID-19 infection with human mobility: assessing spatial heterogeneity with business traffic, age and race
- 美疾控中心模型显示:全美实际感染新冠人数或接近1亿
- Government Model Suggests U.S. COVID-19 Cases Could Be Approaching 100 Million
- Nature:新冠流行难预测,超级计算机和气象学家来帮忙
- Model uncertainty and decision making: Predicting the Impact of COVID-19 Using the CovidSim Epidemiological Code
- Characteristics, outcomes, and mortality amongst 133,589 patients with prevalent autoimmune diseases diagnosed with, and 48,418 hospitalised for COVID-19: a multinational distributed network cohort analysis
- The evidence of indirect transmission of SARS-CoV-2 reported in Guangzhou, China
- Big data assimilation to improve the predictability of COVID-19
- Tracking the Wings of Covid-19 by Modeling Adaptability with Open Mobility Data
- A modified SEIR model applied to the data of COVID-19 spread in Saudi Arabia
- Estimation of unreported SARS-CoV-2 cases in Italy using a Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered-Dead model
- 全球分析显示新冠肺炎男性患者出现重症的风险更高 |《自然-通讯》论文
- Male sex identified by global COVID-19 meta-analysis as a risk factor for death and ITU admission
- 老年人独居和社交隔离与跌倒风险高有关 |《科学报告》论文
- A longitudinal analysis of loneliness, social isolation and falls amongst older people in England
- 《新发传染病》:意大利0号病人再次提前!中国却再次躺枪
- Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in an Oropharyngeal Swab Specimen, Milan, Italy, Early December 2019
- Science新冠合集|新冠肺炎监测的检测频率和检测周转时间至关重要
- Test sensitivity is secondary to frequenc
- Quantifying the Time-Lag Effects of Human Mobility on the COVID-19 Transmission: A Multi-City Study in China
- Prediction of the COVID-19 outbreak in China based on a new stochastic dynamic model
- Investigation of 100 SARS-CoV-2 infected families in Wuhan: Transmission patterns and follow-up
- Tracking the early depleting transmission dynamics of COVID-19 with a time-varying SIR model
- Modeling the Spatiotemporal Epidemic Spreading of COVID-19 and the Impact of Mobility and Social Distancing Interventions
- 呼吸困难或是预测COVID-19死亡率的风险因素?
- Meta-Analysis of Relation of Creatine kinase-MB to Risk of Mortality in Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients
- Spatial analysis of the impact of urban geometry and socio-demographic characteristics on COVID-19, a study in Hong Kong
- 基于大规模结构化病例数据的新型冠状病毒传播特 征和感染人群分析
- 基于大规模结构化病例数据的新型冠状病毒传播特 征和感染人群分析
- 科学认识人群新冠病毒抗体流行率——全国新冠肺炎血清流行病学调查结果问答
- 【健康影响】COVID-19大流行的死亡和就业影响在不同年龄段和地理位置的分布
- Initial economic damage from the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States is more widespread across ages and geographies than initial mortality impacts
- Explaining among-country variation in COVID-19 case fatality rate
- Maximum entropy method for estimating the reproduction number: An investigation for COVID-19 in China and the United States
- 新型冠状病毒无症状感染相关因素分析
- Factors associated with asymptomatic infection in health-care workers with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection in Wuhan, China: a multicentre retrospective cohort study
- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health|接触者追踪有助于预防新冠肺炎潜伏期传播
- Role of presymptomatic transmission of COVID-19: evidence from Beijing, China
- Comparison of spatio-temporal transmission characteristics of COVID-19 and its mitigation strategies in China and the US
- Analysis and prediction of the coronavirus disease epidemic in China based on an individual-based model
- Transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 on airplanes and high-speed trains
- State-specific projection of COVID-19 infection in the United States and evaluation of three major control measures
- The spatial association of social vulnerability with COVID-19 prevalence in the contiguous United States
- Science新冠专题|波士顿SARS-CoV-2早期暴发的基因组分析显示超级传播事件作用
- Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in Boston highlights the impact of superspreading events
- Modeling the Transmission Dynamics of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Thailand
- COVID-19 cases prediction by using hybrid machine learning and beetle antennae search approach
- Big Data Analysis on COVID-19 Epidemic and Suggestions on Regional Prevention and Control Policy
- Gravitational and Autoregressive Analysis Spatial Diffusion of COVID-19 in Hubei Province, China
- 网约车成疫情扩散“载体”,坐在哪感染风险最低?最新研究来了
- Airflows inside passenger cars and implications for airborne disease transmission
- Research reveals how airflow inside a car may affect COVID-19 transmission risk
- 疫情严峻!广东疾控新发现,新冠病毒南非突变株闯入我国!
- Who is staying home and who is not? Demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic differences in time spent outside the home during the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan
- Prediction of the confirmed cases and deaths of global COVID-19 using artificial intelligence
- Short-Term Statistical Forecasts of COVID-19 Infections in India
- Development of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic in the city of Jena
- The spatial transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in China under the prevention and control measures at the early outbreak
- Infections Forecasting and Intervention Effect Evaluation for COVID-19 via a Data-Driven Markov Process and Heterogeneous Simulation
- 我国学者预测,今年3月份,全球新冠感染者可能升至1.7亿,我国需做好应对措施
- 2020-2021年度新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情发展趋势分析与应对
- Built environment and early infection of COVID-19 in urban districts: A case study of Huangzhou
- Data sets and code to model Covid-19 mortality dat in England at the MSOA and LTLA levels
- Prediction models for diagnosis and prognosis of covid-19: systematic review and critical appraisal
- Retrospective prediction of the epidemic trend of COVID‐19 in Wuhan at four phases
- Prediction of the confirmed cases and deaths of global COVID-19 using artificial intelligence
- Universal Urban Spreading Pattern of COVID-19 and Its Underlying Mechanism
- 武汉新冠病毒数据出炉,儿童比老年人更具传染力!
- Household transmission of SARS-COV-2 and risk factors for susceptibility and infectivity in Wuhan: a retrospective observational study
- Compliance and containment in social distancing: mathematical modeling of COVID-19 across townships
- Construction of the Infection Curve of Local Cases of COVID-19 in Hong Kong using Back-Projection
- Multiscale mobility explains differential associations between the gross domestic product and COVID-19 transmission in Chinese cities
- Science:揭示为何老年人应当优先接种新冠病毒疫苗
- Model-informed COVID-19 vaccine prioritization strategies by age and serostatus
- Why older adults must go to the front of the vaccine line
- 全球打了这么多疫苗,效果怎么样了?
- Are COVID vaccination programmes working? Scientists seek first clues
- Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 in 14.8 million individuals in Bahia, Brazil
- Epidemiology of post-COVID syndrome following hospitalisation with coronavirus: a retrospective cohort study
- JAMA:高福等发表论文,统计境外回国人员中无症状感染者情况
- Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections Among Persons Entering China From April 16 to October 12, 2020
- Prediction of the confirmed cases and deaths of global COVID-19 using artificial intelligence
- Retrospect: The Outbreak Evaluation of COVID-19 in Wuhan District of China
- 基于新冠病毒特征及防控措施的传播动力学模型
- Cross-country evidence on the association between contact tracing and COVID-19 case fatality rates
- Understanding the Prevalence and Associated Factors of Behavioral Intention of COVID-19 Vaccination Under Specific Scenarios Combining Effectiveness, Safety, and Cost in the Hong Kong Chinese General Population
- The Interplay of Demographic Variables and Social Distancing Scores in Deep Prediction of U.S. COVID-19 Cases
- 如何用NetLogo+手机数据模拟城市中的传染病传播?丨城市数据派
- Science:20~49岁的人群是美国唯一维持COVID-19传播的群体
- Age groups that sustain resurging COVID-19 epidemics in the United States
- 基于多源数据的湖北省COVID-19疫情时空扩散影响因子分析
- Forecasting Probable Spread Estimation of COVID-19 Using Exponential Smoothing Technique and Basic Reproduction Number in Indian Context
- SARS-CoV-2 Testing, Positivity Rates, and Healthcare Outcomes in a Cohort of 22,481 Breast Cancer Survivors
- Network analysis of population flow among major cities and its influence on COVID-19 transmission in China
- Connecting urban transportation systems with the spread of infectious diseases: A Trans-SEIR modeling approach
- Association Between Preparedness and Response Measures and COVID-19 Incidence and Mortality
- 明年春节能回家过年吗?疫情预测模型能不能给我们答案?
- Monitoring the Spatial Spread of COVID-19 and Effectiveness of Control Measures Through Human Movement Data: Proposal for a Predictive Model Using Big Data Analytics
- A Stochastic Numerical Analysis Based on Hybrid NAR-RBFs Networks Nonlinear SITR Model for Novel COVID-19 Dynamics
- Egyptian school children awareness and precautions in Covid19 pandemic: a cross sectional survey study
- Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the US
- PNAS:新研究表明至少50%的SARS-CoV-2感染病例来自没有症状的人
- Quantifying asymptomatic infection and transmission of COVID-19 in New York City using observed cases, serology, and testing capacity
- At least 50% of COVID-19 infections come from people who aren't showing symptoms: study
- COVID-19 Pandemic Dynamics Mathematical Simulations
- 【学术动态】新冠肺炎在中国的传播:基于城市流行病和机动性模型的分析
- 一人碾压专业机构,27岁MIT毕业生打造美国新冠预测「最准」模型
- 一人碾压专业机构:27岁MIT华裔毕业生打造美国新冠预测「最准」模型
- Optimal inference of the start of COVID-19
- An investigation of testing capacity for evaluating and modeling the spread of coronavirus disease
- Spatio-temporal distribution characteristics and influencing factors of COVID-19 in China
- Are There Any Parameters Missing in the Mathematical Models Applied in the Process of Spreading COVID-19?
- Estimating the time interval between transmission generations and the presymptomatic period by contact tracing surveillance data from 31 provinces in the mainland of China
- 疫苗怎么分?问问流行病学模型吧
- A Bayesian Mixture Model for Predicting the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
- 27岁华裔小伙一战成名!搞出美国新冠最准预测模型,一人干翻专业机构
- 流行病学模型不准?误会了
- Exploring spatiotemporal effects of the driving factors on COVID-19 incidences in the contiguous United States
- Excess mortality in Wuhan city and other parts of China during the three months of the covid-19 outbreak: findings from nationwide mortality registries
- Policy-Aware Mobility Model Explains the Growth of COVID-19 in Cities
- Viral load and contact heterogeneity predict SARS-CoV-2 transmission and super-spreading events
- A comparative study between the incidence and epidemiological features of Influenza-Like Illness and laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Italian epicenter (Lombardy)
- SARS-CoV-2 infections in children following the full re-opening of schools and the impact of national lockdown: prospective, national observational cohort surveillance, July-December 2020, England
- Generalised SEIR modelling of the COVID-19 pandemic course: data quality issues and structural analysis
- Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 infections in healthcare workers with high and low exposures to Covid-19 patients in a Norwegian University Hospital
- Estimating the time interval between transmission generations and the presymptomatic period by contact tracing surveillance data from 31 provinces in the mainland of China
- Variation in human mobility and its impact on the risk of future COVID-19 outbreaks in Taiwan
- Reconstruction of the transmission dynamics of the first COVID-19 epidemic wave in Thailand
- A Bayesian Mixture Model for Predicting the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity and its determinants of COVID-19 transmission in typical labor export provinces of China
- Risk of symptomatic COVID‐19 due to aircraft transmission: a retrospective cohort study of contact‐traced flights during England’s containment phase
- 复旦大学余宏杰课题组在新冠肺炎的流行病学与传播动力学领域 取得重要进展
- Infectivity, susceptibility, and risk factorsassociated with SARS-CoV-2 transmission under intensive contact tracing in Hunan,China
- Nature子刊 | 复旦大学余宏杰课题组在新冠肺炎的流行病学与传播动力学领域取得重要进展
- 使用患者特定的“数字孪生”为病毒感染建模|Science一周精选
- Using digital twins in viral infection
- COVID-19-Forecasts
- 超级传播事件:成也是你,败也是你?
- Superspreading drives the COVID pandemic — and could help to tame it
- Higher airborne pollen concentrations correlated with increased SARS-CoV-2 infection rates, as evidenced from 31 countries across the globe
- COVID-19幸存者临床后遗症的单中心纵向研究
- Clinical sequelae of COVID-19 survivors in Wuhan, China: a single-centre longitudinal study
- 西安交大韩杰团队EP:新冠早期感染溯源的样本库——储存人类体液和组织的“生物银行”
- Biorepositories (biobanks) of human body fluids and materials as archives for tracing early infections of COVID-19
- Modelling and predicting the spatio-temporal spread of COVID-19, associated deaths and impact of key risk factors in England
- Fractional Stochastic Models for COVID-19: Case Study of Egypt
- Evolution of the Chinese spring festival travel network during the COVID-19 early outbreak
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity and its determinants of COVID-19 transmission in typical labor export provinces of China
- SARS-CoV-2 infections in children following the full re-opening of schools and the impact of national lockdown: Prospective, national observational cohort surveillance, July-December 2020, England
- The effects of different travel modes on COVID-19 transmission in global cities
- The Spatial Predicting of COVID-19 Incidence and Its Mortality Based On OLS and GWR Models in Iran
- Epidemiological analysis of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the community: an individual-based model
- An integrated epidemic modelling framework for the real-time forecast of COVID-19 outbreaks in current epicentres
- Impact of age-selective vs non-selective physical-distancing measures against coronavirus disease 2019: a mathematical modelling study
- 新冠大流行期间低估了COVID-19的死亡率
- Underestimation of COVID-19 mortality during the pandemic
- Closed monitoring of Malaysia COVID-19 using SEIR compartmental model for first wave trajectory
- A Simple Model for the Total Number of SARS-CoV-2 Infections on a National Level
- Transmission analysis of COVID-19 with discrete time imported cases: Tianjin and Chongqing as cases
- Maximum Likelihood-based Extended Kalman Filter for COVID-19 Prediction
- Models for COVID-19 Daily Confirmed Cases in Different Countries
- Predicting new cases of COVID‐19 and the application to population sustainability analysis
- Development of a Web-based Contact Tracing and Point-of-Care-Testing Workflow for SARS-CoV-2 at a German University Hospital
- 基于多层网络的COVID-19扩散和意识传播建模研究
- Modeling the COVID-19 epidemic and awareness diffusion on multiplex networks
- Modeling the first wave of Covid-19 pandemic in the Republic of Cyprus
- Epidemic trends of SARS-CoV-2 modulated by economic activity, ethnicity, and vaccination
- A Retrospective Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic Evolution in Italy
- Modeling the interplay between demography, social contact patterns, and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the South West Shewa Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia
- Monitoring the proportion of the population infected by SARS-CoV-2 using age-stratified hospitalisation and serological data: a modelling study
- Weekly Bayesian modelling strategy to predict deaths by COVID-19: a model and case study for the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil
- COVID-19 Modeling: Challenges, Progress and Opportunities
- Estimating the instantaneous asymptomatic proportion with a simple approach: Exemplified with the publicly available COVID-19 surveillance data in Hong Kong
- Excess mortality in Wuhan city and other parts of China during the three months of the covid-19 outbreak: findings from nationwide mortality registries
- Low SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Elementary Schools — Salt Lake County, Utah, December 3, 2020–January 31, 2021
- Minimal SARS-CoV-2 Transmission After Implementation of a Comprehensive Mitigation Strategy at a School — New Jersey, August 20–November 27, 2020
- Surveillance Metrics of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in Central Asia: Longitudinal Trend Analysis
- Transmission dynamics and quarantine control of COVID-19 in cluster community: A new transmission-quarantine model with case study for diamond princess
- Modeling the complete spatiotemporal spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in mainland China
- Designing a multi-layered surveillance approach to detecting SARS-CoV-2: A modelling study
- Modeling the complete spatiotemporal spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in mainland China
- 学术成果 | 揭示美国新冠疫情的空间位移模式
- Revealing the spatial shifting pattern of COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
- Spatio-Temporal Neural Network for Fitting and Forecasting COVID-19
- 中疾控报告:西安一医院检验人员接种疫苗仍被感染原因找到了
- Outbreak Reports: Mild Breakthrough Infection in a Healthcare Professional Working in the Isolation Area of a Hospital Designated for Treating COVID-19 Patients — Shaanxi Province, China, March, 2021
- Mobilizing a COVID-19 Contact Tracing Workforce at Warp Speed: A Framework for Successful Program Implementation
- Early cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Uganda: epidemiology and lessons learned from risk-based testing approaches – March-April 2020
- Exploring the influence of human mobility factors and spread prediction on early COVID-19 in the USA
- 推测香港各区发病风险 理大新技术预警疫情
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity and its determinants of COVID-19 transmission in typical labor export provinces of China
- Impact of a New SARS-CoV-2 Variant on the Population: A Mathematical Modeling Approach
- sircovid
- Carga de enfermedad de la COVID-19 y de sus complicaciones agudas y crónicas: reflexiones sobre la medición (DALY) y perspectivas en el Sistema Único de Salud de Brasil
- COVIDHunter: An Accurate, Flexible, and Environment-Aware Open-Source COVID-19 Outbreak Simulation Model
- Investigating the roles of meteorological factors in COVID-19 transmission in Northern Italy
- Revealing the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19: A Bayesian Framework for Rt Estimation
- Examining the diffusion of coronavirus disease 2019 cases in a metropolis: a space syntax approach
- Inferring the Association between the Risk of COVID-19 Case Fatality and N501Y Substitution in SARS-CoV-2
- Mitigating COVID-19 Transmission in Schools With Digital Contact Tracing
- SARS-CoV-2 transmission in educational settings during an early summer epidemic wave in Luxembourg, 2020
- Mobilizing a COVID-19 Contact Tracing Workforce at Warp Speed: A Framework for Successful Program Implementation
- Assessment of basic reproduction number (R0), spatial and temporal epidemiological determinants, and genetic characterization of SARS-CoV-2 in Bangladesh
- A five-compartment model of age-specific transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2
- The epidemicity index of recurrent SARS-CoV-2 infections
- Pandemic_Model: A hierarchical model for global plant insect and pathogen spread via human movement
- SARS-CoV-2 transmission in students of public schools of Catalonia (Spain) after a month of reopening
- Modeling the underestimation of COVID-19 infection
- Early reports of epidemiological parameters of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Epidemiological and evolutionary considerations of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dosing regimes
- Modeling the potential impact of indirect transmission on COVID-19 epidemic
- Research on the Evolution of Population Distribution and Influencing Factors in Xi'an During the COVID-19 Epidemic Control Period: Based on a Perspective of Multi-source Spatio-Temporal Big Data
- Dispersal dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 lineages during the first epidemic wave in New York City
- Space-Time Cluster’s Detection and Geographical Weighted Regression Analysis of COVID-19 Mortality on Texas Counties
- Coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak in Beijing’s Xinfadi Market, China: a modeling study to inform future resurgence response
- Explaining COVID-19 contagion in Portuguese municipalities using spatial autocorrelation models
- Estimating asymptomatic, undetected and total cases for the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan: a mathematical modeling study
- 学术成果 | 人口移动数据助力COVID-19抗疫
- Intracounty modeling of COVID-19 infection with human mobility: Assessing spatial heterogeneity with business traffic, age, and race
- 提高疫苗接种与病毒检测效率:基于多智能体时空模拟的COVID-19疫苗空间分配的优化
- Optimizing spatial allocation of COVID-19 vaccine by agent-based spatiotemporal simulations
- GIS-based spatial analysis and hotspot detection of COVID-19 outbreak
- Geospatial analysis and modeling of COVID-19 incidence rates in Iran
- Modeling the effectiveness of social distancing interventions on the epidemic curve of coronavirus disease in Ethiopia
- 利用人口流动数据以及两阶段模型预测 2019 冠状病毒病流行趋势
- The Economist's excess deaths model
- Spatially Refined Time-Varying Reproduction Numbers of COVID-19 by Health District in Georgia, USA, March–December 2020
- Evidence for immunity to SARS-CoV-2 from epidemiological data series
- Estimating Global Burden of COVID-19 with Disability-adjusted Life Years and Value of Statistical Life Metrics
- Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV (COVID-19): early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic size estimates
- The effect of the synchronized multi-dimensional policies on imported COVID-19 curtailment in China
- Predicting COVID-19 Spread from Large-Scale Mobility Data
- 2020年欧洲新冠病毒变异体的传播与旅行有关 |《自然》论文
- Spread of a SARS-CoV-2 variant through Europe in the summer of 2020
- Accounting for imported cases in estimating the time-varying reproductive number of COVID-19 in Hong Kong
- 还在头疼传染病传播分析?别慌,我们来帮忙!
- Hospitalization Costs of COVID-19 Cases and Their Associated Factors in Guangdong, China: A Cross-Sectional Study
- GIS-based spatial analysis and hotspot detection of COVID-19 outbreak
- Power-law growth of the COVID-19 fatality incidents in Europe
- Imagination and remembrance: what role should historical epidemiology play in a world bewitched by mathematical modelling of COVID-19 and other epidemics?
- Temperature and population density influence SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the absence of nonpharmaceutical interventions
- Gravitational scaling analysis on spatial diffusion of COVID-19 in Hubei Province, China
- Forecasting Multi-Wave Epidemics Through Bayesian Inference
- A Cluster Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and the Prevention and Control Measures in the Early Stage of the Epidemic in Xi’an, China, 2020
- Comparative Study of COVD-19 Pandemic Progressions in 175 Regions in Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK and USA Using a Novel Model That Considers Testing Capacity and Deficiency in Confirming Infected Cases
- Ambient air pollution and low temperature associated with case fatality of COVID-19: A nationwide retrospective cohort study in China
- Exploring spatiotemporal effects of the driving factors on COVID-19 incidences in the contiguous United States
- Secondary Use of COVID-19 Symptom Incidence Among Hospital Employees as an Example of Syndromic Surveillance of Hospital Admissions Within 7 Days
- Estimating the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 in the United States using influenza surveillance, virologic testing, and mortality data: Four complementary approaches
- Inhomogeneous Transmission and Asynchronic Mixing in the Spread of COVID-19 Epidemics
- A hospital-related outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 associated with a novel variant Cal.20C (B.1.429) in Taiwan: transmission potential and outbreak containment under intensified contact tracing, January–February 2021
- Using syndromic measures of mortality to capture the dynamics of COVID-19 in Java, Indonesia, in the context of vaccination rollout
- Estimating infectiousness throughout SARS-CoV-2 infection course
- Assessing the Country-Level Excess All-Cause Mortality and the Impacts of Air Pollution and Human Activity during the COVID-19 Epidemic
- 美国有3600万人有潜在感染Delta感染风险
- “一带一路”国际科学组织联盟新冠疫情预测信息平台
- Comparative Study of COVD-19 Pandemic Progressions in 175 Regions in Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK and USA Using a Novel Model That Considers Testing Capacity and Deficiency in Confirming Infected Cases
- Constructing and adjusting estimates for household transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from prior studies, widespread-testing and contact-tracing data
- Trend estimation and short-term forecasting of COVID-19 cases and deaths worldwide
- Modelling the epidemic dynamics of COVID-19 with consideration of human mobility
- Assessing the extent of community spread caused by mink-derived SARS-CoV-2 variants
- Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 infection clusters based on integrated genomic surveillance, outbreak analysis and contact tracing in an urban setting
- 疾控中心数据:广东爆发的Delta变异株全面调查
- Notes from the Field: Transmission Dynamics of an Outbreak of the COVID-19 Delta Variant B.1.617.2 — Guangdong Province, China, May–June 2021
- A Pivotal Restructuring of Modeling the Control of COVID-19 as Massive Vaccination is in Progress
- Deep learning in the COVID-19 epidemic: A deep model for urban traffic revitalization index
- Association Between Caseload Surge and COVID-19 Survival in 558 U.S. Hospitals, March to August 2020
- Cost Effective Proactive Testing Strategies During COVID-19 Mass Vaccination: A Modelling Study
- Patient-level and hospital-level variation and related time trends in COVID-19 case fatality rates during the first pandemic wave in England: multilevel modelling analysis of routine data
- Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 Pandemic Non-pharmaceutical Interventions and Vaccination
- Role of efficient testing and contact tracing in mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic: a network modelling study
- 一场全员打过疫苗的户外婚礼,竟成了新冠变种传播的温床
- Transmission event of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant reveals multiple vaccine breakthrough infections
- Research Article Mobile Phone-Based Population Flow Data for the COVID-19 Outbreak in Mainland China
- Reinfection and low cross-immunity as drivers of epidemic resurgence under high seroprevalence: a model-based approach with application to Amazonas, Brazil
- The limits of SARS-CoV-2 predictability
- Risk factors, symptom reporting, healthcare-seeking behaviour and adherence to public health guidance: protocol for Virus Watch, a prospective community cohort study
- Spatial distribution of COVID-19 cases, epidemic spread rate, spatial pattern, and its correlation with meteorological factors during the first to the second waves
- Understanding and predicting the spatio‐temporal spread of COVID‐19 via integrating diffusive graph embedding and compartmental models
- Estimating global and regional disruptions to routine childhood vaccine coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: a modelling study
- A comprehensive estimation of country-level basic reproduction numbers R0 for COVID-19: Regime regression can automatically estimate the end of the exponential phase in epidemic data
- 针对中国新冠肺炎住院患者死亡结局风险因素的全国性分析
- Risk Factors of Fatal Outcome in Hospitalized Subjects With Coronavirus Disease 2019 From a Nationwide Analysis in China
- Estimation of COVID-19 infections in Iraqi governorates using generalized moments method in spatial autoregressive model
- COVID-19 in patients with CLL: improved survival outcomes and update on management strategies
- Viral infection and transmission in a large well-traced outbreak caused by the Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant
- Dynamics of partially mitigated multi-phasic epidemics at low susceptible depletion: Phases of COVID-19 control in Italy as case study
- Transmission of paediatric respiratory syncytial virus and influenza in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Geo Health Hub论坛系列好文第二期
- The role of environmental factors on transmission rates of the COVID-19 outbreak: an initial assessment in two spatial scales
- Effectiveness of Messenger RNA Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccines Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection in a Cohort of Healthcare Personnel
- Temporal trends of COVID-19 related in-hospital mortality and demographics in Switzerland – a retrospective single centre cohort study
- Rates of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and vaccination impact the fate of vaccine-resistant strains
- Building toward useful SARS-CoV-2 models in Africa
- Clinical characteristics of headache after vaccination against COVID-19 (coronavirus SARS-CoV-2) with the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine: a multicentre observational cohort study
- Spatiotemporal Dynamic of COVID-19 Diffusion in China: A Dynamic Spatial Autoregressive Model Analysis
- 预测突破感染!这个指标可推断打完疫苗的感染概率
- A blood marker predicts who gets ‘breakthrough’ COVID
- 高盛:“德尔塔疫情”在英国、欧洲已经见顶
- Projecting contact matrices in 177 geographical regions: An update and comparison with empirical data for the COVID-19 era
- Hypothesis: Possible influence of antivector immunity and SARS‐CoV‐2 variants on efficacy of ChAdOx1 nCoV‐19 vaccine
- Association of Coronavirus Disease-19 Hospitalization Volume and Case Growth at United States Hospitals with Patient Outcomes
- 兰州大学研发全球首个疫情预测系统:对河南和江苏疫情做出最新预测!
- Editorial: Mathematical Modelling of the Pandemic of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Patterns, Dynamics, Prediction, and Control
- A hospital-related outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 associated with variant Epsilon (B.1.429) in Taiwan: transmission potential and outbreak containment under intensified contact tracing, January–February 2021
- Spatial-temporal modeling of initial COVID-19 diffusion: The cases of the Chinese Mainland and Conterminous United States
- Dynamical variations of the Global COVID‐19 Pandemic basedon a SEICR disease model: A new approach of Yi Hua Jie Mu
- Projecting contact matrices in 177 geographical regions: an update and comparison with empirical data for the COVID-19 era
- 模型估计:全球近150万儿童因COVID-19失去一位照护人
- Global minimum estimates of children affected by COVID-19-associated orphanhood and deaths of caregivers: a modelling study
- 传染病暴发早期预警模型和预警系统概述与展望 Summary and prospect of early warning models and systems for infectious disease outbreaks
- A modified SEIR model to predict the behavior of the early stage in coronavirus and coronavirus-like outbreaks
- A cluster randomized trial of interferon ß-1a for the reduction of transmission of SARS-Cov-2: protocol for the Containing Coronavirus Disease 19 trial (ConCorD-19)
- Association of Age and Pediatric Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
- A Modeling Study on Vaccination and Spread of SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Italy
- Simulating COVID19 Transmission From Observed Movement: An Agent-Based Model of Classroom Dispersion
- Spreading Dynamics Analysis for Railway Networks
- Joint Estimation Of Generation Time And Incubation Period For Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19)
- Determining the Incidence of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 among Early Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Prospective Cohort Study of Healthcare Workers before, during and after Vaccination
- What Changed Between the Peak and the Plateau Periods of the First COVID-19 Pandemic Wave? A Multicentric Portuguese Cohort Study in Intensive Care
- COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics Among Close Contacts of Index Patients With COVID-19: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Zhejiang Province, China
- Burden and characteristics of COVID-19 in the United States during 2020
- 香港唯一获奖高校,这项国际大奖花落理大!
- 如何基于智能体的建模方法,模拟流行病在城市空间中的传播?丨城市数据派
- Comput. Urban Sci.论文推荐:利用个体患者轨迹数据揭示中国新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)时空传播模式与阶段
- Revealing spatiotemporal transmission patterns and stages of COVID-19 in China using individual patients’ trajectory data
- SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance data can predict hospitalizations and ICU admissions
- Student returnees from China's COVID-19 epicenter: Spatio-temporal movement and impact of tracing
- The association of community mobility with the time-varying reproduction number (R) of SARS-CoV-2: a modelling study across 330 local UK authorities
- Holiday gatherings, mobility and SARS-CoV-2 transmission: results from 10 US states following Thanksgiving
- Comparative cost-effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dose fractionation in India: a modelling study
- 最新!兰州大学发布对福建莆田疫情的预测,此前兰大曾精准预测河南疫情!
- 居家监测减少了疑似 COVID-19 患者的短期住院:COVID-box 项目
- Home monitoring reduced short stay admissions in suspected COVID-19 patients: COVID-box project
- 最新!兰州大学发布对福建莆田疫情的预测,此前兰大曾精准预测河南疫情!
- 《柳叶刀》揭秘「突破性感染者」,厦门「1传37」原因或在此!
- 兰州大学发布对厦门疫情的最新预测
- SARS-CoV-2 infections among Australian passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship: A retrospective cohort study
- Transmission dynamics and high infectiousness of Coronavirus Disease 2019
- The association of community mobility with the time-varying reproduction number (R) of SARS-CoV-2: a modelling study across 330 local UK authorities
- Estimated US Infection-and Vaccine-Induced SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence Based on Blood Donations, July 2020-May 2021
- Changes in Attitudes and Beliefs Concerning Vaccination and Influenza Vaccines between the First and Second COVID-19 Pandemic Waves: A Longitudinal Study
- Assessment of a Program for SARS-CoV-2 Screening and Environmental Monitoring in an Urban Public School District
- Geographically varying relationships between population flows from Wuhan and COVID-19 cases in Chinese cities
- Prediction of Epidemics Dynamics on Networks with Partial Differential Equations: A Case Study for COVID-19 in China
- SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics in Belarus in 2020 revealed by genomic and incidence data analysis
- SARS-CoV-2 infection hospitalization, severity, criticality, and fatality rates in Qatar
- A SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant outbreak on airplane: Vaccinated air passengers are more protected than unvaccinated
- Healthcare under pressure: modelling COVID-19 fatalities with multiscale geographically weighted regressions
- 根据年龄相关风险制定的COVID-19疫苗接种计划更公平,可以防止更多人的死亡|Science Advances多文导读
- The superspreading places of COVID-19 and the associated built-environment and socio-demographic features: A study using a spatial network framework and individual-level activity data
- Weather, air pollution, and SARS-CoV-2 transmission: a global analysis
- A cross-sectional analysis of meteorological factors and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in 409 cities across 26 countries
- Transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 during a 2‐h domestic flight to Okinawa, Japan, March 2020
- Urban spatial epidemic simulation model: A case study of the second COVID‐19 outbreak in Beijing, China
- Spatiotemporal patterns and influencing factors of human migration networks in China during COVID-19
- Sociodemographic and clinical features predictive of SARS-CoV-2 test positivity across healthcare visit-types
- Willingness to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine and Its Potential Predictors in Costa Rica: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Reliably quantifying the evolving worldwide dynamic state of the COVID-19 outbreak from death records, clinical parametrization, and demographic data
- Exploring the Interaction between E484K and N501Y Substitutions of SARS-CoV-2 in Shaping the Transmission Advantage of COVID-19 in Brazil: A Modeling Study
- Transmission dynamics and high infectiousness of Coronavirus Disease 2019
- Joint Estimation of Generation Time and Incubation Period for Coronavirus Disease 2019
- COVID-19疫苗降低了感染Delta变异株风险,但病毒仍可在家庭内传播
- Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK: a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study
- 深度学习预测冠状病毒大流行风险 | Infectious Diseases of Poverty
- Prediction of pandemic risk for animal-origin coronavirus using a deep learning method
- Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during a 2-h domestic flight to Okinawa, Japan, March 2020
- OutbreakFlow: Model-based Bayesian inference of disease outbreak dynamics with invertible neural networks and its application to the COVID-19 pandemics in Germany
- Data-driven analysis of amino acid change dynamics timely reveals SARS-CoV-2 variant emergence
- Longitudinal SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Portugal and antibody maintenance 12 months after infection
- The spatiotemporal transmission dynamics of COVID-19 among multiple regions: a modeling study in Chinese provinces
- The Case for Small-Scale, Mobile-Enhanced COVID-19 Epidemiology
- Predicting the spread of COVID-19 in China with human mobility data
- Model Predictive Control of COVID-19 Pandemic with Social Isolation and Vaccination Policies in Thailand
- UK2070 Futures Post-COVID Scenario Modelling Technical Report
- Monitoring key epidemiological parameters of SARS-CoV-2 transmission
- One year of modeling and forecasting COVID 19 transmission to support policymakers in Connecticut
- Age-dependent effects on infectivity and susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection: results from nation
- A cross-sectional analysis of meteorological factors and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in 409 cities across 26 countries
- Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality rate by age and comorbidity status using antibody screen
- Longitudinal SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Portugal and antibody maintenance 12 months after infection
- SARS-COV-2 Vaccines: What Indicators are Associated with the Worldwide Distribution of the First Doses
- COVID-19 and prepandemic all-cause inequalities in disability-adjusted life-years due to multiple deprivation: a Scottish Burden of Disease study
- High-resolution epitope mapping and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in large cohorts of subjects with COVID-19
- Short- and medium-term impacts of strict anti-contagion policies on non-COVID-19 mortality in China
- Transmission dynamics of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 infections in South Korea
- Age dependence of the natural history of infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): An analysis of Diamond Princess data
- Pandemic fatigue and attenuated impact of avoidance behaviours against COVID-19 transmission in Hong Kong by cross-sectional telephone surveys
- Estimation of the Timing and Intensity of Reemergence of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Following the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US
- Estimating the Local Burden of Disease During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Epidemic in England, Using Different Data Sources from Changing Surveillance Practices
- New Model for the COVID-19 Reported Cases and Deaths of Ghana in Accelerated Spread and Prediction of the Delayed Phase
- Longitudinal analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase protein sequences reveals the emergence and geographic distribution of diverse mutations
- Modeling the second outbreak of COVID-19 with isolation and contact tracing
- An Imported Case and An Infected Close Contact of the Omicron Variant of SARS-CoV-2—Guangdong Province, China, December 13, 2021
- Simulation of future COVID-19 epidemic by vaccination coverage scenarios in Japan
- Estimating the impact of influenza on the epidemiological dynamics of SARS-CoV-2
- Meta-analysis of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 serial intervals and the impact of parameter uncertainty on the coronavirus disease 2019 reproduction number
- Introduction and expansion of the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 variant and reinfections in Qatar: A nationally representative cohort study
- PNAS特刊:让疫情追踪预测更有效的综合模型、数据流与资源库
- 兰大首次公布自己疫情预测系统准确率!网友:神了!兰大真牛
- JAMA子刊|北京大学刘民教授团队新冠感染者中的无症状感染者的比例超过40%
- 最新:兰大发布对西安新冠肺炎疫情预测!
- 官宣:南非Omicron消失,WHO称不主攻肺部!专家:Omicron高峰已过,2个月内恢复正常生活!英国宣布将不再封锁!
- 奥密克戎在南非的检出和传播动力学 |《自然》论文
- Rapid epidemic expansion of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in southern Africa
- Nature | 揭示奥密克戎在南非的检出和传播动力学
- Embedding Isolation, Contact Tracing, and Quarantine in Transmission Dynamics of the Coronavirus Epidemic—A Case Study of COVID-19 in Wuhan
- Improving local prevalence estimates of SARS-CoV-2 infections using a causal debiasing framework
- Modeling the second outbreak of COVID-19 with isolation and contact tracing
- 最新!兰大发布对郑州市、许昌市的新冠肺炎疫情预测!
- 基于多阶段时滞SEIR模型的西安市疫情传播情况分析
- 最新!兰大发布新冠疫情预测!
- Early warning of COVID-19 hotspots using human mobility and web search query data
- Transmission and containment of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant of concern in Guangzhou, China: A population-based study
- Immunogenicity of a Heterologous Prime-Boost COVID-19 Vaccination with mRNA and Inactivated Virus Vaccines Compared with Homologous Vaccination Strategy against SARS-CoV-2 Variants
- 最新!兰大发布对郑州市、许昌市的新冠肺炎疫情预测!
- 寇铮教授:利用深度学习预测冠状病毒大流行风险
- Prediction of pandemic risk for animal-origin coronavirususing a deep learning method
- 最新!兰州大学发布2022上半年全球疫情预测:美国最严重,欧洲是重灾区!
- COVID-19 patients with negative results on initial screening: Experience of Brunei Darussalam
- Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 arising from international flights arriving in Ireland in December 2020: a descriptive analysis using national surveillance data
- Dynamic characteristics of the COVID-19 epidemic in China’s major cities
- Estimating the direct Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) associated with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in the Republic of Ireland: The first full year
- Modeling the Transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant in a Partially Vaccinated Population
- From policy to prediction: Forecasting COVID-19 dynamics under imperfect vaccination
- Epidemiological waves - types, drivers and modulators in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Modeling the Transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant in a Partially Vaccinated Population
- Infectious disease dynamics and restrictions on social gathering size
- Compartmental epidemic model to assess undocumented infections: applications to SARS-CoV-2 epidemics in Brazil
- Modeling SARS-CoV-2 true infections in Catalonia
- Low rate of transmission to triple-vaccinated contacts of an imported case of SARS-CoV-2 omicron infection: A contact tracing study in Israel
- Phylodynamic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spread in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, highlights how metropolitan areas act as dispersal hubs for new variants
- SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility compared between variants of concern and vaccination status
- Association between SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in Nursing Home Staff and Resident COVID-19 Cases and Mortality: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Epidemiology and control of SARS-CoV-2 epidemics in partially vaccinated populations: a modeling study applied to France
- Tracking and Controlling the Spatiotemporal Spread of SARS-CoV-2 Lineage B.1.1.7 in COVID-19 Reopenings
- Spatiotemporal epidemiology of COVID-19 from an epidemic course perspective
- Ranking the importance of demographic, socioeconomic, and underlying health factors on US COVID-19 deaths: A geographical random forest approach
- Real-time pandemic surveillance using hospital admissions and mobility data
- Cost-effective proactive testing strategies during COVID-19 mass vaccination: A modelling study
- Prevalence and incidence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 among primary healthcare providers in Belgium during 1 year of the COVID-19 epidemic: prospective cohort study protocol
- Nationally representative SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence estimates after the first epidemic wave in Mexico
- SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination rates in pregnant women in Scotland
- Contact tracing period and epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak by SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in Guangzhou
- Herpes zoster related hospitalization after inactivated (CoronaVac) and mRNA (BNT162b2) SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: A self-controlled case series and nested case-control study
- The allocation of COVID-19 vaccines and antivirals against emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in East Asia and Pacific region: A modelling study
- Low rate of transmission to triple-vaccinated contacts of an imported case of SARS-CoV-2 omicron infection: A contact tracing study in Israel
- SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics and immune responses in a household of vaccinated persons
- Spread of multiple SARS-CoV-2 lineages April-August 2020 anticipated the second pandemic wave in Lombardy (Italy)
- High SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence but no severe course of COVID-19 disease among people on opioid agonist treatment in Zurich: a cross-sectional study
- Effect of the 2020/21 season influenza vaccine on SARS-CoV-2 infection in a cohort of Italian healthcare workers
- Modeling Strategies for the Allocation of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines in the United States
- Real-time pandemic surveillance using hospital admissions and mobility data
- Reproduction Numbers of SARS-CoV-2 Variants: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Nationally representative SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence estimates after the first epidemic wave in Mexico
- The Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection in Persons With Naturally Acquired Immunity With and Without Subsequent Receipt of a Single Dose of BNT162b2 Vaccine A Retrospective Cohort Study
- Increased household transmission and immune escape of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant compared to the Delta variant: evidence from Norwegian contact tracing and vaccination data