资源 数据
- Data sharing and outbreaks: best practice exemplified
- 新型冠状病毒国家科技资源服务系统
- Epidemiological and demographic data of confirmed cases in the 2019-nCoV outbreak
- 这个项目有关武汉肺炎 2019-ncov的相关病例数据的分享
- open-wuhan-ncov-illness-data
- 丁香园疫情地图
- data2019ncov:武汉肺炎(2019-nCoV)数据的R语言接口
- 2019新型冠状病毒疫情时间序列数据仓库
- 火神山医院三维场景及数据下载
- 雷神山医院三维场景演示视频
- 疫情与舆情:武汉新冠肺炎时间线TIMELINE
- 新冠肺炎疫情速递
- Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
- 2019-nCoV 新冠状病毒 2019-12-01至今国家、省、市三级每日统计数据(支持接口读取)
- 开源开放 | OpenKG组织发布第二批并更新近十个新冠知识图谱开放数据集
- MIDAS 2019 Novel Coronavirus Repository
- daptation of Tim Churches COV19 analyses to North Rhein-Westphalia, Germany
- coronavirus tracker api
- JSON time-series of coronavirus cases (confirmed, deaths and recovered) per country - updated daily
- 2019新冠肺炎-全球报道
- Cases track-nl - Google 表格
- Ncov2020HistoryData
- Crowd-sourced COVID-19 data
- 全球新冠肺炎数据API
- results of covid19 testing in Scotland
- Florida COVID19 Data parsed from Florida DOH
- exploring research papers about coronaviruses
- COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)
- COVID-19 API in Germany
- A database of COVID-19 cases with chest X-ray or CT images. We are looking for COVID-19 cases as well as MERS, SARS, and ARDS.
- covid19-cases-switzerland
- COVID-19社交数据共享平台,用数据为疫情研究贡献力量
- COVID-19 Italia - Monitoraggio situazione
- A list of all the companies WFH or events changed because of covid-19
- Novel Coronavirus 2019 time series data on cases
- 5766个病例,韩疾控中心在Kaggle公开全国新冠病例数据集
- DS4C: Data Science for COVID-19 in South Korea
- 地学疫情|免费共享疫情数据库
- 全球新冠肺炎数据API
- 病毒数据全球共享又迈进一步:CNGBdb成GISAID的中国首个正式授权平台
- 「GIS数据」COVID-19全球疫情数据下载
- 全球COVID-19研究数据集正式开放,内含近3万篇论文和所需AI研究工具!
- COVID-19 开放研究数据集地址
- 「新冠」- 外国的省级历史数据来了
- 检索疫情数据的R包来了!
- R package: nCov2019, query stats of infected coronavirus cases
- An R Package to Explore the Novel Coronavirus
- Download ncove data with R automatically
- ncovr: Read and process nCoV data 新型冠状病毒数据获取和可视化
- 2019新型冠状病毒疫情实时爬虫及API | COVID-19/2019-nCoV Realtime Infection Crawler and API
- Epidemiological and demographic data of confirmed cases in the 2019-nCoV outbreak
- data2019ncov:武汉肺炎(2019-nCoV)数据的R语言接口
- 数据 | 新型肺炎3.19日全国汇总数据
- 狗熊会数据样例(3.19)
- COVID-19疫情历史数据的n种获取方法
- AkShare 事件数据
- Wind开放疫情数据!快用万矿来分析
- 2020新冠肺炎记忆:报道、非虚构与个人叙述(持续更新) Memory of 2020 nCoV: Media Coverage, Non-fiction Writings, and Individual Narratives (Continuously updating)
- "Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play." This is a repository that archives the individual stories during the COVID19 pandemic. 备份普通人在疫情期间的记录。(持续翻译 & 更新中)
- COVID19 case numbers Cantons of Switzerland and Principality of Liechtenstein (FL) - case numbers include persons tested in the respective area. The data is updated at best once a day (times of collection and update may vary)
- COVID-19 cases in Germany
- COVID-19 global data (from JHU CSSE for now) as-a-service
- COVID 19 Data from across the African Continent
- The repository contains an ongoing collection of tweets IDs associated with the novel coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), which commenced on January 28, 2020
- Coronavirus (covid19) Tweets: Tweets using hashtags associated with Coronavirus
- Baidu Mobility Data
- This public repository archives data over time from various public sources on the web: COVID-19/2019-nCoV
- COVID-Dialogue-Dataset is a Chinese medical dialogue dataset about COVID-19 and other types of pneumonia
- How Has Your State Reacted to Social Distancing
- COVID-19The Hardest Hit Companies of the COVID-19 Downturn: The ‘BEACH’ Stocks
- Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States
- COVID19 Api based on Johns Hopkins CSSE data
- Covidify - corona virus report and dataset generator for python
- Tracking the growth of COVID-19 Cases woldwide
- 数据 | 新冠肺炎国内各省份每日病例数据
- 美国国标疫情数据是怎么炼成的?专访约翰·霍普金斯团队
- Data for Mobility Changes in Response to COVID-19
- Track the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the command line. Worldwide for all countries, for one country, and the US States. Fast response time (< 100ms)
- Number of diagnoses with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the Netherlands
- Dataset: Number of diagnoses with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in The Netherlands
- RIVM reported numbers on the Coronavirus outbreak in The Netherlands
- COVID-19 Coronavirus Europe data
- COVID-19 infecties op de Nederlandse IC’s
- 国际资讯|为跟踪冠状病毒传播而收集定位信息所引发的数据隐私问题
- Data privacy worries as govts collect location data to track Coronavirus spread
- 新冠肺炎(COVID-19)开放数据源
- Data COVID-19 Argentina actualizada y en formato tabular CSV.
- A County-level Dataset for Informing the United States' Response to COVID-19
- County-level Socioeconomic Data for Predictive Modeling of Epidemiological Effects
- NYC Coronavirus (COVID-19) data
- COVID-19 UK Historical Data
- COVID-19 Policy Data
- 新冠研究数据哪里找?科研工作者必看(附链接)
- COVID-19 Global Public Health Intervention Database
- access to geographic locations of african health sites from different sources
- Coronavirus tracked: the latest figures as the pandemic spreads | Free to read
- The covid19italy R package provides a tidy format dataset of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) pandemic outbreak in Italy
- 欧盟EDPB组织即将发布新冠疫情数据监测与收集指南
- Covid-19 Twitter dataset for non-commercial research use and pre-processing scripts - under active development
- Epidemiological data from the COVID-19 outbreak, real-time case information
- 专访霍普金斯新冠追踪网站创始人:如何突破不可靠信源收集数据,服务超10亿日点击量
- ‘Every day is a new surprise.’ Inside the effort to produce the world’s most popular coronavirus tracker
- Assessing the risks of "infodemics" in response to COVID-19 epidemics
- Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Epidemic Datasets
- R package to obtain and analyze live data from the nCOVID19 coronavirus
- Extract COVID data from www.humanitarianresponse.info pdf
- Data for the 2019-nCoV outbreak
- Johns Hopkins data with ISO-3166 3 letter Country Code
- covid19-intervention-data
- 【数据】疫情将导致美国清洁能源领域失去15%的就业岗位
- Clean Energy Employment: Initial Impacts from COVID-19 Economic Crisis
- This script pull the data from JHU dashboard in real-time
- A simple and fast API for tracking the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Greece
- COVID data for countries and US states
- A Twitter Dataset of 150+ million tweets related to COVID-19 for open research
- 欧盟宣布建立COVID-19数据共享平台以对抗新冠病毒
- Latest COVID-19 Coronavirus data in javascript, now including country populations
- Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Epidemic Datasets
- Daily COVID-19 statistics by country, region, and city
- 我从新冠数据里学到的四个数据科学基础知识
- Cleaned COVID-19 Data from JHU CSSE (R-Friendly)
- nCoV-2019-Data
- Rapidly Bootstrapping a Question Answering Dataset for COVID-19
- NAIST COVID: Multilingual COVID-19 Twitter and Weibo Dataset
- A Multilingual COVID-19 Twitter and Weibo Dataset
- 独家 | 为你的数据科学项目提供有力支撑——3个寻找数据集的最佳网站
- 3 Best Sites to Find Datasets for your Data Science Projects
- 有史以来最直观!全球上百个新冠数据集各显神通,让你我都成为“半个流行病学家”
- 【数据】医疗产品出口:德国、美国领先,中国第7(但口罩第1)
- 国家地球系统科学数据中心发布新冠疫情专题分析报告100期
- R package for the COVID Tracking Project API providing US COVID-19 data
- Healthcare services in Europe from a number of official datasources
- 【数据】全球每年因污染致死高达900万人,是艾滋病、肺炎、疟疾死亡人数的3倍
- Pollution is a silent killer. Here’s how we can stop it
- COVID-19 Pandemic Data R Package
- Data on COVID-19 confirmed cases, deaths, and tests • All countries • Updated daily by Our World in Data
- 新增确诊新型冠状病毒肺炎统计数据(每日更新)
- 【存照】到目前全球有13个国家无疫情报告:10个是太平洋岛国!
- Which Countries Have Escaped The Coronavirus So Far?
- Compare Covid19 Data Sources
- Bing search dataset for Coronavirus Intent
- Pulls the covid-19 data from the New York Times Public Data Source
- A Tidy format for the COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE
- This R package provides access to a wide variety of data sources about Covid-19 in a standardized tidy data format
- 【数据】疫情之下中美贸易协议继续履行,目前两国之间关税到底有多高?
- The New Energy Era: The Impact of Critical Minerals on National Security
- COVID-19 District level data from Robert Koch Institute in Germany
- 良心|哈佛大学COVID19数据资源(包含百度迁徙数据)
- Interoperable secondary data for research on the new COVID-19 coronavirus sars-cov-2
- Bases de datos y gráficas con información del COVID19 en México
- COVID19 Projections for US States
- Mega-COV: A Billion-Scale Dataset of 65 Languages For COVID-19
- Combined Data Hub with Electricity Market and Coronavirus Case Data in U.S
- This package curate (downloads, clean, consolidate, smooth) data from Johns Hokpins for analysing international outbreak of COVID-19
- Source code and data for The Economist's covid-19 excess deaths tracker
- Tracking covid-19 excess deaths across countries
- Provides a home for the covid19R data, updated daily, as well as scripts for updating
- COVerAGE-DB: COVID-19 cases, deaths, and tests by age and sex
- public open-resource page for COVID19 data for Canada
- TREC-COVID results - this is a mirror of data on the TREC website in a more convenient format
- NYC coronavirus data tracked by THE CITY
- Tracking state test counts. Posting diff changes every ~30mins to #urlwatch in COVID-Tracking
- COVID-19 positive cases tracker for New York State
- COVID-19 case numbers in Germany by state, over time
- Data collection to analyze the dissemination of COVID-19 through Brazilian states. Contributions are welcome
- 【民调】公众场合戴口罩的意愿:中国意大利近90%、瑞典丹麦低于5%
- Personal measures taken to avoid COVID-19
- 【数据】从各国城市数据看,人类距离群体免疫还有多远?
- COVID-19 How Far Away Are We From Herd Immunity?
- Data analysis and visualizations of daily COVID cases report
- Worldometers daily data: Country level daily cases, deaths, recovered and testing counts
- A repo for sharing language resources related to the outbreak (in machine readable format)
- Extracting COVID-19 Events from Twitter
- This repo contains the annotated corpus and code for paper ``Extracting COVID-19 Events from Twitter"
- 2019年新型冠状病毒疫情数据 API
- 巴西政府大量删除疫情数据
- COVID Tracking Data (CSV)
- The Los Angeles Times' independent tally of coronavirus cases in California.
- 刚刚,美国确诊超200万!美国CDC、JHU在用的疫情数据库,来自这个武汉姑娘的华人团队
- COVID-19 India Datasets by DataMeet
- 新数据:中国抗击COVID-19科研进展视频报告(第1期): 流行病学
- Unified COVID-19 Dataset
- Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT)
- COVID-19 related virus data, environmental data and policy data
- 新数据:中国抗击COVID-19科研进展视频报告(第2期):疫苗研发
- 数据福利|有关COVID-19的全国新浪微博与全球Twitter数据集
- Continuously updated Sina Weibo Public Opinion Datasets / 持续维护的微博舆情数据集
- A Multilingual COVID-19 Twitter and Weibo Dataset
- 新数据:中国抗击COVID-19科研进展视频报告(第3期):病毒抗体
- COVID-19 derived and augmented datasets (based on JHU, NY Times, ECDC) exported as JSON, TSV, SQL, SQLite DB (plus visualizations)
- 疫情期间的空气污染NO2数据集(Sentinel-5P下载)
- 【数据】中国9041万检测震惊世界!荷兰新增确诊111人,3例死亡
- 新数据:中国抗击COVID-19科研进展视频报告(第4期):临床药物
- COVID19 epidemic french national data
- Data repository for covid19japan.com
- COVID-19 outbreak response, a dataset to assess mobility changes in Italy following national lockdown
- Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository and Dashboard for South Africa
- Epidemiological Data from the COVID-19 Outbreak in Canada
- Datos-COVID19
- 又来找茬!美司法部起诉两名“中国黑客”,妄称其“企图窃取新冠疫苗机密”数据
- Escovid19data: Capturando datos de COVID-19 por provincias en España
- API for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 and Influenza
- 清华大学 AMiner 团队发布 “新冠相关论文合作者网络”,强大数据集免费下载
- A volunteer-driven, crowd-sourced database for COVID-19 stats & patient tracing in India.
- 在 COVID-19 业务连续性计划中使用数据的四个步骤
- Confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19 in Brazil, at municipal (city) level.
- COVID-19 Coronavirus data scraped from government and curated data sources.
- 中国抗击COVID-19科研进展视频报告(第5期):中医药学
- The coronavirus package provides a tidy format dataset of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic. The raw data pulled from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE) Coronavirus repository
- 疫情数据分享:迁徙、建筑、地理、交通、列车飞机等丨城市数据派
- 【数据】疫情之下,各国客运航班和能耗下降了多少?
- COVID-19’s impact on commercial jet fuel demand has been significant and uneven
- 中国抗击COVID-19科研进展视频报告(第6期):人工智能应用
- Multiscale Dynamic Human Mobility Flow Dataset in the U.S. during the COVID-19 Epidemic
- Multiscale Dynamic Human Mobility Flow Data in the U.S. during the COVID-19 epidemic
- The COVID19 Mobility Task Force will use data from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to support data-poor countries with analytics on mobility to inform mitigation policies for preventing the spread of COVID-19
- Data in Brief | COVID-19 特辑
- Data in Brief | COVID-19 Data
- Excel可以有多坑?害英国漏报近1.6万新冠病例,专家表示高中生都知道更好的工具
- 中国抗击COVID-19科研进展视频报告(第6期):人工智能应用
- COVID-19 Open Data
- 百度地图迁徙大数据:喀什地区近九成人口流动来自新疆维吾尔自治区内
- Scraping and parsing the daily BAG-Excelsheet
- covid-mobility
- Multiscale dynamic human mobility flow dataset in the U.S. during the COVID-19 epidemic
- 新数据集:2020.1.19-2.22期间中国人口流动影响下的COVID-19时空格局与防控效果分析数据集
- Response2covid19, a dataset of governments’ responses to COVID-19 all around the world
- 新文速递| 新冠疫情病例时空快速响应数据集
- A spatiotemporal data collection of viral cases for COVID-19 rapid response
- COVID-19 Forecast Hub
- Excel不是万能的!新冠疫情教我们的数据课
- nCov2019: An R package with real-time data, historical data and Shiny app for exploring COVID-19 statistics
- COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak
- Unified COVID-19 Dataset
- The characteristics of multi-source mobility datasets and how they reveal the luxury nature of social distancing in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Automated Data Collection: COVID-19/SARS-COV-2 Cases in EU by Country, State/Province/Local Authorities, and Date
- COVID-19 in Europe: Dataset at a sub-national level
- 数据分享|中国各省市新冠疫情数据 & 世界各国新冠疫情数据
- 🇵🇹 Dados relativos à pandemia COVID-19 em Portugal
- 会员专享|中国各省市 & 世界各国新冠疫情数据(更新至 3 月 28 日)
- Covinet数据库
- 更新!整理的超级细致、超级好的的新冠疫情数据来啦!
- Subnational data for the COVID-19 outbreak
- Mobile phone-based population flow data for the COVID-19 outbreak in Mainland China
- 【数据】2020年:美国新冠疫情总共造成550万年的生命损失,超过所有事故的总和!
- Americans lost more years of life to COVID-19 in 2020 than to all accidents combined in a typical year
- RStata 免费分享|中国各省市新冠疫情数据 & 世界各国新冠疫情数据
- 【数据】疫情之下,2020年可再生能源成本继续下降!
- Infographic: Low Renewable Costs Allow To Power Past Coal
- 【数据】《经济学人》编制工作生活“正常指数”:全球已经恢复到疫情前的66%
- tracking the return to normalcy after covid-19
- Global COVID-19 Data
- 【数据】疫情下线上购物大增,亚马逊公司碳排放反弹19%
- Further and Faster, Together
- 新冠疫情快速响应:数据、工具与应用
- 中国各省市新冠疫情数据 & 世界各国新冠疫情数据(更新至 8 月 11 日)
- 文章发表:nCov2019 -- PeerJ
- nCov2019: an R package for studying the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic
- 爱享数据 | COVID-19特辑重磅上新,百篇文章免费获取!
- korea-covid-19-remaining-vaccine-macro
- 陶生策/范雄林/汪峰等合作构建一站式COVID-19特异性体液免疫数据库
- Impact of data accuracy on the evaluation of COVID-19 mitigation policies
- 全新数据集和Benchmark来了!从大规模异构图、人名消歧到新冠图谱
- 中国各省市新冠疫情数据 & 世界各国各地区新冠疫情数据(更新至 2022 年 1 月 20 日)